How to Import world life specimen In Uganda

Import world life specimen In Uganda By Online

  • The application must be made twenty-one(21 days)prior to the date of export or the importation.
  • All imports must be approved prior to the import. be granted prior the actual import.

Application In Person

  1. Organizations or individuals who wish for the importation of wildlife be required to submit an application with the Director of the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) with official forms.
  2. The form is available on the UWA website or via the”Document to Use” section on this page.
  3. The applicant will have to complete the application form with documents issued by the authorized authority of the country of the applicant’s country of.
  4. These documents are listed on the “Required Documents Section” on this page.
  5. It is also necessary to have the Phytosanitary Health Certificate issued by the National The Plant Health Measures(NPHM)for the case of plant materials and a an Veterinary Health Certificate obtained from Veterinary Authority for the case of animal products.
  6. Additionally, you will be required to pay for the required fees in the manner prescribed.These fees are described on the”Fees Section” of this page.
  7. UWA officials will review your application and determine if everything is in order, you’ll be issued with a permit to import the animal specimen.

Required Documents For Import world life specimen

  • Copy of ID/company Certificate of incorporation/work permit(of the applicant)
  • Certificate of Ownership
  • Permits for import issued
  • Authority letter (if taken from the wild)
  • Certificate of possession
  • CITES or export permits that are not CITES
  • Phytosanitary health Certificate(for cases involving material from plants) material)Veterinary Health Certificate (the instance of animal products).

Office Locations and Contacts

Uganda wildlife Authority. (UWA)Plot 7 Kira Road,
P.0.Box 3530, Kampala.
Tel: +256312355000,
Alt: +256414355000,
Toll Free 0800100960
Email: Email:
Website:Uganda Wildlife Authority


  • Foreigners who want to import animals to Uganda
  • Foreigner schools that possess a valid travel license.


  • CITES import/ export/ re-export permit Ugsh.150, 000.
  • Non- CITES import/ export/ re-export permit Ugshs. 100,000.


Valid for 3 months.

Processing Time

  • Processing can take up to 21 days.
  • The application must be made for approval twenty-one (21 calendar days) prior to the export or the importation.

Requirements Information

  • Information of the the applicant (Name,Address and the County)
  • Information about the consignee (Name,Address and the County)
  • Information about the consignor (Name Address, Phone Number, and County)
  • Information On Specimens
  • Common name.
  • Science name(Genus or species) ,
  • Description (give the date and time If the specimen lives),
  • Quantity/number
  • The details of the Import Permits issued
  • Permit no
  • Date
  • Information on the Certificate of Ownership that was issued
  • Declare whether the you took the specimen form :(Wild,Bred in captivity artificially propagated)
  • If the animal is taken from wild, report it to the state and attach a letter of authority.
  • Comments from the Scientific Authority.
  • Chief Licensing Office’s Remarks.

The Document is required

  • Wildlife specimen Import Permits are granted pursuant to Section 40 of the Wildlife(Uganda wildlife Act).Individuals or organisations that wish to import or export wildlife specimens are required to submit an application to the Director of Uganda Wildlife Authority by submitting official forms.

Information that could be helpful

  • All applications for export permit to import will be evaluated according to their compliance with regulations of the Wildlife(Uganda Wildlife Act)and where applicable,relevant international conservation agreements.
  • Depending on their nature,applications may be directed the Scientific Authority both within and outside UWA and /or other Divisions within UWA for inspection,investigation,consultations and recommendations.

External Links



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