How to Obtain a Pet Passport In Bolivia

Obtain a Pet Passport In Bolivia By Online

  • Make sure your pet is equipped with an RFID chip. It helps to verify your pet’s identification and is required to obtain an identity card. This marks the beginning of a lengthy process that will last at minimum a month and half, so plan your trips in advance.
  • Set up an appointment to have your pet vaccination against the rabies virus. It is a long process and can cause discomfort to your dog.
  • Make sure your pet is subjected to an examination of blood. The results are then examined to determine if the pet is a candidate for an identity card.
  • Take the required time until you receive your pet’s passport. If your pet passed the blood test and has good results, it could still require lab tests. This can cause delays in the processing. If your pet’s health is not good, blood tests, it may be refused an entry into the passport.
  • Your passport should be issued within as little as six weeks or three months. Processing times vary between nations. Even though it’s a lengthy and expensive procedure, it is sure to assure the safety to your animal.

Required Documents For Obtain a Pet Passport 

Valid Rabies vaccination All pets need to have a valid rabies vaccine that is valid for not less than 30 days, and not more than one year prior to the date of arrival. Pets must be issued the Rabies Vaccination Certificate.

Puppies & Kittens must be at least 3 months old and have valid vaccinations against rabies. Health Certificate

A Health Certificate that is not at least 10 days prior to arrival, should be accompanied by the pet.

The health certificate needs to be signed and stamped in the Department of Agriculture of the country that it is from.

The certificate must be written in English or transliterated into Spanish The Import Permit must be translated into Spanish.

No import permit is required for cats and dogs. Visa Clearance

The export certificate has to be notarized at the consulate of Bolivia at the point of origin country, with the exception of Mercosur countries, which require to be notarized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Quarantine

All animals that meet the above requirements will not be placed in quarantine.

Office Locations and Contacts

Official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Address: Plaza Murillo c. Ingavi esq. C. Junn
Phone: (591) (2) 2408900 – 2409114-2408595
Fax: (591) (2) 2408642-2408905
La Paz Bolivia

The National Health and Safety of Agricultural Products and Foods SENASAG Directories of Contacts


In general , the pet passport is generally regarded as an official identification document and therefore is required for all cats, dogs and ferrets.

To travel to Bolivia with your pet, you must have an official certificate from an approved vet, which should be issued at least 10 days prior to your travel and a current the rabies vaccination certificate. It is advised to use Spanish translations.

Documents to Utilize

Application Form for Export Certificate National Animal Health Animal Health Unit


If you’re taking your pet along on your international trip You’ll need ensure that they’ve received all the necessary vaccinations prior to being approved at customs. Also, you’ll require documentation and certificate from an accredited animal health official prior to your arrival.

All Dogs and Cats must first be micro-chipped, then vaccined against rabies for at minimum 30 days, but not longer than 12 months prior to the time of pet transfer to Bolivia and be brought by a valid certificate. Pets should also be accompanied by a veterinarian export health certificate that is signed with a date and stamp within 10 days in the country of the country of.

Requirements Information

  • Name of the owner and address
  • Animals ‘ information include: breed, sex, birth date size, color and specific indications.
  • Country of origin as well as transit points where relevant.
  • Declarement: “the animal has been examined in the last 10 days prior to departure and has not shown no clinical indications of disease.

The Document is required

An Pet Passport is a document which records the official information related to a particular animal in the course of this process.

It is a document that confirms the animal’s identity, health and vaccination status, which allows it to be imported into or from specific countries, without having to undergo the need for quarantine.

In all cases , this includes a proof of rabies vaccine, however, there are other requirements (blood tests treatment for ticks and worms) that are necessary in certain situations.

Information that can be useful

Other pets (birds and invertebrates as well as tropical reptiles, amphibia, fish mammals like rabbits and rodents) are not affected by the regulations on pet relocation regarding the anti-rabies vaccine, but require other conditions regarding a limit to the amount of animals that can be accommodated and an export health certificate from a veterinarian for them to travel with in the case of other illnesses. Bolivia is considering having pets included in the use of a Pet Passport from certain countries.

Other uses for the document/certificate

Pet passports are an official identification document that is unique to the pet. It contains information about the pet (including information about the permanenet identity) and the owner who is registered as well as other health-related information.

External Links

How to  Obtain a Pet Passport In Bolivia
How to Obtain a Pet Passport In Bolivia


Pet Microchip: While Bolivia doesn’t require microchips for pets however, it is highly advised to microchip your pets prior to travel.

A health certification is medical check to confirm the pet’s able to travel, and the pet is able to take the journey in safety.

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