How to Apply for Orphan Benefit under National Insurance Scheme In Jamaica

Apply for Orphan Benefit under National Insurance Scheme In Jamaica By Yourself

  1. To apply to be eligible for Orphan benefits in the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) You must send your applications to NIS office of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MLSS). Please review the NIS contact details under the “Offices and Contact” section below.
  2. Request the application form from the NIS office in person, or download the application form via the MLSS website at the following link: Link (choose “Orphan’s Benefit” and download the application form)
  3. Take note of the directions and fill out the application properly. Please note that in the event of a child living in the home of an individual and his spouse the application should be completed by the wife.
  4. Make the necessary supporting documents and include them on the application form.
  5. Once the application form along with all documents supporting it are. filled out, signed, stamped and dated where necessary visit the NIS office and hand in the form to the NIS official at the service desk.
  6. The NIS will review the application and determine whether the application meets the standards required for receiving the benefits of an orphan
  7. After everything is evaluated and the application approved and approved, NIS will transfer the benefits to the bank information you supplied in your application. Likewise, should you be in another country, your benefits will be sent to you.


  • It is recommended to follow the guidelines set out in “Witness Certification as well as Signature” (Section B) and then have the completed form authenticated and signed by a justice or justice of the peace, or notary public. If authenticated through a Notary Public located outside of Jamaica the appropriate Certificate of Commission is to be obtained from the County Clerk’s Office and attached to the application form.

Documents that are required for Apply for Orphan Benefit under National Insurance Scheme

  • The proof of age of the applicant (Birth certificate or passport)
  • Taxpayer Registration Number (TRN)
  • Current Identification of the applicant (Passport or Driver’s Licence or Identification card, or electronic Identification)
  • The proof of age of the Child If required.
  • Certificate of Adoption If applicable, Certificate of Adoption
  • Marriage Certificate If applicable, Marriage Certificate
  • Funeral Certificate(s) for Parent(s) or spouse
  • Complete the application form

Office Locations and Contacts

National Insurance Scheme
Address 14. National Heroes Circle
Kingston 4 Jamaica
Tel: 876-922-8000 0r 888-991-2089
Website: link
Contact details and office hours: Link

National Insurance Fund
Address: 40 Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston 5, Jamaica, West Indies
Tel: (876) 908-0025
Tel: (876) 908-0019 -21
Fax: (876) 908-0028


  • The guardianship of children or children younger than 18 years old who were parents married or had a common-law partnership, and is currently deceased, is eligible for the Orphan benefits.


  • The application is completely free.


  • The duration of time the benefits are payable will depend on the amount of contributions towards the NIS by the parent or parents who died of the orphan, as well as an age limit for the child, as the benefits are available to children younger than 18 years old.

Documents to Utilize

  • Application form: Link


  • The benefits are granted in accordance with the contributions made by one parent, and it is those contributions that are used to determine the eligibility in this type of benefit.

The Information You Need

  • Applicant information
  • Child details
  • Information about the mother of the child
  • Information about the father of the child
  • Information on employment
  • Declaration
  • Witness information

The Document is required

  • The benefits are available to children or children younger than the age of 18 from parents who died and were married or had a common-law relationship. However these benefits are only payable directly to guardianship of an orphan

External Links



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