How to Apply to take goods out of an export processing zone/ bring goods into an export processing zone In Uganda

 Apply to take goods out of an export processing zone/ bring goods into an export processing zone In Uganda By Online

  • Products or services that are provided by the customs territory of Uganda and then brought to an area for export processing will be considered to have been exported out of Uganda.
  • Any item that is removed from or service offered by the export processing zones that is intended for use in a customs area of Uganda is considered to have entered Uganda.
  1. To obtain approval to remove goods from an Export Processing Zone, and then bring products to an area for export processing the applicant has to obtain an approval of the free Zone Commissioner General.
  2. The applicant must approach authorities at the Uganda Free Zone Authority with the completed application form.
  3. The form 14 format and form 15 is obtained from the office of the commissioner general when you visit.
    • The Commissioner’s approval by the Commissioner General for taking items out of any export processing zone, or to import items to an area for export processing has to be made in Form 15.
    • A request to remove items out of the export processing zone or to bring items in an export processing zone should be submitted on the form 14.
  4. Stamped paper (as advised) in the name of the Company/Establishment should be used in the process of application.
  5. The application form should solely be completed by an authorized senior executive or other authorized executive of the company, and is stamped with the official company stamps and sealed with a company official seal.
  6. The Application Form must be submitted along with the required documents to the appropriate authority.
  7. After the appropriate process the application will be recorded into the Authorities database and the applicant will receive an identification number by the official at Uganda the free zone Authority.
  8. After registration with Uganda FREE Zone Authority On every occasion of submitting an request for approval to remove goods from one of the zones for export processing, and then bring products into an export processing zone, the number must be noted in the application to be used as a the purposes of.
  9. The applicant is required to submit an additional set documents together with the application to allow goods to leave zones for export processing and to bring items to an area for export processing.
  10. The approval certificate to remove goods from the export processing zone, and to to bring products to an area for export processing will be given following having been signed and stamped by the commissioner general.
  11. The cost of issuance of a Certificate of approval will be contingent on the products to be exported from the zone of processing and on the products to be brought into the zone of export processing.

Required Documents For Apply to take goods out of an export processing zone/ bring goods into an export processing zone

  1. Permits for import and export.
  2. Bill of Lading
  3. Certificate of origin
  4. Commercial invoice
  5. Cam control Inspection report
  6. Certificate of insurance
  7. List of packing materials
  8. Terminal handling receipts
  9. The payment slips

Office Locations and Contacts

Uganda Free Zones Authority6th Floor, Communications House
Plot 1 Colville Street
P.O.Box 37878 Kampala
Tel: +256 (0) 417 722600
Website:Uganda Freezone Authority


Any registered business or free zone business that has been registered in Uganda with the sole intention of removing goods from the export processing zone to bringing items in an export processing zone is qualified.


  • Import license fee USD $750
  • Exit Licence Fee US $750

The cost is broken up as follows:

  1. Document preparation for US$120
  2. Technical control and clearance for Customs US$330
  3. Terminal handling and ports handling US$100
  4. Transportation and handling in the inland areas, US$200.


If the exporter or importer is in compliance with the requirements, he or she can import or export at any point in time.

Document Samples



Form 14
section 47(2)(c) (c). 20(3)


(a) Name _______________________________________________
(b) Address _____________________________________________
(c) Type of licence_______________________________________
(d) Licence Number ________________________________________
(e) The name of the free export processing zone __________________________
I/We the applicant(s) apply to the Commissioner General for approval to take goods out of the export processing zone/ brought into the export processing zone (choose the appropriate action being taken) for the following purposes (describe the purpose for which the goods a being taken out of the export processing zone in accordance with the Act)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DECLARATION I hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief all the particulars furnished in this application are true and indemnify the Commissioner General for any misrepresentation, omissions and/or any information that may in future prove to be false.
Signature and name of Applicant.


Form 15
Reg. 20(4)

The approval to take goods out of an EXPORT PROCESSING ZONE OR SEND GOODS INTO A EXPORT PROCESSING ZONE IS TO be in a form
I, hereby grant approval to ______________________________(give details of the applicant) take the following goods out of an export processing zone or bring the following goods into an export processing zone (choose the appropriate action) in accordance with section 50 of the Act and these Regulations.
The goods to be taken out or brought into the export processing zone are——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-(describe precisely the goods to be taken out or brought into the export processing zone)


Processing Time

Maximum Processing 30 days.


  • The person who is taking items from the export processing zone nor introduce items to an area for export processing without first obtaining the permission of the commissioner general.
  • The goods can only be removed from the export processing zone, or transferred to zones for export processing only for the reasons as specified within the Act under the supervision of the Commissioner General.

The Information You Need

  1. Full names of applicants.
  2. Physical address.
  3. Contact number.
  4. Email.
  5. Organization/ company name.
  6. Contact number.
  7. Contact email.
  8. Address for postal mail.
  9. Signature of applicant.
  10. The date of the application.
  11. Accreditation Council.
  12. Funding source.
  13. The area of your practice.

Documentation is needed

Individuals and companies who want to get their goods out of an export zoneor transfer goods to the export processing zone of Uganda have to make an application through Uganda Free Zone Authority.

Information that can be useful

Free zone activities will be subject to the supervision of the commissioner general in accordance with the provisions in the regulations.

External Links



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