How to Register a Legal Heir Certificate In Uganda

Register a Legal Heir Certificate In Uganda By Online

  1. If a person is killed in Uganda or elsewhere or in another country, or in another country, the representative (appointed by the Administrator General) of the region in which the death occurred or in which area the property is located must after receiving notification of the death or the death becoming apparent to him or her awareness, immediately notify the administrator general of the death, including all information about your property and the administrator general.
    • that the deceased made a will, naming an Administrator General to be the the sole executor of the will;
    • that the deceased who has made an estate plan by devising or leaving his or her estate , or the entirety of it, has not appointed an executor.
    • that the person or people designated as executors or executors of the will had been deceased prior to the testator’s death or have had renounced probate of the will;
    • that letters of probate or administration were not obtained within two months after the date of death of the testator, or
    • that the deceased person died inintestate succession i.e. when a person dies in intestate succession, without making will or the will is declared invalid
  2. A person who is applying for the legal heir certificate with the full and unqualified consent of the entire family of the deceased should go to the administrator general office with all the necessary documents and request the certificate of succession.
  3. The admiration general can verify who is the beneficiary of deceased people through a thorough analysis of their relation to their family to the deceased, and based on a the satisfaction of the results,
  4. An announcement of public interest for the an application for a legal heir certificates is published in the Gazette at least 14 days prior to the date of application.
    • Note The publication is done and granted this reasonable amount of time in order to allow anyone with any objections against the filed application to present their claim to authorities.
  5. If the publication deadline has passed and there is no objection the administration general issues those who benefit from the death of the person with the Certificate of Non-Objection that allows them to request Letters of Administration to the estate of the deceased.
  6. The beneficiaries will submit the no objection certificate to the court and ask for the legal certificate of heirship.
  7. The registrar at the top court or magistrate in the magistrate’s court conducts an investigation to determine if the person applying is the correct person to be granted the Certificate of the heir.
  8. Once confirmation is given after confirmation, the legal heir’s certificate is issued by the registrar of the high court or by the magistrate of the magistrate court based on the place where the application was filed.

Agent Contacts

(There could be additional costs associated for this process). Agent Disclosure

Angualia Busiku and Co. AdvocatesContact Email :,,
Contact Number : +256774477656, (256774110111)
Website: Links to the Website

The hours and days of operation are 8 am until 5:45 pm

Required Documents For Register a Legal Heir Certificate

  • The proof of death of the person who is to succeed (A funeral certificate or postmortem, as well as a Certificate of Liability letters that confirms the demise of the testator.
  • The LC has made a recommendation. LC
  • Identity Card of the applicant
  • Form of application that is signed
  • Identification/Address proof of the applicant
  • A will (in the case of one)
  • The proof of date of birth of all legal descendants
  • Self-undertaking affidavits of self-undertaking
  • The proof of death should be addressed to the deceased.

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of justice
Bauman House, Plot 5
Parliament Avenue
P.O.Box 7183, Kampala, Uganda. Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256-230802/254829
Fax: +256-414-230802/254829

Department of Administrator General
Lot 5 George Street Amamu House 2nd 3rd and 4th Floors George St,
Kampala 7151, Kampala KAMPALA, Uganda
Phone: +256 41 4341915

National Coordination office
Chambers F6 and F8 High Court Building
P.O. Box 26365
Kampala Uganda
Phone: 075 950 0440/1
Toll-free phone number 080 010 0210
Website: justice centers uganda

Justice Centre Tororo
Tororo Chief Magistrate’s Court
Uhuru Road Tororo
Phone; 075 950 0443
Toll free number 080 010 0211.

Justice Centre Lira
Lira chief Magistrate’s Court LIRA
Phone: 075 950 0442
Toll-free number 080 010 0212.


  • Lover of the dead
  • A son who was the dead
  • Son of deceased
  • Mom of the dead
  • The father of deceased


  • Fees differ based on where the an application is made.


  • Certificate is valid for life, but it can be cancelled by a judge in the event of a you file a petition

Processing Time

A month or more


The terms and conditions that you should be aware of prior to applying to the certificate

  • An endorsement letter issued by the LC must clearly show that the applicant for the certificate of heir is a suitable and appropriate person to submit the application.
  • Before you apply, make sure that the deceased person did not make any will or testamentary provision;
  • Make sure you have submitted all the required documents when lodging your application.
  • All family members must signify to the completed application
  • A legal heir is entrusted with the obligation to represent the deceased in all respects;
  • Unsound or minors is protected by an adult person.
  • The time for publication of the application should not be shorter than 14 days.

The Information You Need

  1. Name of deceased
  2. Name of applicant
  3. The applicant’s relationship with the deceased
  4. Applicant signature
  5. Application deadline
  6. The address of the applicant’s residence
  7. Time, date and place of the death of the deceased
  8. Information on all relatives and family members staying at the residence of the deceased
  9. Information on the rights in which the applicant is entitled to claim an the heir certificate
  10. The details of the property that was that was left behind by the decedent.

The Document is required

  • Legal heir certificates can be issued to the legal heirs of the deceased. If a person dies the legal heir may request the document. It’s issued to verify that the holder holds the right to be the person who represents the deceased and to manage the property left in the wake of their death.
  • The certificate also outlines the manner in which the property is maintained. This legal heirship certificate in Uganda is issued following an appeal hearing in the magistrate’s or high court court.

Information that could be helpful

According to the Uganda law, a “legal heir” can be defined in the following manner: “legal heir” is the relative living closest to an intestate according to the provisions in Part III of this Act along with and modified according to the following provisions:-

  • among relatives to the same extent the lineal descendant is preferable to a lineal ancestral and a lineal ancestral relative shall be preferred over an ancestor who is collateral and a paternal relative shall be preferred over an maternal ancestor.
  • in the event of equality as defined by paragraph (i) (i) of the paragraph above, a male will be more preferred over women;
  • when there is equality in paragraph (ii) (iii) of the paragraph above, the senior will be preferred over the younger
  • If no legal heir is in existence and is reasonably identifiable in paragraphs (i), (ii) and (iii) of this paragraph the husband or spouse of the deceased’s senior depending on the situation will be the legal heir.

Other uses for the document/certificate

Legal Heir certificate is needed to fulfill the following purposes:

  • Transfer of assets and properties of the deceased person on to the successors of his.
  • To claim insurance.
  • To process and sanction family pensions of the employee who has died.
  • To receive fees like gratuities, provident funds, etc. from the government
  • In order to pay the salary arrears of the deceased Central or state Government employees.
  • To get a job by obtaining compassionate appointments.

External Links

Administrator General’s Act
as well as justice inheritance tax and law in the country of Uganda
suceession act 1906



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