How to Obtain a Health membership organization Licence In Uganda

Obtain a Health membership organization Licence In Uganda By Online

  1. The applicant who wants to conduct business as a health member company/health insurance must submit an application to the Authority with the prescribed form, to obtain the issuance of a licence (HMO) .
  2. Apply for a job Application form with the below details.
    • Capital for shares (i) authorized and (ii) Capital that is paid-up.
  3. Take all the necessary documents and join them with the application before submitting it. documents listed below are required:
    • An original copy of the Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy cover to guard the interests of the business against claims for errors or omissions, professional negligence for both employees and principals that is at least Ushs.100 million for the employees.
    • The details of the company’s accountant that should be acknowledged as the company’s accountant by ICPAU and IRA. IRA.
    • A verified true copy of the article and memorandum (other document that is used to establish is the Health Membership Organisation (HMO)) is established in the Uganda Registration Services Bureau.
    • Annual accounts must be filed within three months after the end of the fiscal year, duly reviewed by an Auditor who is authorized through the IRA.
    • Management Accounts within one month after the end the quarter.
    • A complete and signed curriculum vitae of all directors as well as the chief executive officer.
    • Names, nationality, as well as shares held by shareholders.
    • A detailed and signed curriculum vitae for the technical and managerial personnel.
    • A list of branches including address and telephone numbers.
    • Proof of valid permit of work for each staff members who are expatriate.
    • List of service providers (affiliates) that have signed agreements to the HMO.
    • Agents listed on the list.
    • The Business Plan of the Company for three (3) up to five (5) years, endorsed with an outside auditor.
    • A certified authentic duplicate of each type of insurance policy or contact the company is planning to issue.
    • The various benefits packages that will be provided to new members as well as the cost of the benefits.
    • The certification of registration for The Medical Director, or person responsible for health services issued by Uganda Medical and Dentist Practitioners` Council for professionals.
    • Documentation of membership to The Insurance Institute from Uganda.Copy of the most recent insurance licence (if there is one).
    • Additional documents and documents that the Authority might require.
    • Complete the personal fit form and the correct questionnaire.
    • All players who are licensed are required to make an annual contributions as directed from the IRA.
    • All licensed players must pay a levy for training of 0.5 percent each quarter, which is payable at the Insurance Institute of Uganda.
  4. Attach all of the above-required copies of the above documents and send the completed form to the INSURANCE REGULATORY AUTHORITIES of UGANDA official who will review and approve your application.
  5. The application form must be filled out in two copies by the applicant. It is to be sent directly to the Insurance regulatory Authority.
  6. If all information is correct You will be issued your Personal Questionnaire questionnaire to assess the suitability and fitness of Directors and other important Shareholders.
  7. If an application submitted is not able to contain all the pertinent details in the questionnaire, or if clarifications are required the applicant might be asked to provide the required information or clarify the information in order to finish the form.
  8. The Authority will within four months of the receipt of a completed application, conduct an investigation using a the questionnaire and then prepare a thorough report on the what the status of the application.
  9. The Authority will be able to, in the process of examining and preparing an assessment of the application, establish the Authority with a committee comprising at least three people from within the Authority the committee will submit its findings to Authority in written form.
  10. The Authority canThe Authority may
    • If the insurer is satisfied that the applicant has complied with the requirements of the insurance Act and has met all the conditions, issue an application for a license upon the payment of the prescribed fee or
    • Refuse to grant the Licence and provide reasons in writing of its reasons.

Required Documents For Obtain a Health membership organization Licence

  • The documentary proof of membership to the Uganda Insurance Institute from Uganda (copy of the membership card).
  • Insurance policy for professional indemnity at least 100,000,000, one hundred million.
  • Audited returns on the accounts for the most recent period.
  • Evidence of the payment of all obligations to the Insurance Regulatory Authority of Uganda i.e fines and interest within the time of submitting your application to obtain an insurance licence.
  • The proof of payment for the paid capital of 500,000,000 Five Hundred Millions.
  • Attach a copy of your annual deposit contribution for the year that ended.
  • Request a copy of the annual returns of the company that are recorded with the Registrations Service Bureau.
  • The management accounts must be certified by an external Auditor.
  • Address and name of the person consulting actuary who is qualified.
  • Financial statements, regulatory returns along with reports from HMO.
  • If you are a an applicant from a foreign country, you can benefit from the status of an immigrant for all of your foreign Ugandan employees. i.e photocopies and the original work permits.
  • List of insurance agencies with that the applicant intends to work with . They must indicate that they have submitted a complete application online along with the fee for licence at 100,000/= for each agent.

It should also contain the following information:

  1. The agreement must be executed by the applicant and the chief executive officer of the business.
  2. Recent passport size photo of the person applying
  3. Up to date, certified and dated Curriculum Vitae.
  4. Proof of membership in an insurance company in Uganda.
  5. Certificate of competence.
  6. Letter of Clearance from the insurance institution of Uganda which states that they have committed to be a member of CoP.
  7. All applications must accompany the appropriate Licence cost.

Office Locations and Contacts

Insurance Regulatory AuthorityPlot5,Kyadondo Road, Nakasero.
Legacy Towers, Block B 2nd Floor
P.O.Box 2255, Kampala Kampala, Uganda
+256 312-266364, +256 414346712, +256 414253564
Email Address:
Web site: link


Anyone twenty-five years old or 18 and over, but not exceeding three hundred can, sign the names of their loved ones to memoranda association, create a mutual insurance company and may apply for a license to run health insurance and health Membership Organizations (HMO)


  • The application fee is non-refundable and it amounts to 3,000,000
  • Application Fees:
  • 500 Ugsh Registration
  • Renewal Fee 3,000,000 Ugsh.


Valid for one calendar year (The 1st of December, the 31st in the year that the card is issued)

Examples of Documents

Processing Time

Processing can take up to 4 months. processing time: four Months.


  1. One should not be carrying on or pretend to carry onan any insurance, reinsurance or the business of an HMO or HMO in Uganda in the absence of a valid licence granted from the Authority.
  2. An insurer from outside the country cannot be able to establish or manage an office in Uganda without prior written consent of the Authority. Authority
  3. A security account of an insurance company or HMO is applied with the order listed below:
    • to pay for insurance claims
    • to pay the cost of, or the costs associated with any remedial or enforcement powers to pay for the costs of any remedial measures or enforcement powers Authority in connection with an insurer or in connection with the liquidation and winding-down of the business of the insurer , or to liquidate the insurance company
    • in the case that the insurer gets liquidated. To pay an administrator of the insurance company for purpose of winding up.

The Information You Need

  • The full names of the applicants
  • The applicant’s marital status
  • The level of education and the certification issued
  • Fluent language speaking capability
  • Nationality (if relevant)
  • The signature of the person applying
  • the financial situation and antecedents of applicants.
  • the credibility and competence of the proposed administration and management;
  • the strength in the capital structure of the candidate, earnings potential business plans, insurance plans and financials, and retention plans;
  • If the public interest could be satisfied by granting a licence;
  • the governance structure of the applicant’s
  • proposals for reinsurance and retrocession agreements;
  • any other issues that the Authority might deem appropriate.

Information that can be useful

  • A financial institution signs an insurance group, or master contract as a policy holder, in the hope that customers of the institution, or a group of them, will receive insurance coverage through the contract.
  • A contract for insurance signed with a bank to be an insurer whose only purpose of the policy is to give advantages to the employees employed by the financial institution regardless of whether the employees have to contribute to the cost of the contract . It should not be considered to be a form of bancassurance.

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