How To Register a TradeMark In Gabon

How To Register a TradeMark In Gabon

1.An applicant must choose the trademark which is suitable and appropriate for their products or services. The trader must ensure that the chosen trademark satisfies all of the requirements for trademarks suitable for registration;

2.Then the applicant is left in deciding whether to contact an agent of trademarks to aid in the process of submitting or apply for the trademark himself by herself. If the applicant chooses to work with an agent the applicant must ensure that the agent chosen is authorized to use the agent;

3.The applicant follows up by the process of conducting a thorough study and search for trademarks, which is used to assess the validity and eligibility of trademark. If the applicant has contacted an agent for trademarks, the agent aids in the process of carrying out the thorough study and search for trademarks;

4.If your trademark suitable for registration and registered, the person who applied (together with an agent if contactable) completes all necessary documents and files an application with the Organization Africaine de la Propriete Intellectuelle (OAPI). Central Office in Yaounde (Cameroon);

5.When the documents have been filed they are inspected and evaluated. If the trademark is in compliance with all requirements and there’s no indication of potential similar or identical trademarks the trademark is deemed to be accepted and registered with the Organization Africaine de la Propriete Intellectuelle (OAPI);

6.After registration an trademark that is registered is listed on the official Trademark Bulletin for a period of six (6) months beginning from the time of its publication. This is to let any person who might object to registration to submit their opposition to the authorities.

7.When there is no objection the trademark is acknowledged and registered in every member country that are members of the Organization Africaine de la Propriete Intellectuelle (OAPI);

Documents Required Register a TradeMark

1.Identification documents of the trademark owner

2.Copies of trademark

3.Registration certification for company or applicant;

4.Trading license for the company or applicant

5.A list of items / services that are offered

6.Payment slips;

7.Power to grant power of attorney (if a trademark agent is employed)

8.Authorization document from the original proprietor (if trademark was owned originally by someone else).

Office Locations and Contacts

Centre de Propriete Industrielle du Gabon (CEPIG)

Ministre du Commerce et du Dveloppement Industriel Charg du NEPAD


Telephone Number. : (241) 74 59 24

Fax: (241) 76 30 55

What Are All The Eligibility

  • Businesses and traders can be eligible to apply to register a trademark provided that the trademark is in compliance with standards


1.Trademark Registration Costs in OAPI USD are as follows:

(i)Trademark comprehensive study

  • One (1) class, approximately US$515.
  • Each additional class is approximately US$ 138.

(ii)Trademark registration request

  • One (1) to three (3) classes, approximately US$1514.
  • Each additional class around US$ 215

(iii)Publications in color around US$150.

Fees for trademark application in Euros

(i)Official charges in up-to three classes, approximately EUR 610.

(ii)Each additional class is about EUR 175

(iii)For a trademark that is colored, approximately EUR 75.


1.Ten (10) years;

2.A trader may keep the trademark for in the event that he / they renew the validity each time after 10 (10) years

Processing Time

(9) twelve (9) 12 (12) months


1.When the trademark has been registered it’s accepted in all Organization Africaine de la Propriete Intellectuelle (OAPI) member nations;

2.Applicants are encouraged to select trademarks that stand out and will not deceive anyone;

3.Ensure that the trademark you choose does not have a resemblance to another trademarks of other trader.

4.Ensure that the chosen trademark can be used in all countries without changing the meaning of the trademark;

5.A registered trademark may only be used to identify products or services for which it was registered for.

6.Always pick a trademark you can is simple to replicate without causing confusion and does not create confusion for the general public.

7.A trademark should be simple to pronounce, simple to spell and remember, especially if it’s in shape of a word

8.A trademark that is registered can’t be shared or used by other merchants;

9.Always renew trademark if registration expires;

10.Late renewals must be completed in the first 6 (6) months following the date of expiry and is carried out with additional late renewal costs;

11.Trademarks that are registered within Gabon can be registered on the OAPI level

12.Applicants should be aware within the mark, the OAPI member countries are considered to be one entity;

13.Like the other OAPI member nation, Gabon has no national trademark law.

14.It is impossible to register a trademark on the national level.

15.Trademark protection is only acquired after registration

16.Applicants must be aware that trademark protection cannot be acquired after registration

17.A selected trademark must be clearly visible

18.A trademark must possess the ability to differentiate the products or services of a particular seller from other products on the marketplace;

19.Applicants who are planning to utilize trademark agents must be aware of the possibility of fraud

20.Applicants must verify that a selected trademark agent is legally authorized to offer these services;

21.The applicant who opts to employ an agent for trademarks must grant the agent the legal authority to represent them;

22.Different power of attorney documents must be prepared for each trademark applications

23.Applicants are able to submit multiple classes of applications simultaneously;

24.Applicants are required to make separate applications for both goods and services

25.An official trademark registered is legal limited to the usage of the trademark’s owner.

26.Logos that are submitted as trademarks are printed both in white and black.

27.Publications in color are made for an additional charge;

The Information You Need

1.Name of applicant/mark owner

2.Physical and contact information of the trademark owner

3.Nationality of the person who applied or trademark owner

4.Particulars or specifications for the goods or services that the trademark is designed for or used to describe


6.Desired trademark class

Documentation is needed

A trademark is an emblem, name, or any other type of text or device which identifies a particular product on the market. In Gabon the registration of trademarks is conducted in accordance with the Organization Africaine de la Propriete Intellectuelle (OAPI). It is a grouping made up of French and French-speaking African countries. Gabon is also included. Registration of trademarks through the Organization Africaine de la Propriete Intellectuelle (OAPI) in Gabon is managed by Centre de Propriete Industrielle du Gabon (CEPIG) (CEPIG) – Ministre du Commerce et du Dveloppement Industriel Charg du NEPAD

Information that might be useful editInformation that could be helpful [ edit

1.Member nations belonging to the Organization Africaine de la Propriete Intellectuelle (OAPI) include Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal and Togo;

2.Organization Africanine de la Propriété Intellectuelle (OAPI) offers two (2) types of trademark registration , namely two types of trademark registration:

  • Classes 1 through Class 34 for goods; and
  • Classes 35 through Class 42 for the provision of services;

3.Registration can be deleted if the trademark is not utilized in the 5 (5) years after the date of registration, or if it was not in use continuously for five years;

Other uses for the document/certificate

  • If the trademark is registered the owner enjoys a right to own it;
  • The trademark registered by the trademark holder is legally protected
  • A trademarked product are easily identifiable;

External Links

How To Register a TradeMark In Gabon
How To Register a TradeMark In Gabon



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