How to Changes on Your Residence Card (Other than the Address) In Japan

Changes on Your Residence Card (Other than the Address) In Japan By Online

  1. Take all the documents you’ll be required to show or provide to update the details on your residence card, other than the address.
  2. Fill out an application form.
  3. Fill out the form with the other documents required.

Required Documents For Changes on Your Residence Card

  • A completed notification form
  • A photo (write your name in the reverse of the photo)
    • The photo must be one where only the applicant is visible.
    • The dimension of the image (excluding those margins) must be in line with the dimensions listed within the link. (The dimension of the face must be measured from at the very top of the head(including hair) to the point of your chin.)
    • The person who is photographed should be facing the front without a hat.
    • There is no object (including shadows) should be visible on the backdrop.
    • The image must be clear.
    • The photograph must be taken not later than 3 months prior to submission.
  • Candidates who are younger than 16. cannot be required to provide a photo.
  • Documents that prove the fact that a change occurred regarding the earlier mentioned matters
    • If there is an alteration in the name of the marriage: The passport on the passport where the name changed is shown, and the marriage certificate (or an official duplicate of the family register in the event of marriage with an Japanese citizen)
    • In the event of an alteration in nation or region: A travel document issued by the authorities of the country with a nationality that you’ve recently obtained (Please bring your passport from the previous one also in the event that you still possess it).
    • In the event of changing the name,. due to various reasons the passport and birth certificate on which the name is changed and the judgment papers pertaining to a change in the name and so on.

Notice that a residence card will not be issued the same day unless you’ve been able to modify your passport or renewed.

  • Application to Indicate Name by using Kanji characters within the Residence Card Excel PDF excel
only if you would like for your address to be displayed both in alphabetic and Kanji characters
  • Certificate of of residence. Document explaining the reason you are unable to show your passport or a certificate of residency status.
  • Residence card that is valid (including an alien registration document that is regarded as the residence certificate; the same will apply in the future)
It is important to ensure that the person who is submitting the notification has an original copy of the residence card when anyone other than the cardholder applying to the process.
  • Representatives: Valid ID
  • The following documents must be presented when you pick up the residence card (when the card was issued later):
    • Evidence that your application was accepted at the hands of the Immigration Officer.
    • Certificate of status or passport of residence
    • Current Residence card for current residence
    • Valid identity

Office Locations and Contacts

Foreign Residents Information Center Information and assistance service for foreign citizens. These centers are located in Regional Immigration Bureaus as well as District Offices located in Sendai, Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, Hiroshima, and Fukuoka.

Information on the procedures to enter and stay in the country for nationals of other countries is available via phone or an in-person visit in many languages like English, Korean, Chinese and Spanish.

Immigration Offices

Email address:

Immigration Bureau Website


A resident of mid- to long-term who’s name, birth date or gender, nationality or location has changed.


There are no fees to pay.

Documents to Utilize

Notification of a change to an item in the residence Card Excel Microsoft Excel


  • This form can be printed on a size A4 sheet of paper (Japanese Industrial Standard)
  • The form can be printed with a scaled-down size. remove the checkbox Reduce the size of the form in accordance with the size of the paper (K)in the print dialog box prior to printing.

Processing Time

The processing of your notice could be completed the same day that you submitted it.


Make your application available in the Regional Immigration Office (or the Immigration Information Center).

The application procedure between 9:00 a.m. until twelve p.m. and between 11:30 p.m. until 4:45 p.m. on working days, (Some Regional Immigration Offices or Immigration Information Center may have the specific date and time at which applications are considered, so be sure you inquire prior to visiting an immigration office.)

Who is eligible to apply:

  1. The applicant (except those who are who are under the age of 16 years old)
  2. A representative:
    1. A relative who is over 16 who lives with the applicant in instances in which the applicant is below 16 years of age (Note 1) is suffering of an illness not able or unwilling to be eligible for the residency card due to other reasons
    2. A relative who is at least 16 living with the applicant, in response to a demand of the applicant (Note 2.)
  3. A representative:
    1. The individuals who have obtained the permission to work as an agent by the Director of their regional bureau for immigration (pursuant to a request by the applicant)
      1. A employee of the institution owned by or is employed by, the applicant.
      2. An employee of the establishment in which the applicant is receiving training or being educated.
      3. An employee of the institution which oversees actions to assist foreigners in developing skills, techniques or knowledge
      4. A employee at the company of public benefit, which was created to facilitate the seamless acceptance of foreign citizens
    2. An attorney or an administrative scrivener who has provided notice to the director the regional bureau of immigration (pursuant to a demand from the applicant)
    3. Legal representative for the person applying (except for relatives who live together as stated under paragraph 2 (1) in the preceding paragraph)
    4. A person who is a relative or a friend of the candidate, or a person who lives together with the applicant , or any other person who Director of regional office believes appropriate (in situations when the applicant is younger than 16 years old or is suffering from an illness or is suffering from other reasons (Note 1.))


  1. In case of illness you may need to bring a medical certificate and/or medical report. as an additional requirements.
  2. If you wish to make a the request for proxy you must include an official letter of authorization as an additional requirements.

The Document is required

Residence cards are a proof that the Ministry of Justice can prove that the person identified on the document is a legal foreign national living inside Japan in the form of resident permitting them to remain within Japan for a short to long time, subject to the allowed duration of stay.

This card contains an crucial element of the personal data that are held by the Ministry of Justice including the name of the holder birth date, gender, birthday date and nationality/region of birth address, date of birth, location of residence, length of stay, as well as whether or not the person is able to work.

If any changes occur with respect to the mentioned details, the person who is affected is required to inform authorities of any modifications. So, the most current information should always be displayed on a residence card. A residence card issued to anyone aged 16 or over will also include a photo of the person’s face.

Here are the steps on how to inform authorities about changes to details on your residence card, other than the address.

External Links

  • Japan Immigration Bureau:
  • The New Residence Management System



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