How to Obtain Molasses Permit or License In Uganda

Obtain Molasses Permit or License In Uganda By Yourself

  • Applications for permits for molasses should be made from the 1st of June to the 30th day of June every year.
  • The Directorate will not consider applications beyond this time frame unless the amount of molasses exceeds of the quantity demanded by the requests received within the time period indicated and meet the criteria established for the Directorate.

Application In Person

  1. The following applicants can apply for a permit to molasses.
    • Industrial manufactures,
    • Livestock farmers,
    • Registered traders
    • Exporters who are registered.
  2. The application of a Molasses Permit must be made in person by going to the Uganda Registration Bureau Head Offices to register and later Ministry of trade, industry and Cooperatives to apply for an License. You can visit URSBS website Uganda License portal
  3. In this section, you will be issued the Application to Molasses Permit form. Molasses Permit form to fill and submit.
  4. Complete the necessary information and attach the necessary documents.
  5. If applicants are farmers of livestock or traders. They should send the completed application form to their regional administration offices (Chief or Sub-chief) and to the officials responsible for livestock (County or Sub-County) to get their endorsement prior to sending the form for approval to Uganda Registration Service Bureau.
  6. Exporters and industrial manufacturers are advised to attach the appropriate documents and submit them for the Ministry of trade, industry and Cooperatives.
  7. Fill out the application and pay the applicable application fee . Submit the receipt as evidence of payment.
  8. The permit processing fees are to be paid in advance upon the receipt of the completed application form. The payment of processing fees does not constitute an assurance for the approval of a permit.
  9. The Ministry of trade, industry and Cooperatives will examine the application and inform applicants of the results or failure of the application by contacting the applicant’s address for postal delivery within 25 days following the closing of the application.
  10. Once the processing of the license has been completed, the applicant will be able to get their Molasses license from the Ministry of trade, industry and Cooperatives office.

Required Documents For Obtain Molasses Permit or License

  1. Completely filled out application form
  2. Identity card copy / passport
  3. Single Business Permit
  4. Certificate of registration
  5. Certificate of incorporation
  6. PIN Number of the Company, (if applicable)
  7. VAT of the Company, (if applicable)
  8. Tax compliance certificates (if appropriate)
  9. Import/export permits, (if applicable)
  10. Industrial licenses (if required)
  11. Client evidence through copies of the supply LPOs Contracts, and Supply LPOs.

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Trade, Industry & Cooperatives.Plot 6/8, Parliamentary Avenue
P.O. Box 7103 Kampala
Phone:+256-312 324 000 | +256 312 324 268
Website :

  • Scroll until the end of the page. The contact information is available.

Uganda Registration Services Bureau
Lot 5 George Street, Georgian House, Kampala
P.O.Box Box 6848 Kampala Uganda
URSB General Line: +256 414 233 21
Call Center Contact Number: +256 417338 100
URSB Fax +256 414250 712
Website:Uganda License portal

  • Scroll towards the very bottom of page. Contact details are listed.



  • The qualified applicants, including industrial manufacturers that are registered and require Molasses for their processes, livestock farmer, registered trader, and registered exporters can submit this application.


  • The permit processing fees are set at Ugshs. 10000. per month, per tonne up to 10 tonnes and Ugshs. 5500 per tonne for quantities beyond 10 tonnes and in excess of Ugshs. 3,000,000.
  • In the case of exports The fees will be twice the amount of local fees.
  • The processing fee for permits is due in advance upon the submission of a completed application form.


  • It is good for the duration for one full year.
  • The certificate expires at the 30th June each year.

Processing Time

  • The processing time is about 25 days.

Requirements Information

  • Name of the Applicant
  • ID Number
  • Physical address and postal address
  • Telephone numbers
  • Email address
  • The Company’s Particulars
  • Addresses, names, IDs and names Director’s names, IDs and addresses (where an applicant belongs to a registered business)
  • Sources and amount (by volume) of molasses needed
  • Molasses requirement per month
  • Factory to provide
  • Transport method of choice from the factory
  • Justification of the amount of molasses to be requested (Purpose and the consumption rates per month)

Need to have the Document

  • Molasses permits are issued to registered industrial producers who require molasses for their manufacturing processes livestock farmers as well as registered traders and exporters.
  • A molasses permit is required to handle huge quantities of Molasses in Uganda.

Information that could be helpful

  • The amount of molasses required by each applicant should be proportional to the size of the business for whom the molasses will be supplied.
  • Applications for permit applications for all livestock traders and farmers must be submitted by the local administration and livestock officers.
  • The permit processing fee is due in advance upon the submission of a completed application form. The processing fee payment does not constitute an assurance for the an approval.
  • All exports and imports must be licensed according to the sugar and other by-products (imports as well as exports) regulations.
  • The Ministry of trade, industry and Cooperatives must base its decision-making on the national molasses stock and distribution, as well as the longer-term interest of the industries of sugar and related industries when issuing molasses permit.
  • The Ministry of trade, industry and Cooperatives will endeavor to notify all applicants about the acceptance or failure of their application by contacting the applicant’s addresses within the period of 25 working days following the closing of applications every year. Any decision made by the Authority will be considered to be binding.
  • If not satisfied, applicants are able to contest authorities if they are not satisfied. Authorities by writing in the first 330 days after the date of decision.
  • If you are not satisfied with the result of the appeal, the applicant(s) will be able to appeal to arbitration with The Sugar Tribunal.
  • The permits issued will expire at the end of June every year.

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