How To Obtain a Fishing License In Greenland

How To Obtain a Fishing License In Greenland

Fishing licenses from Greenland and Denmark

In order to be able to buy the fishing license, a transfer is required by a Danish or Greenlandic bank in the Department of Fisheries, Hunting and Agricultures bank account. You can avail the online banking services offered by your bank, only if, in your case, you do not require your fishing licence in the immediate future.

The official receipt for money transfers issued by the bank will be your fishing license, which you must carry around while fishing.

The receipt must include the following information:

  • The following sums transfered in Departments’ bank account: Departments savings account in banks:
    • DKR 75,-: For a 24 hour licence
    • DKR 200.- To purchase one week of a license
    • DKR 500. one-month license
  • The money transfer must contain the following reference text and must appear on the receipt of your transaction:
    • The initial nine letters of the name. Example Kristians for Kristiansen
    • One space
    • The first three characters of your name, for example, Mic is for Michael
    • One space
    • The three initial letters from the (starting) month you want the license to be valid for, for example: jun for June
    • One space
    • The date on the day on which you want the license to become valid, starting with example 21
    • In this instance the text in question is Kristians mic, jun 21


Banking online are therefore only available only if you are able to just wait to have the formal receipt sent to you by your bank , or printing an receipt on your own.

Information on the Minister of Fisheries, Hunters and Agriculture’s banking account. The name of the Bank: Grnlandsbanken (Bank of Greenland) Swift Code: GRENGLGX – IBAN: Gl0264710001002160


Office Locations and Contacts

Go to Greenland – GREENLAND OfficeHans Egedesvej 29
P.O. Box 1615
3900 Nuuk

Direct phone number: (+299) 3428 20

The hours of operation are: Mon. – Fri. 8 am – 4 pm

The website of Greenland – DENMARK Office
P.O. Box 1139
Strandgade 91
1010 Copenhagen K

Direct telephone: (+45) 32 38 38 80

The hours of operation are:
Mon. – Thu. 9 am – 4:30 pm
Friday 9 am – 4 pm

Go to Greenland Website

Ministry of Fisheries, Hunting and Agriculture
Imaneq 1A 701
Postboks 269
3900 Nuuk
Tlf: (+299) 34 50 00
Fax: (+299) 34 63 55


Costs for a fishing license:

  • Permit for 24 hours: DKK 75
  • One week DKK 200
  • 1 . Month: DKK 500

Fishing permits must be paid to your bank or via your online bank account.


You can buy an angler’s license valid for a 24-hour period, one week, or for one month.

Documentation is needed

Fishing in the rivers of Greenland needs a current fishing license.

The following steps will show you how to buy the fishing license.

Information that could be helpful

Things you must be aware of:

    • Access to nearly all Arctic Char rivers requires you travel via air or by boat to your destination. Remember that the boat you use is required to be approved by the local authorities to allow passengers’ transport.
    • In Greenland the fishing recreational is carried out using hooks that do not have barbs.
    • It is only possible to take fish you are able to consume on the trip as well as all live fish have to be released.
    • Western Greenland: The fishing spots can be reached via helicopter or boat and each river typically has less than 6-12 fishermen on any one time. There are local fishermen in the region with a vast knowledge of the area’s countryside and fishing. They offer accommodation and transportation with professional guides to fishing. Fly fishing and fishing using a spinning rods are both accessible in the months of July and August.

Southern Greenland: On the farm Ipiutaq close to Narsaq and on rivers further farther inland in Tunulliarfik which is which is also known in the region of Erics fiord, the best time to utilize both fly and spin rods is mid-July through September. Ilua is one of the rivers. Ilua is situated in the valley that is adjacent to Ipiutaq guest farm. Other rivers in the region are also ideal for spinner and fly fishing. The ease of access to individual rivers permits the purchase of day trips, particularly from Narsarsuaq.

The Document is required Fishing License

Fishing on rivers in Greenland needs a current permit.

The following steps will show you how to buy an fishing license.

Information that can be useful

Things you should be aware of:

  • Access to almost all Arctic Char rivers requires you travel via air or by boat to reach the destination. It is important to remember that any vessel used for transport is required to be approved by the local authorities to allow passengers’ transport.
  • In Greenland fishing for recreational purposes is carried out using hooks that do not have barbs.
  • It is only possible to take fish that you can consume during the trip, and any live fish caught have to be released.
  • Western Greenland: Fishing spots can only be reached via helicopter or by boat. Each river is usually home to no more than 6-12 fishermen on any one time. There are local fishermen in the region who have a deep understanding of the surrounding area and fishing. They offer camping facilities and transport in conjunction with expert fishing guides. Fishing with a fly rod and fishing with a spinning rods are both offered in August and July.
  • Southern Greenland: On the farm Ipiutaq close to Narsaq as well as on the rivers further farther inland in Tunulliarfik often referred to by the name of Erics fiord, the best time to use both fly rods and spin rods is between mid-July and September. Ilua is one of the rivers. Ilua is situated in the valley that is adjacent to Ipiutaq guest farm. Other streams in the area are also ideal to fly and spinner fishing. The availability of each river allows for the purchase of day trips, particularly from Narsarsuaq.



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