How to Obtain Seed import Licence (permit) In Uganda

Obtain Seed import Licence (permit) In Uganda By Online

  1. Request your import permit via your Uganda National Seed Board secretary under the Ministry of Agriculture industry and Fisheries.
    • The applicant must submit an announcement of intent to import seeds on the form SR 19 and must be issued an import Permit on Form SR 20 as per the instructions.
  2. Once you have all the legal documents in place After that, visit your local Ministry of Agriculture industries and Fisheries headquarters to begin the process of getting a licence.
  3. Select an application form for a Licence, complete the form in and send the application form that you have completed at Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries offices where the Seed import licence Certificate is given.
  4. The application for Seed Import Permit Licences has to be submitted under the name of either a corporate or individual and must be submitted using an ordinary form. The form for application must be submitted with other required documents and the suggested varieties that are to be imported. They must meet minimum standards set out in the layout plan of the Seed Import Process.
    • The applicants also have to provide the National list of seed varieties or a standard catalog of seeds specifically for the brand new venture.
    • The applicant has to demonstrate that he/she has put in all the equipment required for storage and processing of seeds.
    • In order to be eligible for selection, the applicant has when applying for testing of variety provide evidence of the high performance of the selection in yield trials as well as on farm trials.
    • The applicant has to prove that they are adequately trained and skilled personnel who are knowledgeable about the field of seeds.
  5. After the application form is completed, you must pay for the Seed import fee. After that, you are able to submit Your Application to National Seed Board under the Ministry of Agriculture industries and Fisheries.
  6. The application should be accompanied by the necessary samples of seeds as well as the prescribed fee to cover the cost of conducting the tests.
  7. After the application has been received authorities will check the information provided and provide the applicant with a receipt. Secure it for the next transactions. Authorities will be informed of subsequent steps.
  8. The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries will conduct inspections to ensure the seed’s safety before granting a licence to ensure that the seed that are imported conform to the safety standards of seed at an international standard.
  9. In order to ensure that seeds that are imported are in a form that permits easy sampling. This is a requirement for any businesses that plan to import Seed for sale on the international market.
    • To make sure that the seeds are not offered for sale unless they have been verified and tested.
    • In order to ensure you are sure that your applicant has created an extensive and extensive seed distribution system that includes licensed agents, subagents, and stockists.
  10. If all the formalities have been completed, the applicant will be informed that they need to take possession of their Seed Import Licence. The Licence can be collected from the Ministry of Agriculture industries and the department of fisheries at Uganda Nation Seed Board.
  11. Every seed that is imported must be and accompanied with the ISTA Orange International Certificate, an export permit, and an Phytosanitary Certificate.
  12. A candidate who is registered and issued an official certificate of registration must be registered in the Register of Seed Merchants and given a registration ID.

Notification: Grant or rejection of permission is the sole decision of the Uganda National Seed Board. Check your Seed imported by the importer is secure and of a high standards. To maintain your Seed import permit You must buy seeds from approved suppliers and adhere to requirements of the Ministry of Agriculture industries and Fisheries guidelines to ensure the safety of seeds

Required Documents For Obtain Seed import Licence

  • Country of the country of.
  • Importer details.
  • The nature of seeds.
  • Entry point.
  • Seller (consignor)

Office Locations and Contact

Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries(MAAIF)Lugard Avenue Entebbe
P.O. Box 102 Entebbe, Uganda
Email Address:

Web site: Ministry of Agriculture

Uganda National seed Board
Department of certification and inspection of crops.
P.Box 102 Entebbe, Uganda
Plot 14-18 Lugard Avenue, Entebbe
Tel: +256 414 531 411 /256-414-567 368
Web site: Ministry of Agriculture


Anyone who is involved in seed import business within Uganda area, except for those exempted by the Seed as well as Plant Act 2006 are eligible to apply for a Seed import license.


License Fee: 5,000 Ugshs (per lot 500kgs)
Renewal Fee: 5,000 Ugshs (per lot 500kgs)
Performance testing 800,000 Ugshs
dus testing 350,000 Ugshs
Registration for Variety 100,000 Ugshs


Validity: 6 months

Examples of Documents

(In line to The Seeds and Plant Act 2006)
To: The Secretary National Seed Board
I/We* seek to import/export* seeds listed below, in line to the conditions set out by the Seeds and Plant Act 2006 and the Seeds and Plant Regulations made under

  1. Name of Applicant……………………..
  2. Postal Address…………………………
  3. Tel No……………………………………
  4. NSB Registration Number is………………….
  5. Stores in which the seeds will be kept after their arrival or where the seeds are stored prior to export ……
  6. The quantity of Seeds similar to the variety that is held in the stock..
  7. Name and address of Origin…………………..
  8. Details of the seed exported or imported Species Variety Category weight in kilograms
  9. When I sign this application, I must be able to obtain a Plant Import License.
  10. The Seed consignment must be supported by:
  • The Orange International (ISTA) Certificate

(b) Import Permit
(c) Phytosanitary Certificate

Recommendation from Secretary National Seed Board

  • The applicant is registered Seed Merchant/Importer/Conditioner.
  • The amount of seeds similar to the variety that is held in the stock is …… tons/kgs
  • The importer’s source is recommended or not advised
  • The varieties that are intended for import have been tested to determine their the ability to adapt in Uganda and have been found to be suitable or unsuitable.
  • Signature………….Secretary National Seed Board


Processing Time

Maximum Processing Time: 3 Months


  • The Secretary must keep a log on all seeds registered farmers.
  • Seeds are not sold unless it has been examined by the official laboratory for testing seeds and accredited according to these Regulations and been declared to be of good quality.
  • A person should not sell seed unless they have a valid certification.
  • Seeds that is imported into the country must be declared on arrival to ensure its authenticity

Requirements Information

  • National Seed Board registration Number
  • Specifics of seeds that are imported
  • Information on the Species
  • Information about seed varieties
  • Information about the category
  • Seed quantities (Weight in Kilograms)
  • Plant import permit
  • Information on the seed consignment
  • The name and the address at the origin
  • Name of the applicant.

The Document is required

  • Its purpose is to control the seeds’ importation to the country.
  • The aim of these Regulations is to promote, control and regulate breeder breeding, release of variety Multiplication, conditioning, exporting, marketing and quality assurance of seeds as well as other planting material and other issues.

Information that could be helpful

The Board has established Board to be used for the purpose of seed production and marketing, five classes of seed as they are:

  • Breeder seed;
  • Basic seed;
  • First generation seed certified;
  • Second generation certified seed; and
  • Standard seed

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