How to Register a Patent In Barbados

 Register a Patent In Barbados By Online

  1. In order to register an Patent applicants need contact to the Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office.
  2. The application should contain an exact reproduction of the mark filed for registration, along with any forms, colours or three-dimensional designs. The application should contain all the required information.
  3. We recommend that you seek assistance from a professional.
  4. You can contact the following offices that will be able to provide you with the correct details :
Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office
7th Floor, Baobab Towers,
Warrens Industrial Estate,

Office Locations and Contacts

Intellectual Property and Corporate Affairs Office 7th Level, Baobab Towers,
Warrens Industrial Estate,


The appropriate fees are available at the following link : Fee Information


Your patent will be valid for twenty years starting from day you submitted your Petition to us, provided you pay renewal fee.

Documents to Utilize

Applications forms that could be used to: Forms for applications

Required Document For Register a Patent 

Patents are monopolies. They grant you a right that grants your (the the patentee) with the exclusive rights to use in 15 years of the invention you have created and the right to extend it.

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