How to Apply for Original Land Title In Mozambique

Apply for Original Land Title In Mozambique By Online

1.You should begin by identifying a specific piece of land that the owner would like to transfer ownership.

2.After you have identified the land then, obtain the certificate called registro matrixial for the land which outlines the value of the property at the Tax Authority or Repartio das Finanas.

3.In the process of obtaining the aboveinformation, you must also be processing an Real Estate Registry certificate at the Conservatria do Registo Predial. This certificate can help you identify the owner of the specific land parcel because it lists all people who own the land / beneficiary of the benefit and use right;

4.Thereafter start writing an agreement for transfer. It can be an Sales / Purchase Agreement, Grants Agreement, Lease Agreement or any other agreement related to it at this point, and it is advised to consult a lawyer for the drafting of the agreement. Once the agreement is completed, you and the landowner are required to sign the agreement in front of the lawyer.

5.After having signed the contract, you must proceed and pay the transfer tax, also known in the form of SISA in the Municipal Tax Office. Once the tax is paid the tax receipt is issued. SIS tax receipt will be issued to prove payment.

6.Then you can present the transfer agreement you have drafted at The Public Notary for verification. At this point you must submit the SISA receipt and your Real Estate Registry certificate and the other documents required and include them in an agreement for transfer. After the documents are accepted from the Public Notary they will be scrutinized, evaluated and verified. Upon confirmation, the notary issues the notarial certificate of transfer

7.After getting the notarial title the next step is to apply for land registration in the Real Estate Registry Office. This is done by sending an application for registration of a new ownership of the property in question, and a request for a registration certificate for the same property along with the required or necessary documentation to the Real Estate Register.

8.Upon being registered with The Real Estate Registry, you must also make the land register in the Municipal Tax Office. In this scenario the above-mentioned certificate is sent along with a an application for registration in the name of the owner who is changing names in the Municipal Tax Office where the property is located. Once the application has been received the application is scrutinized and if it is approved the registration certificate is issued.

9.In the course in the preceding steps it is important to be sure that the new ownership has been registered at the Cadastre Services Registry. In this instance, the previous owner has to provide a the certificate of registration along with request to transfer the land in his own name into the name of the new owners. If the application is accepted and the new owner’s name is registered, it is recorded on the title document.

Required Documents For Apply for Original Land Title

1.Registro matricial

2.Real Estate Registry certificate

3.A duplicate of your current estate registration

4.An existing title deed for land

5.Tax clearance certificate

6.A SISA tax receipt

7.Registry documents of the original owner and the new owner

8.Identification documents of the owner and the new owner or their representative

9.Power of attorney (where the person authorized to represent either of the parties)

10.Notarial document of transfer

Office Locations and Contacts

Mozambique Revenue Authority

Press Street, Building 33 Floors 5th Floor

Maputo Mozambique

Telephone No. : +258 21 30 74 32

Fax: +258 21 31 14 82


National Directorate of Land and Forests (DNTF) is part of the Ministry of Agriculture

Praa dos Heris,


Telephone Number. : (21) 460-011/6

Fax: (21) 460-055



The owners of property or land are the only ones who is able to apply for the original title to land. Ownership can be obtained from:

i)Inheritance In this instance you will inherit the hand of the original owner.

ii)state grant: In this instance, upon the fulfillment of all requirements and the submission of an request, the state will grant an ownership grant your property for a specified amount of time.

iii)Occupation where you acquire the right to own property from living on the land according to standard practices or have the right to ownership through the good faith occupation of the land for a period of 10 (10) year;

iv)Purchase in this instance you buy land ownership from the land’s original owner

v)Lease in this instance you lease land for a specified period of time.


  1. Obtaining a Registro matricial MZN 100
  2. In order to obtain an real estate Registry certificate for the home MZN75
  3. Writing Transfer Agreements Transfer Agreement fees vary basing on the lawyer. It ranges from MZN 12,000 to MZN 30,800.
  4. Transfer tax for SISAs of 2percent of the value of the property
  5. Municipal charges (adicional Autarquico) 20 percent of transfer tax
  6. In order to obtain a Notarial Deed of transfer
  7. Stamp duty 0.2 percent of the value
  8. Notarial costs 0.4 percent of the value of the property up to the initial MZN 5 million
  9. Notarial costs 0.01 percent of the value of the property for any excess of 5 million MZN.
Registering at the Real Estate Registry
  1. Fees for registration 0.4 percent of the value up to the initial MZN 5 million
  2. Fees for registration 0.01 percent of the value of the property for any over MZN 5 million.
  3. In the Tax Administration of the Municipality, you can register for MZN150.
  4. The registration process is at Cadastre Registration of Services MZN150


1.Real estate Registry certification of property for 90 calendar days prior to the date of purchase.

2.As long as the ownership of the land is not transferred

Processing Time

1.Obtaining a Registro matricial seven (7) days

2.Obtaining 3. Obtaining a Real Estate Registry certificate of the property within three (3) days before the closing date.

3.Drafting an Transfer Agreement ten (10) days

4.Clearing taxes for seven (7) days

5.Obtaining an Notarial deed to purchase of two (2) days prior to the purchase date.

6.Registration with the Real Estate Registry five (5) days

7.Registration with the Municipal Tax Office and Cadastre Services Registry seven (7) days


1.Applicants need to prove ownership of the land;

2.In order to have access to obtain a title original to land it is necessary to possess the the property or possess the authority to use it.

3.Applicants should be aware that an official title to land is issued after the registration of property with the land registry.

4.Ownership rights can be mortgaged or sold;

5.Foreign individuals and entities that have local homes may be able to acquire the right to own land;

6.Land ownership could be an jointly or individually owned;

7.Applicants should connect with lawyers to help in the drafting of transfer agreements.

8.Both parties have to be able to sign the transfer contract in the presence of a person who is legally who can be contacted.

9.An applicant has to ensure that the property to be registered is declared for real property tax at the municipal or national scale;

10.Also make sure that all taxes that pertain with the property have been paid;

11.Applicants must get land from a person who is registered at the tax office

12.The applicant must be registered at the tax office

The Information You Need

1.Name as well as address the original owner

2.Name and postal address provided by the applicant

3.Nationality of the applicant

4.Description of the land (location, block number and plot)

5.The DCU reference number (where the original owner does not have an exact duplicate of the current registration of the property)

Documentation is needed

A title to land is issued to verify the ownership of the land. In Mozambique there is a National Directorate of Land and Forests (DNTF) under the Ministry of Agriculture has the overall responsibility for managing land and cadastre, which is why it regulates the issuance of land titles.

Other uses for the Document/Certificate

1.Obtaining an official title to land means the right to own the land is secured;

2.It can also help to notify the public of new ownership for the property

3.A title to land may be used to settle disputes that could arise in relation to a specific parcel of land.

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