How to Obtain a Occupancy Certificate In India

Obtain a Occupancy Certificate In India By Yourself

Local administrative departments is the one who will approve the building’s construction after confirming that it is in compliance with local laws and is constructed according to the permitted plans.

Apply in-person :

  • The applicant must submit the prescribed form, along with the required documents to the planner of the ULB / development authority or designated Application centers in their area of jurisdiction, which is where the building will be built.
  • Go to the appropriate office.
  • The applicant must obtain the application form from the appropriate office (please make payment for it, if needed) A written application on a plain A4 sheet in accordance with the guidelines should be utilized.
  • Send in the completed application with the required documents and fee (as as required).
  • The authorities after reviewing the documents attached and applications submitted will enter the information and give you a records number for reference.
  • The app will then be processed by the internal system.
  • The Verifying Officer will refer the request to the concerned public agencies to obtain a no-objection certificates prior to giving or refusing an applicant’s request.
  • The appropriate authorities will conduct an physically inspection of the property at the day of notification. They will determine if the it is built in accordance with the approved plans.
  • Based on the result of the inspection Based on the inspection result, an NOC will be issued by Nodal Officer.
  • If any deviation, then, Authority will levy a penalty. The amount is to be paid to the cash counter at the office in question. The applicant must make the payment and present the receipt to receive the certificate in accordance with the notification.
  • If there isn’t any deviation The certification will be given in accordance with the notification.


  • In certain states, applicants must seek out services available over the counter such as CSC centres/e-seva to apply.
  • In certain states, applicants must apply via the state department’s online portal.
  • Find contact information and an application forms for the relevant state portals by clicking the link under the respective states below.

Required Documents For Obtain a Occupancy Certificate

  • Application form.
  • Certificate of commencement
  • Completion certificate
  • Built plan , along with elevation, site and section plan
  • Building completion certificate from structural engineer recorded on record
  • Building completion certificate from the construction engineer who is on record
  • No objections from the fire department
  • Certificate of completion of the building by architect in record
  • Floor area calculation sheet that was signed by an architect
  • Tax assessment and tax receipts
  • Report on structural inspection
  • Lift Inspector’s Report/Certificate (if relevant)
  • Photos of the building that has been completed
  • Images of rainwater harvesting as well as solar panels.
  • A copy of the approved scheme
  • Sheet of calculation for floor area, completed by an architect.
  • The most recent tax-paid receipt, along with an assessment of tax.
  • Non Objection Certificate (NOC) to prevent pollution and fire.
  • It is expected that the Road side drain as well as the Road will be built at the expense of the contractor connecting the to the main outlet of the area.
  • A state-issued permit from the Ground Water Control & Regulation Authority to be obtained in order to drill for the extraction of water.
  • Aadhaar card


  • If any of the above documents require any relevant reports from authorities, then please provide what local authorities require when applying.
  • All originals and copies of the original, with self-attestation as per the instructions of the respective authorities to be provided in accordance with the requirement.
  • Other than the documents mentioned above, authorities could request additional documents or information. We will process them.

Office Locations and Contacts

Department of AR & PG,Sardar Patel Bhawan,
Parliament Street, New Delhi – 110 001.
Phone: (011) 23360208
Fax: 011-23360352
Link for Contacts: Link for details


  • The applicant must be a citizen of the state
  • Citizen of India
  • The people who built a brand new building following approval


  • Authorities will announce fee information.
  • In the online payment process, details of the fee will be shown (If applicable)


Valid until the building is rebuilt.

Examples of Documents

FORM OF NOTICE OF COMPLETIONFrom: ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………….

……………………………………… Office Ref. Date and No,
(Name and Address of the applicant) If any …………………….

ToRespective authority, Concerned department

Subject: Notification of completion

Building Particulars:Premises No. and Street. :__________________Ward No _______________Borough No_____________


I/We inform you that the construction, re-erection or addition to/alteration of the building within the premises
No…………………. Street: …………………Ward No: ………… Borough No………………. is completed as per
to the plans approved via the Building Permit No …………… dated …………….

        • I/We must solicit you to make arrangements an inspection as well as the issue of an occupation certificate.
    Yours always,


    Signature of the applicant (s)Countersigned

    (Signature of the Architect/Licensed Building Surveyor/ Other technical personnel)

    (Name Address, Name and License Number. of the architect/licensed building surveyor/other technical personnel)

The Document is required

  • To be able to use the an infrastructure connection or civic connection it is necessary to get this certificate.
  • This certification is required in the event of reselling the building.
  • The certificate acts as the final certification of the building.
  • It is necessary to verify that the construction is in compliance with all standards and local laws.

Information that can be useful

  • A building is considered to be unauthorised when the occupancy certificate has not been obtained.
  • It is not possible to occupy the building without an occupancy certificate



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