How To Obtain an Operator License as a Hairdresser or Cosmetician In American Samoa

How To Obtain an Operator License as a Hairdresser or Cosmetician In American Samoa

  1. Apply for a an operating license as a cosmetics or hairdresser.
  2. Include all the necessary documents with the application.
  3. The application fees must be paid.

Documents Required Operator License as a Hairdresser or Cosmetician

License for apprentice hairdressers and apprentice makeup artists: the applicant must possess:

  1. a completed current application;
  2. A valid certificate or license issued by an official license or certification issued by the United States or any country with licensing standards that are comparable to those in the United States;
  3. A letter from an authorized operator of salons, which confirms that the salon’s owner will sponsor the applicant, stating that the applicant was hired from a licensed operator and that the applicant will work in the direction of an owner as well as
  4. two letters of reference by residents in the Territory which state that the applicants are of decent morality.

Office Locations and Contacts

Department of CommerceAmerican Samoa Government
A.P. Lutali Executive Office Building
Utulei, American Samoa 96799
Phone: 1 (684) 633-5155
Fax: 1 (684) 633-4195
Hours of Operation
Monday through Friday
From 7:30 AM until 4:00 PM

What Are All The Eligibility

License for cosmeticians and hairdressers Candidates must have a good moral character :

  1. is licensed to practice cosmetology and hairdressing in any state in the United States and has practiced as an operator for three out of the five years prior to the filing for licensure.
  2. Licensees are licensed under subsection (1) that he has completed an Board certified refresher class in an accredited institution within the one year prior to submitting an application for admission to the Board.

License for hairdressers who are apprentices or cosmeticians Candidates must have good character, and capable of presenting all necessary documents.


Fee for licenses for hairdressers who are apprentices, operators and cosmeticians who are aspiring: not more than $25


The document granting the certificate identifies the profession for which the applicant is certified.

Licenses granted expire on December 31st. They can be renewed upon request to an approval from the Board.


Licenses for hairdressers, operators, apprentices as well as apprentices in cosmeticians is granted through the American Samoa Board of Cosmetology.

Documentation is needed

A hairdresser, apprentice or operator or apprentice cosmetician has to obtain a license from the American Samoa Board of Cosmetology.

Operator refers to a person who is Operator is the hairdresser or cosmetician.

Cosmetician refers to any person using hands, mechanical or electrical equipment or devices or through the use of cosmetic preparations, antisepticsor lotions, and tonics or creams, is engaged for compensation for any of any combination of these techniques: massaging, cleaning and manipulating, stimulating beautifying or doing similar tasks on the scalp, neck, face the bust or the upper body, or slicing the nails, or getting rid excess hair by using electric current or other methods, on the body of any individual.
Hairdressers refer to anyone who is paid to engage in any any combinations of these actions including arranging, dressing curling, waving cleansing, cutting, singing bleaching, coloring or any similar activity on hair of another.

An apprentice cosmetician refers to anyone who works with the guidance of an U.S. licensed cosmetician, and who, by using their hands, mechanical or electrical devices or appliances or using products for cosmetics such as antiseptics lotions, tonics or creams, is engaged for compensation for any of any combination of these techniques: massaging, cleaning and engaging, manipulating and beautifying, or doing similar things to the scalp, neck, the face or the upper portion of the body. Or manipulating the removal of excess hair.

An apprentice hairdresser is a person who is under the direction of an U.S. certified hairdresser and for a fee, is engaged in any one or all of these activities including dressing, arranging curling, waving, cleaning cutting, bleaching, coloring, or any similar activity on the hair of another.

Information that could be helpful

Suspension and cancellation of certificates: American Samoa Board of Cosmetology may revoke , or even cancel any licence, regardless of whether it is an beauty salon or operator, in one of these reasons:

  • professional misconduct, reckless carelessness, or a clear incapacity
  • the conviction for a crime that involves moral turpitude
  • in violation of any requirements of this chapter or the rules promulgated in accordance with it and any law that is applicable for him to perform the profession which is covered by the license
  • making any false representation , or promise, either through advertising or any other means or that is dishonest or deceitful in the profession subject to the license
  • an incessant intoxication when using alcohol or the use of narcotics;
  • not displaying the appropriate license required by not displaying the license as required under Beauty Act.

External Links

  • American Samoa Bar Association:

How To Obtain an Operator License as a Hairdresser or Cosmetician In American Samoa
How To Obtain an Operator License as a Hairdresser or Cosmetician In American Samoa


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