How to Apply to Become an EcoSchool In United States

Apply to Become an EcoSchool In United States By Online

Your school must be registered firstly with the Eco-Schools Community Link Link

After registering the school must adhere to these steps:

  1. Set up an Eco-Action team: The EA Team must represent the entire school community. This Eco-Action Team planning worksheet (see the section ‘Documents To Use’) will help you plan your group. Once you’ve established your Eco-Action Team you will now be deciding how often you will meet and the award level you’re looking at. The team should also develop plans to make sure that the team will be able to continue in the event that important individuals on members of the EA Team leave.
  2. Environmental AuditThis procedure will assist members of the Eco-Action Team understand the current environment at the school and serve as the basis of the Eco-Action Strategy. The Eco-Schools America Environmental Review checklist will aid the team in determining the most important routes to focus on.
  3. Eco-Action Plans: Following the completion of the Environmental Audit, you may have the ability to develop an Eco-Action Plan which defines a list of goals as well as a structured timeline for achieving environmental improvement. The goals should be achievable and include achievable targets and deadlines for improving the environment impact of your school.
  4. Monitor and evaluate Your Progress The processes you’ll be using to evaluate your progress must be developed as part of the creation of your Eco-Action Plan.
  5. Integrate programs in the curriculum:Academic Benefits Factsheets are available under the “Documents to Use.
  6. Participate In With The Community.
  7. Make Your Eco-Code The code should state your school’s opinions on the environment. It will include your mission statement , which is reflected in the Eco-Action Plan as well as your school’s curriculum. The manner in which the Eco-Code is structured is totally dependent on the school. The format of your Eco-Code can take any format, including an enumeration of points that you can include, a song or poetry, or even a rap.

After your school has signed up to be part of Eco-Schools America and has followed The Seven Steps, you can apply for an Eco-Schools Award. The three awards to this award scheme: Bronze, Silver and the highly coveted Green Flag. For more information, click click here.

Office Locations and Contacts

National Wildlife Federation by phone:
M-F 8 a.m until 8 p.m. (EST).
by Mail
National Wildlife Federation
11100 Wildlife Center Drive
Reston, VA


Registration is completely free.

Documents to Utilize

Required Document For Apply to Become an EcoSchool

An Eco-School is a school that combines efficient “green” control of the school’s facilities, grounds, and curriculum.

The Eco-Schools America program is made of seven stages, that include a range of environmental routes. Schools who have registered and followed these seven steps, are eligible to submit an application for the Eco-Schools Award. Three levels in this award scheme. The two lower levels are Bronze as well as the Silver Awards that are self-assessable. The highest level can be The Green Flag award, which will be evaluated through the Eco-Schools USA assessor . It is renewed after every 2 years. Schools are considered to as a sustainable Eco-School after it has earned it’s Fourth Green Flag.

Information that can be useful

Award Criteria

  • Bronze Award :
    • The school has established one Eco-Action Team that is composed of a variety of students and teachers.
    • This group is scheduled to meet at a minimum of 4 times in the course of the year.
    • Minutes are recorded informally at every meeting.
    • The group informs all of the school about committee meetings and other actions.
  • Silver Award:
    • The school has established an Eco-Action Team that includes teachers, students and members of the community.
    • It meets at least six times per year.
    • Students participate in the decision-making process, and also share the responsibility for recording minutes for every meeting.
    • Students are responsible for distributing Eco-Action Team information to the entire school.
  • Green Flag Award :
    • The school has established the Eco-Action Team which has strong participation from students (at at least 50 percent) as well as teachers, school staff and members of the community.
    • Students assume a significant role in organizing their Eco-Action Team meetings and the team’s decision-making process.
    • This group is scheduled to meet at a minimum of 8 times per year.
    • Students are accountable in keeping the minutes of every meeting, and for communicating the information to the entire school.
    • Student representatives engage with other students and solicit feedback from the student body.

Sources: Eco-Schools Programme Ireland, Eco-Schools Programme Scotland, Eco-Schools International.

External Links

  • National Wildlife Federation:



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