How To Apply for Permanent Electronic Residence Card In Georgia

How To Apply for Permanent Electronic Residence Card In Georgia

The application for a Permanent Electronic Identity (ID) Card is made by visiting any location of Public Services Hall and at the territorial office of the Public Service Development Agency. Below are the locations of offices and other details that may be utilized.

Below are the locations where applications can be submitted: The following link gives contact information for Public Relations Offices as well as related Territorial Offices office contact information
Office Locations on Map of Public Service Hall : Office Locations

Documents Required Permanent Electronic Residence Card

  • Passport/Travel Document.
  • Residence Permit.
  • Biometric photograph.
  • Service fee payment confirmation document.

If registration of a person’s address to the address specified by the location of his/her residence is sought, the person who is interested must also submit any of these documents:

  • Consent is signed by an apartment owner.
  • Document proving ownership.
  • Two competent individuals who are of legal age to prove that the holder of the document has resided at the specified address within the past month. The confirmation has to be made before an official who is authorized to accept an application.

A person who is interested must provide the following documents in order in order to get an Electronic Permanent Residence Card for minors:

  • Birth certificate .

Office Locations and Contacts

The following link gives contact information of Public Relations Offices as well as associated Territorial Offices: The Office Contact Number
Office Locations on Map of Public Service Hall : Office Locations

How To Apply for Permanent Electronic Residence Card In Georgia
How To Apply for Permanent Electronic Residence Card In Georgia

What Are All The Eligibility


  • Electronic Residence Card will be issued to a stateless person who has a residence card with the ability to have permanent residency within Georgia regardless of the age.
  • The person interested in applying must get an Electronic Permanent Residence Card within one month of the date of the residence permit or Status establishment located in Georgia.

The following people can apply for an Electronic Permanent Residence Card:

  • A person who is able and of legal age, physically.
  • Minors who have reached the age of 14.
  • Legal representative (parent or guardian) of minors (under 18 years old) with the exception of a person who is between the ages of 16 and age 18 who has a registered marriage.
  • A guardian for an Ward.


Conditions of Service and Service cost applicable to Electronic Permanent Residence Card :
On the 10th day of business on the 10th day of business. Fee $30 GEL.
The 5th business day 5th business day Fee 40 GEL
The 3rd business day Service Cost 50 GEL
On the 2nd Business Day Service Fee 60 GEL
The very same Service Fee 65 GEL.


The Electronic Permanent Residence Card will be given to a person who is interested for a period five (five) five years.


  • In the event of the need for a source document or replacement, if the registration of the address has to be completed, a interested person should apply to the an appropriate regional office at Public Service Hall or Public Services Development Agency in line with their residence.

If a document needs to be replaced, and there is no registration at that location is needed, any interested person may make an application to any branch or branch of Public Service Hall or Public Services Development Agency.

The Document is required Permanent Electronic Residence Card

This process provides you with the information needed to apply for a permanent Electronic Residence Card in Georgia.Electronic Permanent Residence Card is a proof of identity document, which proves identity, citizenship and the place of residence in the state of Georgia for a non-resident foreigner in Georgia.

The Electronic Permanent Residence Card is issued to:

  • A person who is stateless and has this condition in Georgia.
  • A foreigner is granted an residence permit that grants permanent residency right here in Georgia.

Information that could be helpful

The Electronic Permanent Residence Card may be subject for replacement within the following situations:

  • If the validity of the document expires.
  • In the event that surname or name change.
  • In the event of a known error of the records.
  • If it is not usable (damage wears out, damage) or is lost

A current Electronic Permanent Residence Card shall be given to:

  • A person who is of legal age, a holder of the residence card;
  • Minor owner of a residence card who was 14 years old at the time of age.
  • Legal representative of minors (under 18 years old) is not permitted, except for persons who are between 16 to the age of 18 who is married and registered.
  • A guardian for an child.

Notice: Interested applicants when applying for Electronic Residence Card, may be able to request acceptance of the document through mail to the address provided by him.



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