How to Apply for Tobacco Buying License In Uganda

Apply for Tobacco Buying License In Uganda By Yourself

  1. Application for a tobacco Buying licenses can be done in person, by going to the Tobacco Control Commissioner at the Ministry of Agriculture and fisheries Head Offices.You can access their website by clicking this link
  2. You will be provided along with you with an Application for Tobacco buying license Formula to fill in and submit.
  3. Complete the necessary information and attach the necessary documents.
  4. Fill out the application form, and pay the fee for the application of Ugshs. 690,583 and provide the receipt as evidence of payment.
  5. This is followed by a verification of Tobacco increasing areas by the Commissioner responsible for Tobacco control at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
  6. The recommendations based on the findings that are uncovered during the probe will be submitted in writing to Crops Inspection officer(s) to be considered for Authority approval.
  7. At this point, the applicant gets notifying if the applicant has been accepted successfully to purchase Tobacco or if rectifications need to be completed to allow the applicant to purchase Tobacco.
  8. If the application is approved The applicant is informed and will be required to pay the fee to purchase Tobacco at the Ministry and provide the receipt as evidence of payment.

Required Documents For Apply for Tobacco Buying License

  • Passports/ Identity Cards as well as the number of PIN for the person applying is required
  • Completed application form must be filled in.
  • A license for the cultivation of tobacco.
  • Land area where Tobacco will be cultivated.
  • The proof of payment for registration fees.
  • Other requirements that could be specified by the commissioner from time to time.
  • Certificate of registration (in the case of Organization(or Cooperative Society / Company)
  • The copy of title document, or leasehold certificate with the duration at least six years as evidence of ownership or proprietorship as well as the most recent certificate of search or any other supporting documents.
  • Clearance issued by Ministry of Agriculture and fisheries Department of Control for Tobacco. (if applicable)
  • Evidence of at least two acres Tobacco or 20000kgs of leaves over an average of 3 years.
  • Any other conditions that could be imposed by the Authority from time-to-time.

Office Locations and Contact

Ministry of Agriculture Animal industries and Fisheries.
Lugard Avenue Entebbe
P.O. Box 102 Entebbe, Uganda
Phone: +256 414 320 006
Contact Email:
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm (excluding the public holiday and weekends)


  • Anyone who would like to purchase tobacco within an area that has been declared as a growing region is eligible to register as a grower , in conformity with the rules set for this for that.


  • The license fee required to purchase Tobacco can be found at Ush.690,583.


  • The license is valid only for the purchase season.

Processing Time

  • The processing maximum time is generally two days.


  • A person is not allowed to purchase cigarettes unless he has a valid permit issued from the minister.
  • Licenses cannot be transferred without written consent from the relevant Authority.
  • Anyone who purchases tobacco without a licence commits an offence and could be subject upon conviction to a prison time not exceeding six month or to a fine of not more than two hundred and fifty pounds, or both.

The Information You Need

  • Name of the applicant
  • Registered office Details (head of office)
  • Physical address and postal address
  • Telephone numbers
  • Email address
  • The place where the area for growing tobacco is situated
  • Date of the establishment
  • Name of the company
  • Director’s name and contact information, citizenship and shares
  • Sorts of Products/Products that are available for sale
  • Sources of supply for Produced Tobacco

The Document is required

  • To protect everyone from danger, Tobacco buyers are mandated by law to seek an approval to shield people from harms that could result from the use of excessive Tobacco The Ministry of agriculture animal industry and fisheries mandates that anyone who plans to purchase Tobacco must be licensed .
  • The goal in this paper is prove that the applicant has met the necessary requirements for carrying out buying tobacco and processing before the issuance of a license.

Information that can be useful

  • Furthermore the Minister will at the beginning of every buying season, release all licenses that can be used for every tobacco market.

Note:Minister has the powers to issue a licence for tobacco purchases under the Act however, under the regulations, registration of those who purchase tobacco is handled by the Commissioner.

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