How to Obtain Shea Nuts and Oil produce Manufacturer License or Permit In Uganda

Obtain Shea Nuts and Oil produce Manufacturer License or Permit In Uganda By Online

  • Manufacture” refers to the process of processing all Shea oil crops and nuts products and their products, and it comprises cracking, grade packaging and distribution of oil and nuts products of the crop for sale it does not comprise drying or dehusking.
  • “Manufacturer” is a term used to describe a company that processes products and nuts from oil crops into various products for end-use.

Application In Person

  1. The application of Shea Nuts and Oil Produce Manufacturer licenses can be done in person at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Head Offices.You are able to visit the website of the ministry at here. Ministry of Agriculture
  2. In this instance, you will be provided the Application for Grant or Renewal for a Manufacturing License form to fill out and submit.
  3. Fill in the required details accurately and attach the relevant supporting documents prior to.
  4. Fill out the application form along with the application fee of Rs. 100,000. Then, submit the receipt as evidence of payment.
  5. This is followed by an inspection of applicants premises/factory/warehouse by the Crops directorate’s Officers from Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
  6. Based on the results of an investigation can be presented to the Crops directorate for final approval Board approval.
  7. At this point , the applicant is informed whether the applicant has been granted a license or what alterations must be made in order for them being licensed to operate as manufacturer.
  8. After a successful approval, an oil or shea nut manufacturing license applicants are notified and is ordered to make payment of the fee to the authority , and provide the receipt as evidence of payment.
  9. Once the licensing procedure is completed, once the licensing process is completed, the Shea Nuts and Oil Producer Manufacturing license is granted to the applicant.

Required Documents For Obtain Shea Nuts and Oil produce Manufacturer License or Permit

  1. The application form must be filled in and completed.
  2. Photocopy of ID/Passport of applicant
  3. A copy of the Certificate of Incorporation Registration Certificate
  4. Copy of duly signed Memorandum and Articles of Association
  5. Copies of IDs or passports of Directors of Companies
  6. Copies of valid County Government Single Business Permit
  7. Copy of the PIN Certificate issued by URA for the business
  8. A copy of the URA’s valid Tax Compliance Certificate
  9. A copy of a valid NEMA’s Environmental Impact Assessment or Environmental Audit Certificate where applicable.
  10. Copies of National drug Authority License where it is applicable
  11. Single Business Permit
  12. Other requirements that may be imposed by the Authority from time-to-time.

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Agriculture Animal industries and Fisheries.Phone: +256 414320 006
Physical address: Lugard Avenue Entebbe
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 102 Entebbe, Uganda
Jurisdiction: National
Mail Address:
Site: Ministry of Agriculture
Operating hours: Monday through Friday, from 8:00am to 5:00pm (excluding holidays, weekends and holidays)

  • Scroll down until towards the very bottom of page. Contact information is available.


  • Anyone with a registered business and owns premises registered as per the rules issued under the Agricultural Chemicals (Control) Act 2006.


  • The application fee is Ugshs 100,000
  • Cottage Processors and applicants for a new licensing fee of Ugsh. 50,000
  • Big Processors License Fee of Ugsh. 1,000,000


  • It is good for duration which is equal to one full year.
  • The license expires on 30th of June in each year.

Processing Time

  • Processing time of one month.

The Information You Need

  1. Name of the Applicant
  2. Registered office Details (head of office)
  3. URA Number
  4. Physical address and postal address
  5. Telephone numbers
  6. Email address
  7. Website
  8. Location where the premises are located
  9. Land Reference Number
  10. Date of establishment/incorporation
  11. registration certificate number
  12. Name of the company
  13. Directors’ names and contact details , citizenship and shares
  14. Sorts of Products/Products to be sold
  15. Production sources

Documentation is needed

  • The Shea Nut and Oil produce registration certificate for manufacturers permits the holder to run the business as a manufacturer of the oil and nut produce industries of Uganda.
  • Nobody can be an oil and nut manufacturer unless they are the holder of a valid registration certificate issued in relation of them by the Ministry in meeting with the Director Crop Production.

Information that can be useful

  1. Each manufacturer of shea nuts as well as oil crops must submit quarterly reports to the appropriate Ministry by the 15th day of the month following the close of the quarter.
  2. Each manufacturer or dealer must pay a registration, or licensing cost as per the rules
  3. The Licensing Authority may revoke, alter or suspend the validity of a registration certificate, permit or license granted to a manufacturer, when they are
    • Do not comply with these regulations or the terms that are stated in the certificate of registration , license or permit.
    • Convict an offence in accordance with the law or any other law that is written in connection of the activities that they are licensed, registered or registered.
  4. Every manufacturer, grower and dealer should design, implement, and maintain an elaborate traceability system that can monitor and track the history and whereabouts at every stage of production, processing , and distribution of the shea nut as well as oil crops’ products and the products.

External Links


  • The Shea nuts have around 48 percent oil in dry matter. The majority of sources come from the northern part of the country, where farmers can have just one acre or two acres of land that is cultivated.



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