How to Apply for License to Operate a Waste Disposal Site or Treatment Plant In Uganda

Apply for License to Operate a Waste Disposal Site or Treatment Plant In Uganda By Online

  1. The Technical Committee shall issue to the applicant a license to operate or own an industrial waste treatment plant or waste disposal facility if
    • Written approval has been received by the disposal company through the local environment committee as well as the district environmental committee under whose jurisdiction the disposal plant or site is located.
    • If it is determined that the Technical Committee is satisfied that the applicant has the capacity and facilities necessary to oversee the plant or site without causing harm to the public health or the environment, while taking into account the results from the impact analysis completed by the owner or operator and
    • The Technical committee permits the applicant to make a public announcement in the Ugandan government Gazette and in any local newspapers with a regular circulation within Uganda in the manner that the Authority decides, on an proposed disposal plant or disposal sitefor a period of sixty days prior to the issue of the license.
  2. The license to operate or own the waste disposal site or plant is required to be on Form VI and supported by the fee as per the regulations.
  3. Anyone who is licensed to operate or manage a waste treatment facility or disposal site is required to make sure that –
    • A waste disposal plant also known as a site for disposal is at least one thousand meters away from a commercial or residential area , and from water sources.
    • the facility for waste treatment or the disposal site is secure and safe from scavengers.
    • the disposal or treatment site is marked with safety and danger signage at the right places that indicate the treatment facility or disposal site as well as the type of work that it performs.
    • the disposal or treatment of waste site is managed in a way that
    • is not averse to polluting underground and surface water sources;
    • It prevents the release of noxious smells from the facility or site at levels higher than the standard set out in article 28 under the Statute;
    This prevents the reproduction of mosquitoes, rats, or other vermin on the plant or site;
    • all waste that is deemed not to be hazardous according to these regulations in the disposal or treatment plant will be compacted into a size of 3 meters at most for every waste layer and every layer of waste must be covered by thirty centimetres worth of soil
    • The disposal of hazardous waste takes place or treated according to conditions set out in the license or in conformity with the guidelines that are issued from authorities such as the Authority in consultation with the leading agency.
    • Ventilation is provided at the disposal plant or site to let the bio-gas emitted by the plant or site and to ensure that any smell emanating from the disposal site or plant is controlled.
    • The employees at the site of the waste treatment plant or sites for disposal are equipped with the following –
    • appropriate protective and safety clothes;
    • sufficient water, and the appropriate equipment or facilities to support the operation of the plant or site for disposal;
    • First aid facilities and training;
    • The employees at the plant for waste treatment or the disposal site must undergo a yearly health check-up;
    • Human waste, also known as sewage, is treated in a waste treatment plant or at a disposal site prior to disposal.
    • measures to prevent and control the scattering of paper and other lighter waste materials are implemented in the garbage treatment plant or at the disposal site.
  4. The Technical Committee may impose conditions on the licences to operate an awaste treatment or disposal facilities according to the requirements it considers essential.
  5. A license to operate or manage a waste treatment facility or disposal site is valid for a year, and can be renewed with the exception that the Technical Committee may limit the time period for which the license is valid for the duration of less than one year and not more than 6 months.
  6. The Authority can, when it believes it is appropriate, issue a permit to an applicant pursuant to regulation 7 to allow for temporarily storage of waste in the interim until final disposal of the waste. the temporary storage must be in compliance with the requirements for the disposal of this kind of waste, as stipulated by the Regulations

Required Documents For Apply for License to Operate a Waste Disposal Site or Treatment Plant

  • Attach the receipt of application fee or bank slip
  • Certificate of registration
  • PIN number and include the PIN certificate
  • Survey of Uganda grid reference A4 Site plan
  • Approval by town/country authority for planning
  • Summary of executive summary for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
  • A copy of the EIA licence/copy NEMA EA acknowledgement letter
  • Formulary to obtain a stamps from the company
  • Proposed methods for nuisance control
  • The evidence of proposed controls for managing emissions
  • Specific measures to stop the spread of fire
  • Emergency procedures and accidents include first aid training, indications
  • Equipment to be installed on site and their maintenance schedule
  • Environmental maintenance plan

Office Locations and Contacts

The National Environment Management AuthorityPlot 17/19/21 Jinja Road, NEMA House
P.O Box 22255, Kampala Uganda
Phone : 0414 425 068
Alternate phone number 0414 257 521
Toll Free : 0800 444
Website: National Environmental Management Authority


  • Any person who owns , or runs a waste treatment site or plant or generates hazardous waste


  • Application Fees for $50,000 Ugx
  • License Fee 300,000 Ugx


  • 12 months

Documents to Utilize

Processing Time

  • Maximum Processing Time: 60 days


A waste treatment facility or disposal site cannot be granted a licence without an environmental impact assessment was conducted according to sections 19, 20, and 21 in the Act. Anyone who

  • (a) manages or owns the site of disposal without a permit;
  • (b) releases waste to an unlicensed site or plant isn’t licensed, is inflicting an offense
  • A person who manages the waste treatment facility or disposal facility must perform each year an environmental audit to assess the sustainability of the facility or site and provide a report to the Authority.
  • Anyone who plans to manage a wastes treatment facility or plant, or generate hazardous waste, should prior to transporting wastes, starting operating a treatment plant or plant, or the production of hazardous wastes, as the situation is, submit a written application for approval from authorities in writing. Authority in writing to obtain an appropriate license.
  • The licence to run a waste disposal site or plant can only be granted after the payment of the required cost and any other license required by the appropriate Local Authority.

Requirements Information

  • The name and address for the the applicant
  • PIN Number
  • The location and the district of the site or plant
  • Appropriation of Town/Country Planning Authority
  • Sorts of waste that must be removed from the plant or site
  • Quantity of waste being removed/per year (tonnes/kg)
  • The kind of facility or treatment to be conducted at the site or plant
  • Estimated lifespan of site or plant
  • Proposed area of hectarage/area of the plant or site (including plans or designs)
  • Executive summary of the environmental impact statement
  • Previous License Number
  • E.I.A. License Number
  • Other details
  • Date
  • Signature
  • Designation/Title

The Document is required

  • Anyone who operates a treatment plant or site should adhere to the relevant regulations on waste treatment in the Local Government Act and Regulations to ensure that the trash does not pose an significant and imminent danger to the health of the population as well as the environment or natural resources. It should be issued with a Waste Treatment License.
  • The owner or the operator of any industrial or commercial enterprise should dispose of or discharge any kind of waste to the environment, unless it is treated in an appropriate treatment facility and in the manner specified by the Authority in concert with the responsible leading agency.

Information that could be helpful

  • Anyone who operates the disposal facility or site must follow the relevant regulations on the treatment of waste under the Local Government Act and Regulations under it to ensure that the trash does not pose any significant and imminent danger to health or safety of the public, natural resources and the environment.
  • A license to run a waste disposal site or plant will be valid for one year starting from the date of issue. It is able to be renewed for another similar time period, subject to such terms and conditions that the Authority might deem essential or necessary for the purposes of ensuring the health of the public and ensuring an environmentally sound management.
  • If a disposer plans to get rid of or process waste, the person who disposes of it must be able to, in addition to other requirements, specify when submitting an application for a license, the disposal activities he will carry out according to the categories specified within the regulation.

Other uses for the document/certificate

The intent behind it is control waste treatment facilities

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