How To Obtain Wholesale License (Traditional Process) In Cape Verde

How To Obtain Wholesale License (Traditional Process) In Cape Verde

  • You can apply for the business admissibility certificate that you can obtain from the general directorate of registrations, notaries and the identification offices. You will receive an order receipt for payment. You will need to pay the application fee of CVE 600.
  • Download the application form 109 from Finance Ministry. Then visit the residence of the citizens to request an identification tax number(TIN) in the directorate general of contributions and tax department
  • Return at the directorate general of registrations, notaries and identification offices to request commercial registration. Pay the application fee of CVE 19,600. You will receive an order delivery receipt.
  • Get the registration number for the office you as mentioned above in (3) earlier.
  • Visit the Cape Verde National Press office within the Department of Sale, Budget and Invoicing Present the registration order and pay the publication in BO in the following manner and get the BO receipt of payment.
    • CVE 8,386 (1 page)
    • CVE 4,193 (1/2 page)
    • CVE 1,677 (1/4 page)
  • Make sure you submit the receipt for payment publication to the general directorate of notaries, registries and the identification offices, to ease the complexity in your request.
  • After the process, you will receive an official Commercial registration certification.
  • If you’re traveling abroad first, you must obtain an application form at the local Embassy.

Documents Required Obtain Wholesale License

  • Embassy declaration
  • Identity card
  • Tin
  • Articles of Association
  • Acceptability certificate issued by the firm
  • From 109
  • Registration purchase
  • The payment receipt is published
  • Receipts for payment of registration

Office Locations and Contacts

Tel: +238 261 14 97
Fax: +238 261 92 05

Plateau, Avenida Amilcar Cabral no 3, Praia
Tel: +238 260 55 00/25 / +263 800 2008
Fax: +238 261 24 02

CAPE Verde National Press
Rua 5 de Julho, Cidade da Praia, Praia
Tel: +238 261 21 45
Fax: +238 261 42 09

What Are All The Eligibility

  • Foreign investors and residents as well as citizens


Cost estimate for this procedure is CVE 34,456

  • CVE 19,600
  • CVE 8,386 (1 page)
  • CVE 4,193 (1/2 page)
  • CVE 1,677 (1/4 page)
  • CVE 600


  • The validity period is specified on the certificate.

Documents to Utilize

The Information You Need

  • Names
  • Address
  • Name of the Firm
  • Tin

Documentation is needed

For Cape Verde, in addition to the registration of the trader in the Commercial Registry Office the commercial activity requires a permit or license

External Links




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