How to Obtain Coffee Nursery Certificate In Uganda

Obtain Coffee Nursery Certificate In Uganda By Online

The Coffee Nursery Certificate is issued by the local district government, in consultation together with Uganda Coffee Development Authority. Apply in-person

  1. The application for Coffee Nursery Certificates can be done in person at the Coffee Development Head Offices or their field offices located in the Districts.
  2. In this section, you will be presented with an application for registration of the coffee nursery to complete and submit.
  3. Input the information required and attach the documents required. This includes:
    • Passports/ Identification Cards and the PIN number of the person applying
    • A certified copy of certificate of incorporation/registration;
    • Certified copies of the memorandum and articles of association/constitution
    • A copy of the title deed, or leasehold certificate with the duration less than six years to prove ownership or proprietorship, and an up-to-date certificate of search, or other supporting documents.
    • Directors’ names and addresses.
    • Evidence of a reliable source of pure water
    • Accessibility of nursery site to be inspected and for transportation of materials
    • Other requirements that could be imposed by the Authority from time to time.
  4. Fill out the application and pay the applicable application fee and send the receipt as evidence of payment.
  5. Then, there is an inspection of the applicant’s farm or facilities by the Authority Field Officers
  6. After conducting investigations, the field offices of the Authority will present information to the working group.
  7. A coffee group is expected to present suggestions on the application and then forward their findings on the application to Coffee Development Authority Headquarters for final Board approval.
  8. After a successful approval, the applicant for Coffee Nursery Certificates is informed and must pay a licensing fee to the board, and then submit the receipt as evidence of payment.
  9. Once the process for obtaining the license has been completed, once the license processing is completed, the Coffee Nursery Certificates are sent to office locations for collection by the person who applied for the license.

Required Documents For Obtain Coffee Nursery Certificate

  • Passports/ Identification Cards and the PIN number of the person applying
  • A certified copy of certificate of incorporation/registration;
  • An official copy of memorandum as well as articles of association/constitution.
  • Copy of title deeds or leasehold certificate to serve as evidence of ownership of land or ownership, and the most recent certificate of search or any other supporting documents.
  • Directors’ names and addresses.
  • Prove that the source is reliable and pure water
  • Accessibility of nursery site for inspection and transportation of nursery materials
  • Other requirements that could be imposed from time to time by the Authority at any time.

Office Locations and Contacts

U.K. coffee development Authority(UCDA)
Plot 35 Jinja Road, Coffee House,
P.O. Box 7267, Kampala
Tel: +256 312 260 471 / +256 312 260 470
Fax: +256 414 256 994
Site: Coffee Development Authority


Anyone who is a cooperative society, group, or business can apply for a coffee nursery certificate.


The certificate has a validity time of one year . The certificate expires at the end of June of each year.

Documents to Utilize

Application to register

Processing Time

Maximum processing time of 14 days

Requirements Information

  • Nom of applicant (individual or Organization)
  • Address (Postal)
  • Telephone Number
  • Physical physical
  • Name of farm proposed
  • Title deed number
  • Directors’ names and addresses.
  • Nursery Category (Commercialor Private)

Documentation is needed

  • The certificate of a coffee nursery permits the owner to run a coffee house.
  • This is a certification that is issued to a coffee farmer who wants to grow coffee planting material (seedlings) for their own use or to be sold to earn commercial profit.

Information that can be useful

  • Coffee licenses in the industry expire at the end of the month of June each year. License holders have to are required to apply to the Authority to renew their licenses one month before the expiry date.
  • New license applicants can apply at anytime during the fiscal year to be considered and a license.
  • Candidates can submit hard copies of their application in the mail to Coffee Development Authority offices countrywide. The specifics of the offices are listed in the “Office Addresses and Locations” section on this page.
  • In Uganda no one is permitted to for commercial reasons, purchase or sell, sell warehouse, mill export or otherwise engage with or conduct commercial activity in coffee, in coffee unless he has a current licence issued by either the Authority or the local County Government for that purpose.

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