How to Obtain Euro 1-Movement Certificate In Jamaica

Obtain Euro 1-Movement Certificate In Jamaica By Online

  1. You must apply to Euro 1 (Movement Certificate) through the Trade Board Limited (TBL). You can view the TBL Contact Details through this link – TBLContacts.
  2. To obtain the Euro 1 form, visit the TBL office nearest you.
  3. Please complete the Euro 1 form accurately with all required details.
  4. Send the completed form to the TBL office. Pay the processing fees.
  5. To verify that the information provided on the form is correct and valid, the official will review it.
  6. The TBL will then process the application and certify all information.
  7. Then, you will be issued a valid Euro 1 (Movement Certificate)

Required Documents For Euro 1-Movement Certificate

  • Euro 1 form.
  • Commercial invoice.
  • Receipt of payment

Find Office Locations and Contacts

The Trade Board LTDAddress at 10th Floor, Air Jamaica Building 72 Harbour Street Kingston
Tel: (876)-967-0507 Toll-Free (Jamaica Only):1-888-367-8247
Fax: (876)-948-541 or (876)-948-74686
Supporting Documents Email:
– Website
Contact details
Monday through Thursday, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM


  • Individuals and companies that import products to Jamaica can apply.


  • For details on fees, please contact the appropriate authority.

Processing Time

  • Within one working day, the application will be processed.

Requirements Information

  • Names.
  • Contact.
  • Importing country
  • Information about goods.

You will need the document

  • EUR1 Movement Certificate can be used to support claims for preferential (usually null) rates of duty in the country where importation is made

External Links



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