How to Apply for Phytosanitary Certificate In Mozambique

Apply for Phytosanitary Certificate In Mozambique By Online

  1. To apply for an application for a Phytosanitary Certificate The applicant should go to an official from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Safety and Food Safety Department of Plant Health. Contact information can be found below in the “office places and contact details” section.
  2. It is necessary to complete an Application form with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Safety Department of Plant Health. Department of Plant Health.
  3. The application form is available by clicking the link below: Link
  4. Complete the online application and fill in your information.
  5. Be sure to are armed with all the documents required which are listed under”The “Required Document” section of this page.
  6. The applicant must submit the application form that has been filled in and supporting documents to Ministry of Agriculture and Food Safety Department of Plant Health and the Ministry of Agriculture. Department of Plant Health
  7. After your application has been registered and completed after which once your application is processed, the Department of Plant Health will arrange an inspection.
  8. The inspector inspects the cargo intended to be shipped out.
  9. If the inspection produces satisfactory results The inspector will issue an Phytosanitary Certificate.

Application Online

  1. To apply for an Phytosanitary Certificate on the internet, the applicant should contact to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Safety Department of Plant. Department of Plant.
  2. You must complete an application form with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Safety Department of Plant Health. Department of Plant Health.
  3. The application form is available at the following link: Link
  4. Fill out the form to download and then fill in your personal details.
  5. Be sure to have all the necessary documents that are listed in”Required Documents” in the “Required Document” section on this page.
  6. The applicant should send the completed application form along with the required documents to Ministry of Agriculture and Food Safety The applicant must email the completed application form and documents to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Safety Department of Plant Health
  7. After your application has been registered and approved Once your application is processed and registered, after that, Department of Plant Health will arrange an inspection.
  8. The inspector examines the shipment intended to be shipped out.
  9. When the inspection has produced satisfactory results The inspector will issue an Certificate of Phytosanitary Certificate

Required Documents For Apply for Phytosanitary Certificate

  • Application form
  • Commercial invoice
  • Import permit

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Agriculture, Procurement Department, Ministry Building Block C,
1st FloorPraca dos Herois Mocambique,
City of Maputo
Mobile: +258 82 3026438
Maputo – Mozambique
Submission by email can be sent to or


  • Registered exporter


You can contact the officer in charge.


14 days

Processing Time

Two days

Requirements Information

  • The type of application
  • Codes
  • Type of package
  • Production area
  • Country of origin
  • Address
  • Points of entry and exit
  • Batch number

The document is needed

The Phytosanitary Certificate can be used to verify that the consignments are Phytosanitary and meet requirements for import.

External Links




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