How To Obtain Plant Import Permit or License In Anguilla

How To Obtain Plant Import Permit or License In Anguilla

  1. In order to obtain an Plant Import License, the applicant must go to an Agriculture Department in Anguilla.
  2. In advance, inform the department of the date of arrival for consignment and also the location of arrival.
  3. Below are the details you will need to submit in order to be able to submit it Agriculture Department.
    • The name and the address of the importer.
    • Country of the country of.
    • Name and Quantity and name plant(s).
  4. Below are some contact details that you can use.
Agriculture Department
P.O. Box 60,
Coronation Avenue,
The Valley, Anguilla,
Phone : (264) 497-2615
Fax: (264) 497 0040
Contact information for more contacts : More Contact

Office Locations and Contacts

Agriculture DepartmentP.O. 60,
Coronation Avenue,
The Valley, Anguilla,
Phone : (264) 497-2615
Fax: (264) 497 0040
More contact information: Additional Contact

How To Obtain Plant Import Permit or License In Anguilla
How To Obtain Plant Import Permit or License In Anguilla

What Are All The Eligibility

  • There are no obvious evidence of disease or pests.
  • Photosanitary Certificates from countries that export to.

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