How to Obtain Land Rent Clearance Certificate In Uganda

Obtain Land Rent Clearance Certificate In Uganda By Yourself

  1. Request for Certificate of Land Rent Clearance must be submitted to the Commissioner of Lands, within the Ministry of Lands, Housing and urban Development.You are able to visit their website at the link below Ministry of Lands.
  2. Make your application available for approval to Ministry of Lands housing and urban Development.
  3. After the payment of due Land rent, and upon an application, the land commissioner the land issue a Land Rent Clearance Certificate.
  4. This document proves that there aren’t any outstanding fees that need to be paid towards the Municipality.
  5. A certificate of clearance for land rent License is given to the applicant at the same time where the application was made .

Required Documents For Obtain Land Rent Clearance Certificate

  • Completely filled out application for m in quadruplicate
  • Copy of title in full
  • Copy of the deed plan
  • Proof of the the full payment of rent (LRT2 deposits, Pay-in-slips, and the most current Rent Clearance Certificate)

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Lands, Housing and urban DevelopmentPlot 13 15 Parliament Avenue
P.O.Box 7096 Kampala, Uganda.
Tel: (256) – 414 – 373511
Tel :(256) 791 – 791 –
Tel :(256) 772 – 463240
Web site: Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development
Website :Contact Address


  • Usually, it’s the seller who has to get the Certificate.


  • No cost


  • 1 year, however it is not required to be renewed.

Processing Time

  • Maximum Processing Time 14-21 days.


  • The lawyer for the Seller’s lawyer gets this Land Rent Clearance Certificate from the Commissioner of Lands at no cost.

Requirements Information

  1. Rent No. Rent No.
  2. Parcel Account
  3. Location
  4. The Property Owner(s) Complete Name(s) (Attach A Clear Copy of the Title)
  5. National ID Number
  6. PIN Number
  7. Postal Address
  8. Code
  9. Town
  10. Calls to the Telephone (For Text Messaging)
  11. E-mail address
  12. Annual Rent Amount
  13. Amount per The Demand Notification (Attach Copy Issued)
  14. Amount paid (Attach the Bank Receipt)
  15. URA Pay-in-Slip number (Attach Copy)
  16. Signature of Applicant/Advocate

The Document is required

  1. The Land Rent Clearance Certificate applies specifically to land that is leasehold. In the land laws that were repealed the land rent was not able to be imposed on property within the jurisdiction under the Government Lands Act. The Land Registration Act provides that the registrar is not authorized to sign any document that seeks to establish an interest on land the land rents applicable to that property are not paid.
  2. An Land Rent Clearance Certificate is the proof of payment for these rents. The Register issues them.
  3. In Uganda the law stipulates that any transaction involving the transfer of interest in land requires consent or a certificate, as required by Ugandan law. Uganda.
  4. A Land Rent Clearance Certificate is issued by the Commissioner of Lands and serves the same function as the Certificate of Rates Clearance regard to the tax on property that are due towards the State.

Information that might be useful

  • It is the Departments of Lands (Land Rent Section) This department is the repository for all leasehold and land rent documents. Rent assessments are conducted by the office. Payment is directly to the Commissioner for Domestic taxes via Commercial Bank on prescribed forms that include information like parcel number, owner’s name address, residence address as well as the personal identification number of the owner as well as the rent amount to be paid per year.

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