How To Obtain a driver license In Chile

How To Obtain a driver license In Chile

  • Follow your destination in the traffic direction for your city.
  • If you’re not yet 18 you will need to complete the driving test (practical as well as theoretic) in a secure location.
  • You must make an appointment for the test in the real world as well as the theoretical test, as well as the psycho technical. The test in the practical is conducted by the supervision of a person. You can ask for a vehicle at the driving school you attend, or ask someone to take you to the test. For the theoretical test, there are computers equipped with touch technology and for the psycho technical test, you’ll be assessed on a variety of driving skills, like reaction and perception.
  • If you pass the test After passing the tests, you need to visit the waiting room to get a number, and wait for them to call you to get your photo and then give you the date for delivery.

On the day you’ve been assigned, must get your license

Documents that are required Obtain a driver license

  • The driver’s certificate course (If this is was the situation)
  • ID Card

Office Locations and Contacts

The following are offices that can be utilized : office locations


  • B-Class 0.51 UTM
  • A Class 0.36 UTM


Class B and C= 6 years old

professional licenses = 4 years

Special License= 6 years


There exists a separate exam for every type of license. You can get the necessary information to learn on the page for driver education of Chile. If you’re a minor, and you are 17 years of age, you are able to get a license, but you need to clear the driver’s curse, which is only required for those younger than 18. This license doesn’t allow you to driving within other states.

Requirements Information

  • Date of birth.
  • City in the City of Birth.
  • Number of the RUT

Documentation is needed

There are a variety of licenses based on the transport and use, the most commonly used one is the class B license This license is used only for private transport for people. Additionally, you can locate:


  • License Class A1: Taxis.
  • Class A2 license: for taxis, ambulances or motor vehicles that can accommodate 10 to 17 passengers with or without a driver.
  • The license class is A3 taxis, scholar transportation ambulances, public and private transportation, with no limit on seats.
  • License Class A4: For Freight transport with a weight of more than 3500 kilograms.
  • License class A5: for transport of freight, whether simple or articulated, with a weight more than 3500 kg.

Regular license

  • License class B: For motor vehicles having three or four wheels, used for private transportation of persons with a capacity of 9 seats or for freight transport that weighs less than 3500 kilograms.
  • The license class is C for cars with 3 or 2 wheels, equipped with an aggregate or fixed motor. example: Motorcycles.
  • License class D: For automotive machinery, like tractors.
  • Class E license: For animals-drawn vehicles.
  • The license class is F for military personnel as well as firefighters’ transportation.

Information that could be helpful

For driving in other countries you must apply for an especial permit. The license comes with a cost of $20.000 pesos chilean, and you need only your current driving license and two photos. If you wish to renew your license, you need to pass the psychotechnical test and pay the fee.

Other uses for the document/certificate

Driving licenses can be used to prove identity.

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