How to Apply for Mining Retention License In Uganda

Apply for Mining Retention License In Uganda By Yourself

  1. The applicant should go to at the Department of Mines offices Energy Atomic Council to discuss the matter and submit the application to the Commissioner on the form that is prescribed.
  2. The application form (Form III) is available from the offices above Fill in the form, attach all the necessary information. Submit them to be processed and verified
  3. If the application is made by a consultant an official letter from the applicant authorizing an expert to file applications on their behalf, along with the applicant’s postal address, phone and numbers for fax.
  4. The Commissioner gives an Retention License according to Section 36(1). In the Mining Regulations, 2004, Regulation 19(4) the granting of a license for retention must be granted on the form XX as specified in the Regulations.
  5. If an approved officer finds you have met conditions for the registration of the license, they will issue the license following payment of the fee.
  6. The term “retention license” in Section 37 is defined as of the Retention License cannot exceed three years. The renewals must not exceed 2 years in a single time

Required Documents For Apply for Mining Retention License

  • Completely filled out application form
  • An official copy of the company Registration certificate, or Certificate of Incorporation
  • Letter of appointment from the candidate (consultant)
  • Prospecting report that has been approved in the Department of Geological Surveys or an original prospecting waiver.
  • Surveyed coordinates along with sketch plan and area to be used for.
  • Certificate of archaeological clearance issued by Department of National Museum,Monuments and Art Gallery.
  • Removal from Department of Wildlife and National Parks in the event that the area is located within the national game reserve or park
  • The detailed Feasibility Report contains
  • Information about mineral deposits that includes every mineral resource as well as reserves(measured by indicate, inferred, and confirmed) as well as mining and operating conditions.
  • Technical report on treatment and mining options and the applicant’s intent in connection with it
  • The proposed mining program includes estimated dates when the applicant plans to earn a profit, the initial position(s) of the quarry(ies)with coordinates of the surface rights, estimated recovery rates, nature of the mineral product, and potential sales arrangements for the mineral product(s)
  • Environmental Impact Assessment study and Environmental Management Programme
  • Forecast of cash flow, capital investment and the details of the anticipated financial plan
  • Outline of the proposed level of employment as well as a training plan.
  • Outline of sources proposed for goods and services.
  • Details of expected infrastructure,e.g.access road,electricity and water supply

Office Locations and Contacts

Atomic Energy Council:

  • Plot 40, Bukoto Street,
  • P.O.Box 7044,Kampala-Uganda.
  • Phone:+256-414-696-333/5(toll free)
  • Website:


  • Mining companies.


  • 5 000 Ugsh per square km or a portion thereof in the initial year, increasing each year by 5000Ugshs per square kilometer for the subsequent years.


  • Valid for 3 years.

Processing Time

  • Maximum processing period is for 5 days.


  • Anyone who wants to be involved in mining retention businesses must sign up with the Atomic Energy Council. They must also be familiar with the regulations regarding the retention of mining in Uganda.

Requirements Information

  • Applicant particulars
  • Consultant particulars
  • Mining company particulars
  • Mining site detail (size, location)
  • The mineral which is planned to be extracted

The Document is required

  • A retention license is a document which is issued after evidence that the minerals deposit can’t be mined on an income-generating basis prior to the date of the application.
  • The certificate is granted when the person applying is looking to exploit the mineral that was discovered in the prospecting licence period however, in the current situation can’t be economically mined.

Information that can be useful

  • In Section 39(1) in the Act gives those who are Restention License holder the possibility of applying for an Mining Lease in the area that is related to that license.
  • Section 40 gives the Commissioner the power to make the Retention License holder to apply for Mining Lease Mining Lease by giving him or her notice. The Commissioner may can also remove the Retention License thereafter.

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