How To Obtain Certificate of Registration of a Print, Label, Trademark or Trade Name In American Samoa

How To Obtain Certificate of Registration of a Print, Label, Trademark or Trade Name In American Samoa

  1. Apply for registration of the brand name, print or trademark with the Office of the Territorial Registrar. A declaration that is signed by the applicant, or when the application is submitted by a corporation, firm or partnership signature of a partner of the company or one of its officers, company or partner, declaring that he is or they are the sole and sole owner or proprietors, or the assigns or successors of the owner or proprietors of the print or label, and describing the products or manufactured items for which the print label, or trademark is intended to be used, as well as describing how the label, print, or trademark will be employed.
  2. The application should be with at least two copies in exact form of printed label, or trademark, or include the trade name.
  3. When filling out each application, the person filing must pay the Registrar 10 dollars.
  4. When the application, along with all supporting documents, as well as the payment of the fee are accepted by the Territorial Register, the office will record the label, print and trademark registered in a file for this reason.
  5. The Territorial Registrar issues to applicants a registration certificate that is signed by the Registrar.

Documents Required Registration of a Print, Label, Trademark or Trade Name

  • A statement signed from the applicant declaring that he or they are the sole and sole proprietor or owners of the trade name or the assignees of the proprietors or proprietors, as well as detailing details of the company that the trade name will be employed.
  • A pair of exact replicas of printed label and trademark define the trademark.

Office Locations and Contacts

Department of CommerceAmerican Samoa Government
A.P. Lutali Executive Office Building
Utulei, American Samoa 96799
Phone: 1 (684) 633-5155
Fax: 1 (684) 633-4195
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday
From 7:30 AM until 4:00 PM


Application cost to register a print label, trademark and trade names: $10


The registration or certificate grants the applicant the sole use of the label, print trademark, trade name in the Territory for a period of ten years, provided that the label, print trademark, trade name or trademark remains in use by the person applying for the Territory.


The application to register a label, print label, trademark, or trade name have to be sent by the Office of the Territorial Registrar.

The Document is required Registration of a Print, Label, Trademark or Trade Name

You might need an official certificate of registration of the label, print trademark, trade name, if you’d want to obtain the exclusive use of any name, trade name printed, label, or trademark for the purpose of attaching or affixing it to any products or manufactured items or containers, bottles or boxes containing the items or manufactured products to show that the maker’s name or the product, or the content of packaging or packages, their quality, product or the directions to the use.

Information that can be useful


  • The certificate of registration could be cancelled in the event that any label, print trademark, brand name are not employed by the applicant in compliance of the registration declaration any time that is three hundred sixty-five days.
  • Anyone who wants to have this revocation must file a request in the Office of the Territorial Registrar with the details of that the person has not used the service for a time which is not more than three hundred and sixty five days prior to the date of the filing of the petition. The petition has to be confirmed by the facts and beliefs that the petition is submitted by a corporation or corporation, it must be signed by an employee of the company or by an officer of the company. The petitioner must be given the real notice regarding the process be delivered to the registered owner in the method or method that the Registrar can prescribe in addition, the registered proprietor will be provided with an opportunity to hear an open hearing. In the event that the owner of the registration, following thorough investigation, is not identified, the Registrar will decide to require the petitioner to give notice of the proceeding by publishing in a newspaper that is appropriate for the announcement of notices in judicial proceeding for the length of time that he thinks acceptable, not less than twice per week over four weeks, with the final publication not more than 21 days before the date for the hearing. Notice will be considered complete after the date of publication. The notice published should also include the date that was scheduled to hear the case.
  • After providing the opportunity to hear the petitioner as well as the registered owner the Registrar may decide whether or not to grant the petition to cancel in the event that the facts warrant.

External Links

  • American Samoa Bar Association:

How To Obtain Certificate of Registration of a Print, Label, Trademark or Trade Name In American Samoa
How To Obtain Certificate of Registration of a Print, Label, Trademark or Trade Name In American Samoa

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