How to Obtain a Residence Certificate In Italy

Obtain a Residence Certificate In Italy By Online

  • Applicant must book an appointment online at: Follow the steps: Servizi online -> Servizi Anagrafici Residenza Stranieri. Choose which Registry Office closest to you or visit one of the following Registry Offices that are competent.
  • In accordance with an agreement signed between Ministero dellInterno in conjunction with Poste Italiane SPA, in accordance with art. 39, Comma 4,, bis, Legge 16.1.2003, n. 3 . As amended by art.1 quinquies Legge12.11.2004, n.271, applications for permanent residence permits and residence cards are handed by the individual interested to Post Offices which are accepted using the kits available at any of the designated Post Offices Patronati, Post Offices and Municipalities. When submitting the application the foreigner is required to pay the cost of 30,00 as per the Decree that was issued from the Ministro dellInterno on 14 October 2005.
  • To be able to sign up with the Anagrafe, one must be 18 or older. You will need to visit an Anagrafe in the Comune (Town Council) of your home where you will receive an application form to fill out and complete and.
  • In addition, you have to confirm the residence in Italy of family members who are under the age of 18 years of age.

Required Documents For Obtain a Residence Certificate

  • Identity proof
  • Employment or self-employment evidence
  • If they’re unemployed, they should show funds and current health insurance in order to avoid becoming an additional burden for the state.
  • The evidence of enrollment in an educational institution with financial resources sufficient in addition to valid health insurance coverage so that it does not be a burden to the state.

Office Locations and Contacts

Poste Italiane search engine

Post Offices (“Uffici postali”)

Designated Municipal offices

Other authorized offices

cartography of Roman municipalities

Municipality of Trieste


In accordance with EU guidelines, you are able to stay in Italy for up to three months by providing the closest police station with an official declaration of your presence in Italian territory (dichiarazione of presence sul territorio nationale). If you plan to stay in Italy for more than 3 months, you have to apply to your municipal office (Comune-Ufficio Anagrafe) for residency (iscrizione anagrafica). The town hall will issue you with an official certificate (attestato discrizione anagrafica) that lasts for five year from date issue or for the period of planned residence (if this is not more than five years). After 5 years EU nationals can request permanent residency (attestazione di soggiorno permanente).


2750 dollars dollars is scheduled to be paid in exchange to release electronically issued residence permits.


The validity period is 5 years after your date of issue or for the duration of your intention to reside (if it is not more then five years).


  • You can apply only if you’ve lived legally, continuously residing within Italy during the last five years. The application can be made in person at either the Post Office (“Uffici postali”) or at the municipal office designated (“Comune”) as well in other offices that are authorized (“Patronati”) The only difference is that in the two cases above, there is no require an application kit “application Kit”.
  • In Italy visitors are classified as ‘Tourists’ when their stay is shorter than three months. They are also referred to as residents in the event that their stay lasts longer than three months.

The Information You Need

  • Name of the person who is applying
  • Nationality
  • Passport number
  • Address
  • Contact details
  • The municipality of residence

The document is needed

  • The certificate of residence is an official certificate issued by Italian authorities to prove that you are a resident of Italy in fiscal residency.
  • Residence certificate is available at the office of registry (anagrafe) in your municipal hall. The certificate of residence is not similar to an residence permit. Even if you are an EU national, you must apply for a certificato di residenza.
  • If you plan to be staying in Italy longer than 3 months, when you have obtained your stay permit and have a minimum of 20 days, you can apply for registration at the Anagrafe Cittadini temporarily presenti (temporarily current citizen register) in the Ufficio Anagrafe (Registry Office) of the municipality of the city in which you live.

Information that can be useful

EU citizens only need to show their passport, evidence of employment or funds and their tax number and the proof of their health insurance coverage to receive the certificate. Expats who have National Visas National Visa, on the contrary, must present their passport, residence permit, their tax identification number and birth certificate or marriage certificate (holders of an extended Family Visa).

Other uses for the document/certificate

  • It’s required to open bank accounts in certain countries. After you have it, you’ll be legally required for Italian taxes for any type of income.
  • A motor vehicle can be brought into the country duty-free after six months after receiving the residence certificate from the Anagrafe, and only if the vehicle is used for longer than one year.
  • Home appliances can be imported duty-free within 6 months after receiving the proof of residency issued by Anagrafe.

External Links


The registration of the application is done following the time that the Anagrafe agent through the Polizia Municipale (Municipal Police) and has verified whether the applicant (and your family members, if the application included them) reside at the address indicated. Only after confirmation will the application be accepted by the Anagrafe. In this instance the date that the application that is submitted by the Anagrafe at Comune is the start date for your residence.



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