How to Obtain a Licence to Operate a Private Boarding Secondary or Primary School Section In Uganda

Obtain a Licence to Operate a Private Boarding Secondary or Primary School Section In Uganda By Online

Schools who want to operate as day schools, boarding or boarding and boarding schools will apply for permission to do this following the guidelines below.

  1. The applicant/proprietor intends to make the intention known to open facilities for boarding in the direction of the Director of Education and asks for his or her approval to make this announcement in writing.
  2. The director of Education sends a letter acknowledging receipt, and either granting or disallowing permission.
  3. The owner is provided with application forms to operate boarding facilities at the District Education Office.
  4. The district Education Officer sends three copies of application forms to the Director of the Education Ministry of Education and Sports.
  5. A Director of Education is based on recommendations or reports from the district or the report that follows an inspection carried out carried out by the Directorate of Education Standards recommends or denies the application for a license.
  6. These facilities are checked regularly to verify the facility.


  • In order for a school to be classified as a boarding section, it must fulfill the criteria outlined above, and also in the section of information that could aid in this process.

Required Documents For Obtain a Licence to Operate a Private Boarding Secondary or Primary School Section

  1. The license document must be accompanied by a copy.
  2. The original registration certificate of the school.
  3. Minutes of BOG or recommending the upgrading of the school the establishment of a dormitory area.
  4. It is the District Inspector of Schools’ report on the Dormitories and the other Accommodation facilities.
  5. The report lists the basic amenities for the dormitory section as well as accepted drawings (Building designs) available.
  6. A copy of the document proving Dormitory occupancy permit.
  7. A certificate from Occupational Safety and Health from the health official.
  8. Appropriate plan for the system of water and sanitation within the hostel.
  9. An overview of safety tips and ways to prevent injuries are accessible in the dormitories. (Fire the safety program).

Additional requirements

  1. Photos of the school’s general facility, such as
    • Classrooms equipped with furniture
    • Four classrooms, including dormitory facilities.
    • Science lab with the basic equipment needed for post primary institutions and schools
    • Separate pit latrines/toilets for female and male students.
    • Administration block, etc.
    • The signpost for the school must be visible on at least one of the photos.
  2. A land title or the Sales agreement(s)
  3. In the case of rental properties it is necessary to provide the tenant’s agreement and the term should not be less than four years
  4. Drawing of the building plan, which is technically accurate and clearly indicating the school’s name as well as building specifications.
  5. Plan of location clearly indicating the site
  6. Partnership Agreements, as well as Articles of Association in case of partnerships.
  7. Original certified copies of documents related to academics and professional work of the teacher
  8. Proprietor’s CV and most recent photograph(s)
  9. Curriculum vitae of the head teacher and a recent photos
  10. Bank Statement to prove the financial stability of the institution (sufficient enough to pay staff for three months)
  11. Copy of the document containing the conditions and terms of service for different categories of staff employed by the school.
  12. Code of conduct/School rules approved by the BOG or Management Committee
  13. A detailed report of the District School Inspector’s report
  14. The detailed District Health Inspector’s Report
  15. Three Referees: LC.1 Chairperson LC 1 Secretary for Education, and a local religious/opinion leader
  16. L.C III Chairperson’s letter confirming that the school falls within the sub-county plan
  17. The evidence of the existence of facilities for co-curricular activity play area
  18. Letters of appointment signed by the signer and acceptance letters (contracts) for at least one year for every member of the teaching and non-teaching staff.
  • All the above is applicable to a formal request for the licensing of an educational institution.

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Education and Sports Office Head Office.

  • Physical Address Location 35 Kampala Road, King George way IV
  • Embassy House and Legacy Tower Block A and B Kyadondo Road.
  • Mailing Address P.O.Box 7063 Kampala, Uganda
  • E-mail Address:
  • Site: Ministry of Education and sports


  • Anyone who wishes to start a section for boarding schools, could apply.
  • The school’s chairman or person in charge of the school must be aware that independent schools must function within the limitations set within the Constitution and National as and District legislation.


Contact the department office for additional information on fees. However, registration and license for schools is completely free.


Validity: 2 Years.

Documents to Utilize

Guidelines for the establishment the licensing, registration, and classifying private schools/ institutes in Uganda

Processing Time

Maximum Processing Time: 6 Weeks.


  • Facilities for accommodation should have been designed specifically for this function in a place that is not distracting from the learning and teaching process, and also provides privacy.
  • Every school that is created must make sure that there are no disqualification of students based for any reason in providing admissions or providing a quality education following admission.
  • The school should give its students with the opportunity to grow and also be sure that its students are able to participate for the academic, social and work environment.
  • A student or pupil shall not be removed from a school or institution or prevented from attending school due to inability to pay for any of the contributions mentioned in paragraph (2).
  • Whoever violates paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) is guilty of an offence and is subject to a fine that is not to exceed fifty currency points , or a term of time of imprisonment not exceeding 12 months , or neither.
  • If a school has multiple sites under the same name, each of them must be supervised by an accountable person in charge of it.

Requirements Information

  • The details of the applicant
  • Specifics about the school
  • Capital cost
  • Information on business
  • Details of the staff composition

Documentation is needed

  • It is a requirement that the Government is informed and asked to approve any new creation of an education environment. It should be done in the prescribed format, as defined in the Municipal/District Educational Department.

Information that can be useful

The general requirements

  • The applicant or an identifiable proprietor/foundation body. The applicant must be a member of a community or group of an excellent reputation and in good financial standing prior to submitting an application.
  • The applicant must provide Original proof of ownership, or lease of the land on which the school is located or a tenancy contract for at minimum five years (in the case of a hired building) before the application can be made.
  • The school must have been licensed and registered with the competent Authority (the Permanent Secretary, the Chief Administrative Officer, or the Town Clerk) in order to be eligible for the Boarding section.
  • When a new school opens in the year, it must meet the requirements for licensing and Registration of schools prior to when the Authority is able to grant permission for an Advisory Section.

The specific requirements of dormitory Operations.In order for the application to apply for the operation of a dormitory to be reviewed in the Ministry of Education the following specifications must be considered.

  • Infrastructural Requirements-Dormitories and other related Accommodation facilities.
  1. Offer a separate space for each age and sex group, from 3m2 to 4m2. floor space for each student.
  2. Lighting: Window area should be at minimum 10% of floor space and Ventilation must be at a minimum one percent of floor space
  3. Provide lockable cupboards
  4. Only double and single decker beds can be used in the classroom and children should not sleep on the ground.
  5. Each boarding establishment should have adequate laundry facilities drying clothes (wire lines),ironing cloth, as well as cleaning of clothes and shoes
  6. The emergency exit is at a 30m distance for each dormitory.
  7. The beds should be spaced 0.4m away and 0.33m away from the wall.
  8. The height of the wall for accommodation should be at least 3m tall.
  9. Primary school pupils are required to have an attendant all the time they are in the dormitory.
  10. Dormitories must have sufficient and safe lighting as well as general hygiene
  11. Circuit breakers and sockets should be located in the laundry.
  12. Dormitory must be approved by drawing (building plans)
  13. Every dormitory should be equipped with the right to use it.
  14. Interior walls shouldn’t be coated with oil paint.
    • Matrons who are in dormitories must be examined by a medical professional each six-month period. The minimum academic requirements for matrons is the Primary Seven.
    • The minimum age recommended is to be 30 years old.

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