How to Apply for Extension of Grid Connected Power (Electricity) Distribution License or Permit in Nigeria

Apply for Extension of Grid Connected Power (Electricity) Distribution License or Permit in Nigeria by yourself

  • In order to apply to apply for Extension of Grid Connected Power (Electricity) Distribution License or Permit to a person who is interested, applicants must go to the office of the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission.
  • The contact information and address for the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission can be found by clicking the link below. contact information
  • Visit the office to obtain an application for an Extension of Tenure of License from the department responsible. You can click here to download an the application form.
  • Complete the application forms using the correct information in the relevant sections.
  • Make sure to tick the “Grid-Connected” option in the “Distribution” section 2.0 because the application is intended for extension of Grid Connected Power (Electricity) DistributionLicense or Permit.
  • Sign it when you’ve completed the form. Make sure you attach all of the documents listed under the “Required Documents” section of this page.
  • Then, you can submit your application in person at the appropriate office.
  • After the submission of the application, it will be accompanied by additional documents can be transmitted to the examiner and verification process.
  • After the verification and verification process is completed the application will be accepted and officials will take the necessary actions to grant the permit.
  • If the license document is ready to be collected an applicant is informed by the office. The applicant will be able to collect it using any method that is appropriate.
  • Pay a non-refundable cost for the application’s processing as instructed by the officers.
  • When the Commission receives the Application The Commission must notify the date of receipt and will issue an acknowledgement of the date of receipt to the applicant.
  • After reviewing the application, the Commission could require the applicant to provide the additional details within a specified duration of time.
  • If the applicant has followed the instructions of all the rules of Commission in this instance and the Commission approves, it will pass an Resolution that the application was properly submitted.
  • Within 30 days, the Commission will inform the applicant in writing that the application was submitted in good faith and ask that the applicant release the Public Notification of Statutory Authority.
  • The Applicant must arrange for the announcement of the application at the expense of himself, in the manner and form prescribed by the Commission in at minimum two daily papers.
  • The commission will consider any objections raised and hearings deemed to be over.The results of the inquiry or hearing will be written down in the form of a written report.
  • After a thorough review of the application and investigation in the event of there is any after due consideration, the Commission will decide whether or not to issue the license.
  • In the event that the Commission has approved a license, then the Commission will inform the applicant in writing of its approval as well as the conditions to be fulfilled and the fees that must be paid prior to the granting to the applicant.
  • If the Commission will decide to deny the granting of an application, it must notify the applicant in writing of the reason for its decision giving the reasons behind the decision.

Required Documents for Extension of Grid Connected Power

  • Registration Certificate
  • Certificate of incorporation
  • A Trust Deed and Partnership
  • The identity document of the applicant
  • Audited Financial Statements, as well as accounts for the last three fiscal years (Certified)
  • Certificate of Tax Clearance in the last three years
  • Environmental Impact Assessment Report and approval
  • Relevant agreement documents
  • Occupancy certificate for Project site
  • Permits or consents for projects from the respective authorities and agencies
  • Compact Disc with an electronic copy of the application form

For further clarifications regarding requirements, please refer to the below document necessary documents list

Office Locations and Contacts

Head Office Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission,
Plot 1387,
Cadastral Zone A00,
Central Business District,
Abuja, F.C.T, Nigeria
Tel: +234-09-462-1400, 09-462-1410.
Homepage homepage
Contact contact information and link

What are all the Eligibility

  • Any structure or organization located within Nigeria which has an authorization to operate Grid Connected Power (Electricity) Distribution within the Republic and is eligible to have its license extended.
  • Extension of license duration must be requested within the initial five (5) years of the initial period that the license was granted.


Fees for the extension of tenure for a Grid Connected Power Distribution license is N500,000.00


Grid Connected Grid Connected Power (Electricity) Distribution License or Permit Valid for 10 Years.

Documents to Utilize

Application form Link

Processing Time

The Commission will examine the request and make a decision on whether to either grant or not extend a tenure extension in the space of 3 (3) months from the submission of a completed request to the Commission.


  • The application must be made with three (3) papers and an electronic version of the application in Microsoft Office software format contained on the form of a CD-Rom.
  • Remember to send two hard copies along with an electronic copy of any supporting documents.
  • Each application must be submitted with all the details specified on the application form in relation to the particular license that is being sought.
  • Check out section 15 of the following document for additional information and directions the regulations

The Information You Need

  • Names as well as the physical and postal address of the Applicant
  • Contact details
  • Name and other information of the Business Proposed
  • Contact details for the person who is responsible
  • Names of shareholders as well as other information
  • Director’s List and Particulars
  • Current license details (if any)
  • Details of the Affiliated Ownership
  • Financial details
  • Banking and Finance References specifics
  • Proposed project description

The document is needed

Any Grid-Connected Power Distribution company must submit an application with the Department of Energy and receive approval before it can extend its license to continue the distribution of power for a period longer duration than the originally-issued license’s time-of-validity.

Information that can be useful

  • The Applicant who has been refused a license is entitled to submit a proper representation before Commission within twenty-one (21) days of receiving the notification from Commission in the twenty-one (21) days from receiving the notice of the Commission of the rejection of the license.
  • The Commission will review the claim made by the applicant and If the representation fails or no representation was made, inform the applicant in writing that their application for a license was denied.
  • The reasons behind refusing the license should be clearly written in the written response of Commission to the applicant. Commission to the applicant.



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