How to Apply for Renew Driver Licence in New Zealand

Apply for Renew Driver Licence in New Zealand

  • To renew your license it is necessary to make an application to a licensed driver.
  • Send or show any of the documents listed below:
    • The completed application form
    • Documentation to prove your identity
    • Your eyesight must be verified to meet the standard required
    • A medical certificate (if required)
  • Take your photo and have your sign your name taken at the agent who is in charge of licensing.
  • The renewal fees must be paid.
  • You’ll receive an interim licence that is valabil for 21 consecutive days. Carry it around with you any time you drive until the new driver’s licence arrives by mail in between two and three weeks.

If you’re planning to travel to another country: If your licence will expire when you’re in another country, you should consider renewing your licence prior to your depart. You’re only able to renew your licence if you’re within New Zealand.

for licences which expired more than 5 years in the past: You may have to pass both theory and practical tests in order to renew your license. However, if you prove that you were licensed to drive in the last five years (for instance, an overseas driver’s license) tests might not be required.

Required Documents For Renew Driver Licence

  • The completed application form
  • Proof of your identity
  • Evidence that your eyesight is in line with the standard required
  • A medical certificate (if required)

Office Locations and Contacts

Find an agent for driver licensing


  • Learner heavy-duty vehicle: $43.90
  • Car license or motorbike licence $20.10
  • If you are a licence holder older than 64 years old the licence could be issued with a lower duration than the normal term and will expire at the time of one year from the date of your birthday (in which case , you could pay a lesser fee).
  • List of other drivers’ licence-related charges


  • The temporary license lasts for 21 consecutive days. The new driver’s license arrives by mail in between two and three weeks.
  • Full-time classes and learning heavy vehicle 10 years old
  • Car or motorcycle licence 5 years
  • If you’re 64 or older the license you have could be issued with a shorter term than the regular term and expires on your 75th birthday.

Documents to Utilize

Application to renew an Driver’s License


  • Old-style licence card: Check on the back of your driver’s licence to determine the expiration date of the licence. The expiry date for any endorsements you have on the back of the licence.
  • A new style license card is a good idea: If you hold a new style photo licence the endorsements and classes you own are on a table at the back of your card. It is important to verify the expiry dates of each endorsement or class.

If you renew your licence:

  • at least 12 months prior to the expiration date of your license more than 12 months prior to the date of expiry of your current licence, your new licence be valid for a period of 10 years from the day your application was accepted
  • within 12 months of the date on which your licence expires the new licence is valid for 10 years following the expiry date your current license

After expiration after expiration, your new license is valid for 10 years from the date that your application was accepted

Documentation is needed

  • Most drivers’ licences come with a 10 year validity. You will be notified that your license is due to renew approximately six weeks prior to when it expires. You can renew your driver’s license at any time, and you don’t need be waiting for the driver license renewal package.
  • For those who hold a learner or restricted licences If it was acquired or renewed prior to the 1st of December, 2014, you are able to renew it anytime. However, your new license is only valid for five years.
  • If your five-year learner , restricted motorcycle or car licence was acquired or last renewed the 1st of December, 2014, you will not be able to renew it until following the date of expiration. You’ll need to take a test in theory before your new license is valid for another five years.

External Links

  • NZ Transport Agency:



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