How to Re-register a Motor Vehicle (Change Plate Category) In Uganda

Re-register a Motor Vehicle (Change Plate Category) In Uganda By Online

“Re-registration” for an automobile, refers to the process of registering a vehicle from one category of number plate to another, in which both categories of number plates can be registered by URA.There are two possible scenarios that occur when re-registering:

  • Motor vehicles that are Duty-Free with regular registration plates
  • Older series to new Series of Registration Number Plates.

Note that this process can only be done online. to apply for Re-Registration , you must have a fresh registration book that is in your name.

What is the procedure to use it?:

Web-based application:

  1. Visit the URA web portal and Login to your TIN account using TIN and password. Under the e-services section, Point on Motor Vehicles registration and then select the application from the expanded menu. Follow the instructions on the following page to complete your application : Guidelines to follow
  2. Select a the new form and then select the purpose of the application as a re-registration.
  3. Input all required fields, then go to the Register Trans & Dereg page and choose the plate category you wish to switch to.
  4. Click on the attachments and go to the Payment Registration page. Click Register Payment. The details of the fees for Re-Registration will automatically populate, choose the bank and payment method, before submitting the form.
  5. Once you have submitted the form, you’ll receive an electronic acknowledgement receipt. Go to the bottom of the page and print your receipt. then print the form as well as the payment slip. Pay in the chosen bank and send the your application to the Licensing office in your area.
  6. Your application will be forwarded by the Uganda Revenue authority(URA) headquarters office for approval.
  7. URA is going to acknowledge the receipt of the Motor Vehicle Registration application immediately following the submission of all required documents. URA will inform you of your application’s status within two working days of receiving all the information required.

Required Documents For Re-register a Motor Vehicle (Change Plate Category)

  • The application form must be completed by the applicant and stamped in the event that the applicant is a business
  • Original logbook
  • Old registration plate
  • Original copy of the applicant’s ID card
  • Physical verification report for the motor vehicle
  • Certificate of incorporation of a business
  • Letter of cover in the event that applicants are business
  • TCC in the event TCC in case of PSV and commercial vehicles

Office Locations and Contacts

UGANDA REVENUE Authorization:
P. O. Box 7279 Kampala Uganda
Telecommunications (0417) 442054 or 442055 4,43150 Fax: (0414)334419
Web portal:URA
URA Toll-free Helpline 0800117000

Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) branch offices : WEb

Offices that can access services to re-register within Uganda :


  • All motor vehicles that are registered to be registered in Uganda through the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA)


  • Motorcycle The motor cycle is UGX 123,000.
  • Motor vehicle: UGX 223,000
  • Other motor vehicle trailers or plant, such as tractors or engineer plants: UGX 104,000
  • Inspection charges for motorbikes for motorbikes: UGX 7,700
  • Inspection charges for motor vehicles for motor vehicle: $12,000 UGX
  • Personalized plate: UGX 6,000,000

Processing Time

  • URA will acknowledge receipt of your Motor Vehicle Re-registration application & Instantly & once you submit all the necessary documents and will notify you about your application status within 2 working days after receiving all the necessary information.ment/certificate.


Please be aware:

  • Moving from older number plates the new plates(this involves paying the fees for re-registration and the purchase of new plates)
  • Transferring from duty free plates to regular number plates, and changing from duty free to ordinary number plates and vice versa (this requires the payment of taxes on imports on the vehicle’s current value, registration fee and the purchase of new plates)
  • The transition from personalized to normal number plates, and reverse the process (this requires the payment of fees to re-register and the purchase of new plates)
  • Moving from regular plates to personalized ones (this requires the payment of re-registration fees and personalized plates , which are the equivalent of UGX 6,000,000)

Requirements Information

  • The full name that of the owner vehicle. Full name of the owner of the
  • Name of the person applying
  • Registration number of the car
  • Birth date of the owner
  • Nationality
  • The vehicle’s details (mode or make, the origin, etc.)

The document is needed

  • “Re-registration” with respect to a vehiclerefers to that a car from one category of number plate to another, in which both categories of number plates can be registered with URA.

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