How to Obtain Tax Clearance Certificate In Bhutan

Obtain Tax Clearance Certificate In Bhutan By Online

  1. To get the Clearance Certificate for Tax Clearance Certificate, applicants may apply either online or in person
  2. Apply online:
    1. Visit this website: Department of Revenue and Customs website: Link.
    2. How to  Obtain Tax Clearance Certificate In Bhutan
      How to Obtain Tax Clearance Certificate In Bhutan
    3. Login to RAMIS
    4. Go to Request for Tax Clearance Certificate
    5. Select the period for income.
    6. Select the purpose of the tax clearance certificate.
    7. Choose the type of certificate to be used.
    8. Click on the save button.
  3. On the spot: It is also possible to apply for a loan in person into your regional RRCO.

Office Locations and Contacts

Department of Revenue and Customs

Ministry of Finance
Thimphu, Bhutan.
PABX: +975-02-322319 / 333509
Fax: +975-02-323608

RRCO Thimphu
PABX: +975-02-323076 / 323609 / 328403
Fax: +975-02-324783

PABX: +975-08-272831 / 272832
Fax: +975-08-272830

RRCO Phuentsholing
PABX: +975-05-252356 / 252237 / 252253
Fax: +975-05-252224

RRCO Samtse
PABX: +975-05-365317 / 365318
Fax: +975-05-365356

RRCO Gelephu
PABX: +975-06-251078 / 251074
Fax: +975-06-251030

RRCO Bumthang
PABX: +975-03-631427 / 631536

RRCO Mongar
PABX: +975-04-641489 / 641163
Fax: +975-03-641545

RRCO Samdrup Jongkhar
PABX: +975-07-251015 / 251314
Fax: +975-07-251167


If you’re seeking to apply for the following reasons it is necessary to get an Tax Clearance Certificate (TCC) first from the Regional Revenue & Customs Office (RRCO) in the state where you are tax-payer registered:

  1. For claiming retirement benefits;
  2. Extraordinary leave/ Study leaves;
  3. The country is in training or for a period of six months or more;
  4. Revocation of PIT registration after death of a person in the event of death, a designated representative, or a family member or employer (if the death occurs while employed) must notify the relevant RRCO and request a tax certification;
  5. The cancellation of PIT registration in the event of a move in such a case the taxpayer needs to notify the concerned RRCO and request a tax clearance documents;
  6. Candidates for both local and national election at the local and national levels.

External Links

Department of Revenue and Customs

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