How to Obtain Residence Permit Based on Shortage of Laborers In Iceland

Obtain Residence Permit Based on Shortage of Laborers In Iceland By Online

  • Take all the necessary documents that you’ll need to be able to apply for the process.
  • Fill out, download and complete and sign the application form, then sign and download the application.
  • You must pay for an amount for the fees for processing.
  • Make sure to send your application through postmarked mail addressed to Directorate of Immigration, Skgarhl 6, 105, Reykjavk. Make sure to include the receipt of payment when you submit your application.
  • In the event that the permission is approved, the applicant who requires an entry visa must obtain the D-Visa at the nearest Embassy that issues visas in behalf of Iceland. The application must state the embassy from which the applicant plans to obtain the visa.

After arrival in Iceland

  • A majority of foreigners have to have a medical exam and submit an official medical certificate to the Directorate following arriving in Iceland. For more information
  • The applicant has to show their passport at the Directorates office or the closest District Commissioners office to be photographed.
  • After the medical certificate has been received and the photo of the person who is a foreign national has been taken the permit will get issued, and the permit will be sent to the address provided by the applicant.
  • The date on which the permit was granted, is the day that officially begins residence in Iceland.

Renewal of the permit

  • The permit to be in short supply of laborers can be renewed for up to a year. If circumstances beyond the control of the authorities warrant it the permit to be extended for more than one year when the project is clearly specified and timed project.
  • A photo of the applicant is taken at the time of renewal and the applicant must be able to carry their passport.
  • If the renewal application is not received at least one month prior to the date expiration date The applicant is required to leave Iceland during the time that the application process is in progress and the application will not be considered to be a renewal, but rather an initial permit.

Required Documents For Obtain Residence Permit Based on Shortage of Laborers

The permit is required to use the permit for the first time

  • Application form that is completed
  • Application form to obtain the issuance of a work permit or a shortage of labourers an original form that is completed, that is signed by the employer as well as the applicant.
  • Contract of employment Original contract that is signed by the employer and the candidate.
  • One passport-sized photograph (35mm 45mm)
  • A photocopy of the passport of the applicant Its validity has to be at minimum three months beyond the time period of the proposed permit.
  • The Criminal Record Check (original): The certificate needs to come from the nation or country in which the applicant has lived over the last five years. Criminal Record Check must be at least 6 months prior to submitting it at the Directorate. Note that applicants who have lived or resided in either Canada or the U.S.A. or Canada during the past five yearsand are planning to apply for an residence permit in Iceland and submit an Criminal Record Check based on fingerprints taken through the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the U.S.A. and/or by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Canada.
  • Medical Insurance: A confirmation from an insurance provider authorized to offer service in Iceland that the person applying for insurance has secured medical insurance for at the minimum 2.000.000 that is valid during the initial six months of residence in Iceland.
  • Authorization: The applicant can give an individual from Iceland the right to pursue the application (not an absolute requirement to process the application).
  • Housing certificate The applicant must be able to prove that they have secure housing for the duration of time for which they are applying. It must also be attested by the owner of the property and signed by two adults.


  • Any foreign document issued in other languages than English or any among the Scandinavian languages must be transliterated by an certified interpreter.
  • The Directorate could request an authentication of documents from abroad.

to renew your permit

  • Application form that is completed
  • Application form to obtain an employment permit and labour shortage an original form that is completed, which is signed by both the employer and the applicant.
  • Contract of employment Original contract that is signed by the employer and applicant.
  • The passport photocopy must be a photocopy Validity of passport should be at minimum three months beyond the date of the permit.
  • Homeowners Certificate The applicant has to demonstrate that he/she is in a an apartment that is secure for the duration of time for which they are applying. It must also be verified by the owner of the house as well as witnessed by at least two adult.
  • Social Services Certification: The person applying has to submit a letter from the municipal service in the area where they resided in the last year, showing whether or not the applicant has received any financial support from social services.
  • Tax payment record: The tax payer must provide a proof from the tax authority in question of the tax paid over the past 12 months.

Office Locations and Contacts

Directorate of ImmigrationAddress: Skgarhl 6, 105 Reykjavik
E-mail :
Phone: +354 510 5400
Fax: +354 510 5405
Office hours: Monday through Friday 10:00 am – at 2:00 pm


The requirements for getting the right to work and reside for a job that is that does not require specialized skills is that there is a an insufficient supply of labourers within Iceland and that workers aren’t available within those in the European Economic Community area or the EFTA countries.


Application fee for permit for anyone older than 18 years:

  • The first date of issue 12,000 ISKR
  • Renewing the license The permit is renewed for 6 000 ISKR
  • Permanent Residence permit 12,000 ISKR

Application fee for permit, for those who are under 18 years:

  • The first release of permit The permit was issued for 6,000 ISKR.
  • Renewing the license The renewal fee is 3000 ISKR
  • Permanent Residence permit Permanent Residence permit: ISKR 6,000


  • If the applicant decides to withdraw their application, or when the application is refused the fee for application that the applicant paid may not be returned.
  • Be aware that your bank may charge a processing charge for international transfers. If the fee is not paid in a separate transaction and the bank does not pay it, it will deduct the fee from the amount you transferred. This will result in funds not transfer towards Icelandic Directorate of Immigration. Icelandic Directorate of Immigration. Thus, the process of processing your application may be delayed until all processing fee is paid.
  • The bank fees aren’t yet included in the above amounts.

Processing fee

Make your payment payable into the Directorate of Immigration account. Directorate of Immigration account

Icelandic social identification number or security number = 670269-6399
Information about the bank – IBAN: IS59 0516, 0541, 1973 6702 963 99
Bank: slandsbanki, Kirkjusandi, 105 Reykjavk.

Don’t forget to print off the payment receipt and attach it to your application.

When you deposit your money when you deposit your payment, you need to provide your name and birthday as well as the same information that you have printed on your passport.


  • Residence permits that are issued because of labor shortages are temporary permits and are only valid for one time.
  • Reunification of families is not permissible and cannot be used as a basis for an Permanent Residence Permit.


Processing Time

It can take between 90 and 120 to 90 days (on on the basis of an average) from the time the required documentation was received by the Directorate to review your application. If the supporting documents are not available or are not up to date, the time for processing could be longer.


  • Requests for an residence permit based on labor shortages must be submitted by the applicant prior to the time of his/her arrival in Iceland as per the Act on Foreigners No. 96/2002.
  • In the event of a visa denial, entry to the country permits is usually not permitted until the application is approved.

Documentation is needed

Here are the steps on how you could apply for a residence permit based upon the lack of laborers.

External Links

  • Directory of Immigration Website<=en



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