How to Register a Birth In Malawi

Register a Birth In Malawi By Online

  1. Following the birth of the child, parents or guardians are provided with an official birth report
  2. Then, they fill in specifics that are required in the report.
  3. They sign their signatures and attach them to
  4. They then submit the birth record with the Registration Officer in the district in which the birth took place.
  5. The registrar will then record the birth date into the birth register, and then provides an official birth certificate.

Required Documents For Register a Birth

  1. Identification documents.
  2. Documentation of Malawian nationality
  3. Birth report

Office Locations and Contacts

1.The National Registration Bureau

Cabinet, Office of the President, and Cabinet

Capital Hill Circle, Private Bag 301

Capital City, Lilongwe 3, Malawi.

Telephone: +2651789311 / +2651789 411

2. Ministry of Health

P. O. Box 30377

Capital City, Lilongwe 3,

Malawi, Central Africa.

Tel: (+265) 1 789 400, /1 788 849/ 1 789 195

Fax: (+265) 1 789 431

Email: .


Children born to Malawi.


Birth registration in Malawi is absolutely free provided it is it is done within the first 6 months following the birth.


An Malawian Birth certificate can be used for the rest of your life.

Processing Time

It can take between 2 and 30 working days to document the birth of a child in Malawi


  • The Malawian National Registration Act was adopted in 2009, making birth registration mandatory and universal.
  • To be able to register the birth the parent or another representative should fill out the birth report and submit an original copy to the district’s registrar.
  • After giving birth, mothers can get a birth certificate in her postnatal visits or when she records the first vaccinations of her baby.

The Information You Need

  1. Name of the child
  2. Name of parents
  3. Contacts
  4. Address
  5. Age
  6. Nationality
  7. Occupation

The document is needed

  • It is mandatory for every baby born within Malawi to register.
  • Both parents must declare the birth of their child within 6 weeks.
  • In the absence of parents the responsible person will be appointed to register the child’s birth which includes those who are the primary household members which the baby was born, any person with whom the child’s birth, or any other person responsible for the child

Information that can be useful

  • Without a birth certificate from Malawi children are at greater chance of being victims of abuses such as children trafficking, and even early marriage. Additionally, they are more likely to be denied access health services, social services and education.

Other uses for the document/certificate

  • The act of registering a birth helps safeguard children from child trafficking and child labor
  • A birth certificate or report is required during the adoption process of a child.
  • A birth certificate or report is required to obtain Malawian identity documents such as those of the Identity Card, Drivers permit and passport.

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