How To Obtain Postal Deposit Certificate In China

How To Obtain Postal Deposit Certificate In China

  • When dealing with individual certificates of deposit, be sure to present the following details the transactions you make are documented in the passbook or certificates of deposit or card or personal documents with valid real names. Agents, for example, and agents must show a valid and valid real name attorney’s document.
  • Deposit time certificates issued in connection with the requirement to close payments, and deposits certificates and the time frame that will be effective at the period for stop payments. It is important to select according to the freeze period of days and the most short day in the freeze (certificates of deposit issued on the on the same day).
  • For example, deposits within the validity period of the option to end a advance deposit payments You must return all bank certificate of deposit in the original for cancellation of deposits.
  • To extend the lifespan of deposits certificates, complete the application form and submit it to the bank and then issue new deposit certificates and pay the fees.

Documents Required Obtain Postal Deposit Certificate

  • Savings certificates for deposits issued by the Postal Service.
  • Passbook
  • A green card
  • Subaccount Pass and Green cartoon card are able to handle one or all deposit certificates.

Office Locations and Contacts

China Postal Savings Bank (PSBC)Address: Beijing Financial Street, Xicheng District 3
Zip Code: 100808
Customer Service Telephone 95580
Branch C

How To Obtain Postal Deposit Certificate In China
How To Obtain Postal Deposit Certificate In China

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What Are All The Eligibility

The personal savings showed that postal savings institutions should be able to accept to depositors, personal savings are kept in writing. This is what postal savings institutions can offer.


  • Individual deposit certificates divided into two categories points in time deposits as well as certificates of deposit.
  • Point-in-time certificates of deposit, to the person who is applying when he or she applies to issue deposits at the applicant must prove the existence of a certain amount of postage savings deposits.
  • Time-based deposit certificates serve to verify the identity of the person filing the date of filing until the date of time when there is an amount of savings in the postal system.

Requirements Information

  • Full name
  • ID number
  • Gender
  • Nationality
  • Type of Account
  • Account number
  • Contact information

The Document is required Obtain Postal Deposit Certificate

The People’s Republic of China, the Postal Savings Bank of China was separated with China Post in 2007 and created as a state-owned limited company. It is still providing banking services to post offices.

Information that could be helpful

Service channels Postal savings counter.

Other uses for the document/certificate

  • The sum of deposits in addition to proof A deposit could be opened at various times in time. Certificates of deposit for more than one time. Once issued, a deposit certificate can deposit for more than the time period to prove.
  • Multi-pen deposits, concentrated proof that multi-pen deposits can be set out on a deposit certificate which will save you the expense of opening a deposit certificate.
  • The format specification The national unity: National unification printed document of deposits.

External Links

Personal bank certificates

China Postal Savings Bank


The information above is intended for informational purposes only, with respect to specific rules of the applicable company China Postal Savings Bank local branch. To speed up your process visit the local branch of your postal savings institution, or call the hotline for customer service 95580 prior to the appropriate procedures.



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