How to Obtain a Petroleum Reconnaissance Permit In Uganda

Obtain a Petroleum Reconnaissance Permit In Uganda By Yourself

  1. In order to obtain a reconnaissance permit applicants need to go to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development offices in person.Visit their website by clicking this link
  2. You will be issued an the approved application form for a reconnaissance permit , which requires specific information to be supplied for the director of Mines Complete and submit.
    • Any person who intends to conduct surveys for reconnaissance must ask Ministers for permit to carry out reconnaissance.
  3. Fill in the required details correctly and attach the necessary supporting documents prior. The applicant must also be able to demonstrate that they have the following documents :
    • A request for a permit to conduct a petroleum reconnaissance is to be made according to the procedure prescribed by regulations and is supported by the fee prescribed.
    • A permit to conduct a petroleum reconnaissance should be granted for a geographically delineated region.
    • The applicant must have the technical and financial resources and expertise to execute successful reconnaissance operations.
  4. The applications for a Petroleum Reconnaissance Permit are submitted with the director of Mines who, if satisfied that the application meets specifications, will forward the application along with his/her recommendation to the Minister for their final decision.
  5. Fill out the application and pay the application fee. Then, submit the receipt as evidence of payment.
  6. Then comes the verification of the reconnaissance inspection by the licensing Officer at the licensing Authority.
  7. Based on the results that are uncovered during the probe will be submitted to the Minister to get the final approval.
  8. The applicant will be informed if the application was accepted by the licensing authority or what corrections must be completed in order for the petroleum recognition to become licensed.
  9. After a successful approval the Minister can, upon an application that is properly submitted for a permit to explore petroleum grant the license within 90 days after receiving the application in such way and with any conditions that the Minister decides.
  10. After the licensing process has been completed and the license authority has been satisfied from descriptions, plans, or other information provided under these Rules, that the procedure of obtaining a reconnaissance permit suggested by the applicant to obtain a license is secure and acceptable, the Minister is able to grant the applicant the license requested.
  11. If an Applicant receives an oil Reconnaissance Permit it will only be valid for a period of time that doesn’t exceed one year. Reconnaissance Permits can be renewed for a second period , but it cannot exceed one year. However they are not transferable.
  12. Applications submitted which do not meet the threshold requirements won’t be taken into consideration.


  • The permit for reconnaissance must statethe following:
  • the date of the issue of the permit
  • the zone that the permit is pertaining;
  • the kind of information for the purpose for which the permit was issued;
  • the conditions upon which the permit will be issued the permit’s conditions; and
  • the time frame for confidentiality of the data gathered.
  • It will be a requirement for every holder of a reconnaissance permit to provide theMinister an exact copy of the information gathered for free.

Required Documents For Obtain a Petroleum Reconnaissance Permit

  • Name of applicant and contact information should be noted when filling out the application.
  • Description of the region being applied for , in line with the ministry’s Mercator Grid, together with specifics of the plan.
  • Information on the program of reconnaissance that is proposed, including details of the equipment that is expected to be used as well as names of the people who will be accountable for the program.
  • The details of the proposed reconnaissance programs anticipated date
  • Any additional information Director needs

The Applicant must be able of demonstrating these:

  • Prove that they have the skills, resources, and the necessary experience to execute the petroleum reconnaissance program proposed.
  • Evidence to show that the proposed program for petroleum reconnaissance is appropriate for the proposed this project.
  • Documentation of the payment of application fees.

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development
Phone: +256 414 320714
Physical address: Plot 21-29 Johnston Road
Address for Postal Delivery: P.O. Box 9, Entebbe, Uganda
Email Address:,
Website: link
Operating hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm (excluding the public holidays and weekends)


  • Any person who conducts a petroleum reconnaissance surveys is eligible to apply for this permit.


  • The license fee for the license in question is USh. 1,000,000


  • The validity time for a petroleum reconnaissance typically for 18 months

Processing Time

  • The maximum processing time required to get a permit for petroleum exploration is 90 days.


  • Permit holders must comply with all applicable licensing requirements for business that relate to the Tenement

The Information You Need

  • Name, address, and nationality of applicant. (If corporation, include the corporate name, the registered office address, and the place where it was formed).
  • Tax Identification Number/VAT Registration Certificate.
  • Status of ownership as a corporate entity (sole proprietorship or partnership, unincorporated company an incorporated private/public business associative or co-operative)
  • In the event that the corporation is registered outside of Uganda it must provide proof of its operation in Uganda and the registration of the company as a foreign one in accordance with.
  • The proposed location for the project (District county, parish, sub parish, county and village)
  • Dimension of survey(in terms of area).
  • Date of expected commencement of oil reconnaissance .
  • Estimated date of completion for the project.
  • Name,address and qualifications of the potential principle contractors and supervisors to be employed for the project or company to undertake the construction/modification.
  • A description of the plan as well as the amount of capital investment that is backed by an Bank Reference Letter.
  • Description of safety plans equipment, plans and procedures for protecting health and safety of workers as well as the environment in the course of operations and regular activities, and plans of contingency for accidents natural disasters, emergencies and accidents.
  • Other information that is pertinent to this application

The Document is required

  • A Reconnaissance Permit must be obtained to conduct a grassroots exploration in order to determine the mineral potential or targets for exploration.

Information that can be useful

  • Reconnaissance permits are not exclusive and can be issued to multiple individuals for different activities of reconnaissance in the same region or area.
  • A reconnaissance permit, unless it is cancelled through surrender, or cancellation in accordance with section 89 and 90, will remain valid for 18 months after the time of issue.

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