How to Obtain a Residence Card In Japan

Obtain a Residence Card In Japan By Online

  1. Take all the documents you’ll have to submit or present for an identity card.
  2. Fill out an application form.
  3. Complete the form and attach the other documents required.
  4. You can get your residence card on the day that you’ve submitted your application.

Required Documents For Obtain a Residence Card

  • The completed application form must be submitted.
  • A photo (submit your photo that is in compliance with the specifications listed below, along with an application form, and adding your name on the reverse of the photograph):
    • The photograph must be one where only the applicant is visible.
    • The dimension of the image (excluding those margins) must be in line with the dimensions stated in the hyperlink. (The dimension of the face should be measured from to the highest point of your head(including hair) up to the top of your chin.)
    • The person who is photographed must face forward and not wear a hat.
    • A single object (including shadows) should be visible within the background.
    • The image should be crystal clear.
    • The photo was taken not later than three months prior to the submission.
  • Candidates under 16 are not required to provide a photo.
  • Candidates must show the alien registration certificate, which could be considered to be an actual residence card. Note the applicant must carry a copy their alien registration card which is considered to be an official residence card in the event that an individual other than the one for whom the card is issued to has applied for process.
  • You must have a permit to engage in an activity different from that which is allowed under the residency status (only in the event that you are granted the authorization).
  • Your passport or a certificate of residency.
  • The reason statement in the event that you are unable to present your passport or a proof of your residence status.
  • Please provide a couple of documents that confirm your identity (for those who are submitting the application on for the application’s behalf).

The following documents must be presented when you collect the residence card (when the card was issued at a later date):

  • The proof that your application was accepted at the hands of the Immigration Officer.
  • Certificate of status or passport of residence
  • Alien registration certificate
  • Valid ID

Office Locations and Contacts

Foreign Residents Information Center Information and assistance service for foreign citizens. The centers are located in Regional Immigration bureaus as well as District Offices located in Sendai, Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, Hiroshima, and Fukuoka.

Information about the procedure for entry and staying for nationals of other countries is available via phone or an in-person visit in many languages like English, Korean, Chinese and Spanish.

Immigration Offices

Email address:

Immigration Bureau Website


  • Foreign nationals who has resided for a period of time in Japan for a period of time from midto long period due to having obtained permits related to residence status for example, an updated entry permit for landing, permit to changing the residency status, or an extension permit of the stay (a mid-to-long time resident).
  • A resident of medium or long-term status with an alien registration certificate which can be considered an official residence card
  • A long-term or medium-term resident who is not a holder of an official alien identification document at application of Revised Act (Article 16, paragraph 1 of the Supplementary Provisions in the law to amend the partial provisions of the Immigration Control and the Refugee Recognition Act and the Special Act on the Immigration Control of, Inter Alia People Who Have Lose Japanese Nationality in the Treaty of Peace with Japan)


No fee is required.

Documents to Utilize

Home Card Application pdf Home Card Application Excel Excel


  • This form can be printed on A4-sized document (Japanese Industrial Standard)
  • The form can be printed in a smaller size Uncheck the box that says to scale down the page in accordance with the dimensions of the paper (K)in the print dialog box prior to printing.

Examples of Documents

Example Residence Card

Processing Time

You will receive your residence card on the day that you submit your application.


Apply to an Regional Immigration Office (or the Immigration Information Center).

The application for a residency card from 9:00 a.m. until twelve p.m. and between 11:30 p.m. until 4:45 p.m. on days of business, (Some Regional Immigration Offices or Immigration Information Center may have an established date and time on which applications are considered, so be sure to check before visiting an immigration office.)

Who is eligible to make an application:

  1. The applicant (except for applicants who are under the age of 16 years old)
  2. A representative:
    1. A relative who is over 16 who lives with the applicant in which the applicant is below 16 years old (Note 1) is suffering of an illness ineligible or unwilling to be eligible for the residency card due to other reasons
    2. A parent aged at least 16 living with the applicant in response to a request made by the applicant (Note 2.)
  3. A representative:
    1. The individuals who have obtained the permission to work as an agent by the Director of their regional bureau for immigration (pursuant to a request by the applicant)
      1. A employee of the institution managed by, or who employs the applicant.
      2. An employee of the institution where an applicant instructed or being educated.
      3. An employee of the institution which oversees the activities of helping foreigners with learning skills, techniques or understanding
      4. A employee for the corporation of public interest created to ensure the smooth acceptance of foreign citizens
    2. An attorney or an administrative scrivener who has sent a an official notice in writing to the head of the regional office of immigration (pursuant to a request by the applicant)
    3. Legal representative for the person applying (except for relatives living together, as described at paragraph 2. (1) in the preceding paragraph)
    4. A person who is a relative to the person applying, or a person who lives together with the applicant , or any other person who is the head of the bureau regional believes appropriate (in instances in which the applicant is less than the age of 16 or suffers from an illness or has other reason (Note 1.))


  1. If you suffer from illness Please bring your medical certificate and/or medical report. as an additional condition.
  2. If you wish to make a proxy on request it is recommended to provide an official letter of authorization as an additional condition.

Requirements Information

  • Name
  • Birth date
  • Gender
  • The country of origin or nationality
  • Address

Documentation is needed

The residence card can be described as a document that the Ministry of Justice can prove that the person identified on the document is a legally-registered foreign national living within Japan and has the right to be a permanent resident permitting them to remain for a period of time in Japan for a medium- to long-term period, according to the allowed duration of stay.

The following are steps to follow for obtaining an identity card for residence in Japan.

Information that could be helpful

A residence card is an most important personal information that is held by the Ministry of Justice which includes the name of the holder birthday date, birth date and gender, as well as region of origin, nationality/location of origin address, residence, state of residence, length of stay, as well as whether or not they are able to work.

If any changes occur regarding the above details, the person who is affected is required to inform authorities of the modifications. So, the most current information must always be included on a residence card. A residence card issued to anyone aged 16 or over will also include a photo of their face.

External Links

  • Japan Immigration Bureau:
  • A New System for Residency Management:



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