How To Change Your Name (Deed Poll) In Guadeloupe

How To Change Your Name (Deed Poll) In Guadeloupe

The first step is to publicly announce your request prior to making an official request.


You must make public at your own expense any name modification:

  • The Official Journal (OJ). The publication is required regardless of where you are. You must submit the application at the Office of Special Advertising – Department SPJO).
  • and in a newspaper that is designated that is specifically a legal publication in the area that you reside in. There is an alphabetical list of companies which can provide a the publicity consultant page 12 of the directions regarding changes in name. If you reside in another country the publication is not mandatory.

The contain:

  • your marital status at present and your current marital status and, if applicable the minor children affected with the application (full Name, Date of birth and the place of birth)
  • Your address,
  • the name you’d like to use to.


Following the publication on your request, you may submit your request. The name change request form is to be submitted to the justice minister, or the prosecutor in charge (the residence).

It comprises:

  • A duplicate of each of the newspapers in which the advertisement or legal notices were printed,
  • an exact replica of the birth certificate for each major or minor subject,
  • A copy of a document that proves French nationality
  • Staff consent in writing for minors older than 13 years old,
  • Bulletin No. 3, of the Criminal Record for adults,
  • A personal request made written on plain paper sent to the Minister for Justice (it must be signed by the Minister of Justice and include the reason for the denial of the original name as well as the reasons why you chose the name requested, any documentation proving the validity of the request must be attached to prove it)
  • that the parent with whom you are not in the case that involve joint exercise of parental authority, or, if they do not consent to that, and in all other situations, the permission from the court judge in guardianship.

Documents Required Change Your Name (Deed Poll)

  • The copy newspaper where the ad or legal notices were printed,
  • A complete replica of the birth certificate for any major or minor
  • A photocopy of a document that proves French nationality
  • Staff consent in writing for minors older than 13 years,
  • Bulletin No. 3, of the Criminal Record for adults,
  • A personal request made on plain paper , addressed to the minister of Justice (it must be signed by the Minister of Justice) and contain the reasons for the denial of the name originally chosen and the reasons why you chose the name requested, any documentation proving the validity of the application has to be attached to prove it)
  • Consent of the parent with whom you are not in the case of joint parental authority, or, if they do not agree to that, and in some situations, the permission by the judge who is in charge of guardianship.

Office Locations and Contacts

State & Local Authorities

Contact Information

Liste of Authorities


What Are All The Eligibility

  • Any person can apply for the change of name if there is a legitimate interest in a bizarre name, a names that sound foreign.
  • Any important French is available for request.
  • If the application you submit is to name the spouse of yours, then it’s more likely to be denied.
  • If you’ve given your child’s name they can also change the name if they’re minors. If they are older than 13 years of age, their own consent is necessary.


  • The price for the publication of an advertisement on The Official Journal is 100 for one person.
  • The price of putting up an advertising in the local paper is contingent on a variety of factors where the residence of the person is located or age, the number of people (s) in the family who request (s) to change in name.
  • The rights to publish within The Official Gazette and in a local newspaper is the obligation as the person applying.

Other communications for the minister or Attorney Justice and Attorneys are also free.


You can submit a request for a change:

  • A difficult name to carry due to his ridiculous or pejorative pronunciation
  • a foreign-sounding name,
  • or a vividly illustrated name in the national media or a vividly illustrated name if you wear or carry the identity of well-known or someone with a bad name.

You may also request to use another name, in case you wish:

  • to prevent the loss of a surname, and keep it when it is in use for a long time within your family
  • Make sure you make use of the constant and ongoing usage of a name even if you’ve used another name for a prolonged period of time and that identifies you publicly,
  • or If or if your siblings have different names and you wish to everyone to have the identical name. This is especially true if you have siblings with different names.

The Information You Need

  • Your name is listed on your birth certificate, documents of citizenship or immigration.
  • The full name you’re trying to change
  • Place and date of birth
  • Marital status and information
  • The places of residence for the at least three months
  • Address for correspondence

The Document is required Change Your Name (Deed Poll)

  • If you use or are planning to use another name than the name you registered there are no laws that require to change your name in a formal manner. However, it is advised to change your name in a formal manner to be able to identify yourself and as proof of the name change.
  • Name change typically refers to the legal process by an individual who adopts an identity that is different from the name they had at birth either through marriage or adoption. The process and procedure for changing names differ across areas.

Information that could be helpful

  • Your case will be handled in The Service Seal of the Department of Justice may request the prosecutor to investigate your case.
  • In the event that your request is approved
  • A decree, signed by Prime Minister and Minister of Justice with the title change and released within the Official Journal.
  • An additional copy (copy) on the order is sent via registered mail, with a return receipt requested, or through consular or diplomatic channels if you are located in another country.
  • In other words, the civil status documents are then dissolved by your new name.
  • Your application will be rejected
  • If your request is rejected the refusal must be justifiable. It must be informed via registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt, or via consular or diplomatic channels if you reside in another country.
  • A formal appeal may be made at the Ministry of Justice which will be re-examined solely because of the addition of new elements (in the law or in fact).
  • The decision of rejection may be appealed in the Paris Administrative Court by way of an appeal against the overreach of authority within 2 months of the notice.

Other uses for the Document/Certificate

You may wish for a change in your personal name based on:

  • You’ve just been married
  • You’ve been divorced
  • Just want to change your mind
  • If adoption is the case,

External Links

Guadeloupe Regional Prefecture

How To Change Your Name (Deed Poll) In Guadeloupe
How To Change Your Name (Deed Poll) In Guadeloupe

Guadeloupe Regional Council



  • Name change applications for minor
  • You can request to change the names of your children’s names without altering your own. For instance, to name it he has his half-brothers , half-sisters and half-brothers.
  • The request must come with approval of the parent who exercises the parental authority .
  • If you do not agree with your parent’s decision If you disagree with the other parent, you must get prior to filing of your complaint, the consent of the minor guardianship judge.
  • You should also seek approval from the court in case you are solely responsible for.



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