How to Apply for Permit to Import Fresh Plant Produce (Fruits and Vegetables) In Bermuda

Apply for Permit to Import Fresh Plant Produce (Fruits and Vegetables) In Bermuda By Online

  1. Make sure you know the category of item you are planning to import prior to placing an order for purchase. The this list contains high risk items and zones that are banned from being imported or allowed to be imported in certain circumstances.
    • High risk produce: High Risk Produce
    • High risk zones: High Risk Areas
    • How to Apply for Permit to Import Fresh Plant Produce (Fruits and Vegetables) In Bermuda
      How to Apply for Permit to Import Fresh Plant Produce (Fruits and Vegetables) In Bermuda
  2. Make contact with for the Plant Laboratory Protection Lab (PPL) to verify the plant products you would like to import, as well as the entry requirements of the product.
  3. If you are sure that the product meets specifications for entry, you need to obtain and fill out the Application for Permit To Import Fresh Plants (Fruits and vegetables) or apply in the link below “documents for use” section below.
  4. Complete the application with precise information and attach the necessary documents in order to avoid inconvenience.
  5. Make the payment according to the genera of your plan to submit the application by cash or in person at the Licensing Clerks at the front desk. A payment receipt will be sent to you via email.
  6. Send the application in its entirety for verification to Plant Protection Laboratory including the evidence of payment inperson to the address listed in the “offices and places “section below , or by mail: or by fa 232-4866
  7. The Plant Protection Laboratory will assess the application to verify that all documents have been submitted and, if they are satisfied with the assessment they will take the necessary steps to issue the import permit.
  8. Get your produce processed and processed in the source country. ask them to add the treatment certificate and phytosanitary certificates on the shipping invoice.
  9. After the shipment has been delivered at Bermuda and upon arrival, you can apply for release of the goods by H.M Custom. H.M Custom, by obtaining and filling in the Release form provided in “Documents for use “section below
  10. Send the request for release for Release to Plant Protection Laboratory with the invoice for the imports purchased by eleven a.m. at the time that the shipment is scheduled to be delivered via fax or in person by utilizing the address in the “office places and contacts ” in the section that follows. Most applications are completed within 30 minutes of receiving.
  11. Complete your declaration form H.M. Customs and obtain the import goods.
  12. The shipment should be delivered direct to Plant Protection Laboratory for inspection. Be aware that the boxes can’t be opened or removed, and the laboratory won’t examine the items.
  13. Make sure you pay the inspection fee and have the food examined.
  14. If there are any pests or diseases identified, the product will be subjected either to removal or treatment, and destroyed if required. If not, the package will be returned to you within a few hours.

Required Documents For Apply for Permit to Import Fresh Plant Produce (Fruits and Vegetables) 

  • Completed application with the Permit to Import Fresh Plant Product (Fruits and vegetables) in the form
  • Complete Release form
  • Certificates of treatment
  • Physical health certificates

Contact the PPL for additional documents that are deemed to be required

Office Locations and Contacts

Plant Protection Laboratory:
Botanical Gardens Botanical Gardens South Rd., Paget, Bermuda DV 04
P.O. Box HM 834, Hamilton, Bermuda HM CX
Phone: (441) 239-2322
Fax: (441) 232-4866


  • Residents and citizens of the country are eligible to apply for permits provided that the product to be used to be imported meets the requirements for entry


The cost of an import permit

  • 1-10 genera: $26
  • 11-20 genera: $45
  • 20+ genera: $60
  • Same day service more than 10 genera for $55,br.

The inspection fees will be charged when they the date:

  • 1 box or bag – $26 per box/bag
  • Cost of disposal for contaminated food items and/or packaging 50 dollars

Documents to Utilize

Processing Time

  • Applications that are complete will be processed within 5 working days, while same-day permits must be issued in 24 hours. But, applications containing food items that has never been imported will take longer time to complete.
  • The release form can take 30 minutes to complete.


  • Imported restricted food items are subject to inspection before releasing to the importer
  • The product will be taken away If it is found to be contaminated with any disease, pests, or soil, or if it is not in compliance with requirements for entry.
  • For non-regulated products:
    • No prior approval is required.
    • Produce should not be imported with pestsor soil or other organisms that have quarantine significance.

The Information You Need

  • Names
  • Contacts
  • Country of origin
  • The nature of the import
  • Quantity
  • Date of arrival
  • Importation method
  • Container number
  • Botanical Name for Plant Produce
  • Shipped State in a Whole, Sliced or peeled.
  • Signature

The Document is required

  • This permit allows you to import goods into Bermuda and in compliance with entry requirements. In addition, the release form confirms that you’re in good standing to receive your shipping form from the customs

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