How to Obtain Hunting License Card In Norway

Obtain Hunting License Card In Norway By Online

For applicants who reside in another country.

  1. To get a hunting permit You must submit your hunting license from abroad along with your name, birth date and adress to Norwegian Register of Hunters.
  2. Documents must be sent to us via e-mail, fax or mail well ahead of the date you plan to hunt.
  3. Pay the fee for hunting permits through the Wildlife Fund (Viltfondet). The fee has to be paid prior to you can be permitted to hunt, however it does not grant the right to hunt on any area. The fee for hunting permits is for the entire season of hunting (1 April through the 31st of March).
  4. The payment slips are sent in the last week of March. The hunting season begins 1 April and at that point, all hunters from outside the country who paid the license fee in the previous year should have received their payment slip.
  5. You can purchase or pay for the licence online the following website: The Brnnysund Record Center’s Website
  6. If you pay with a debit or credit card, then you are able to create a temporary receipt which lasts for 30 days. It is required to carry this receipt along when you go hunting until you get your hunting license that you will receive in the mail.
  7. You can also request an application for a fee to pay for a hunting license slip by visiting the Register of Hunters. A new fee payment for your hunting license slip will be sent the next day the day, or the day that is the first day of work following when you have placed your order and will arrive delivered to your mailbox in some days.

Required Documents For Obtain Hunting License Card

  • Foreign hunting license

Office Locations and Contacts

Norwegian Register of Hunters

Mailing address:Jegerregisteret
P. O. Box 905
N-8910 Brnnysund


+47 75 00 79 99

Always include your hunter’s ID along with your address and name when you make a call to the Register of Hunters.


To become a license hunter, you must:

  • have to be at minimum 18 years old
  • Have you paid your hunting permit fees for this hunt year. The payment must be recorded in the Hunters Register.
  • Have you met your reporting obligations as per the regulations of March 18, 2005, regarding the management of large carnivores, 16

People who live outside Norway are not required to pass the big test for shooting game in Norway provided they meet the requirements to hunt big game in the country of residence. This proof must be presented when hunting.


The current hunting season is in full swing. the cost for hunting licenses is NOK 333. If you want to hunt the moose, red deer or wild reindeer there is an additional charge of NOK 89, which amounts to total NOK 422.


If you’ve not paid the required hunting license fee in the past five years, you’ll be removed from the Norwegian Register of Hunters.

If you wish to go hunting again, you have to submit an updated copy of your hunting permit in the Norwegian Register of Hunters.


Hunting license applicants must in order to clear this test. Hunting Proficiency Test (Jegerprve).

If you live permanently abroad and want for hunting privileges in Norway it is not necessary to have to take the hunter’s test or the shooting qualification test if you meet the requirements for licensing for similar hunting in the country of residency. If you plan to hunt within Norway it is necessary to submit your hunting license from abroad along with your name, birth date as well as your adress to Norwegian Register of Hunters.

The Document is required

This guideline explains how to get an hunting license in Norway.

Other uses for the Document/Certificate

It is possible to hunt large game using a rifle when you’ve successfully passed the annual test for hunting proficiency the same year that you are hunting.

External Links

The Brnnysund Register Centre



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