How to Register a Trademark In United States

Register a Trademark In United States By Online

The process of registering a trademark is different depending on whether you have already used the trademark or are planning to make use of the trademark. Another process must be followed if the trademark was applied for the trademark in a different country. Here is the procedure for how to fill in a trademark which is which is being employed in commerce.

  1. Make an application:You must provide the date when you first began using your trademark as well as an example (real-use example) that shows how the mark is actually utilized in connection with the products or services. The application you file will be assigned a serial number that should be used whenever you communicate with USPTO. You must also give the serial number to verify the status of your application either online or over the telephone. Online filing: Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS)
  2. USPTO will examine the application The USPTO will review your application to determine whether your minimum requirements for filing are fulfilled. The request will then be assigned an examiner attorney. The examiner will review your application in order to decide if federal law allows registration. * USPTO publishes marks: If the examining attorney is unable to find a reason to reject the application or require additional information, he will accept the mark to be published on the Official Gazette (OG). The OG is a biweekly online publication, informs to the public that USPTO is planning to issue an application for registration. About one month after approval the mark will published within the OG for a 30 day opposition period. Anyone who believes that they will cause harm through the registration could make an opposition (opposition) within that 30 day period before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. The trademark trial and appeal board will not take further action until the objection is resolved.
  3. Registering of trademarks: Approximately 3 months following the date the mark was first appeared within the Official Gazette, if no opposition is filed and the mark is registered, the USPTO will issue a trademark registration

Office Locations and Contacts

USPTO Contact Center (UCC)Toll-Free: 800-786-9199
Local: 571-272-1000
TTY: 800-877-8339
USPTO Places

Patent And trademark copy fulfillment Branch
Local: 571-272-3150
Fax: 571-273-3250
Contact information for trademarks


Trademark Processing Fees


Federal trademark registrations for trademarks that were issued following November 16 1989, are valid for 10 years and can renew for 10 year terms. Trademark registrations renewed or issued up to the date of November 16, 1989, remain valid for a period of 20 years and can be renewed on 10-year terms.

Registration renewal Within one year of the expiration of each 10-year period following the date of registration, or within the grace period of six months period that follows the owner of the registration must make a combined Declaration for Use, or an an Excusable Nonuse/Request for Renewal under Sections 8 and 9. Failure to file these mandatory filings can result in the either the cancellation or expiration of the registration.

Processing Time

Registration of a trademark that is currently employed in commerce:

  1. Application Filed: 3 months
  2. Review by USPTO About 1 month
  3. Publication of the trademark: About 3 months


Search the USPTO’s Trademark Database:

It is not necessary to check the database however it’s better that you do so, to ensure that the trademark you’re seeking hasn’t been registered or has any similarity to other products or services.

If you found an outcome that you believe could conflict with your trademark and you are concerned about it, then you must look at the status of the application to determine whether the registration or application is “live,” since any “dead” mark can’t be used to prevent an application that is new.

Please note that USPTO doesn’t provide advice regarding the existence of a trademark prior to making an application.

Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS)

The Registration Procedure:

The registration of trademarks is an official procedure that has deadlines, requirements and requirements to be fulfilled by the applicants. The trademarks that are registered for not all applicants.

The Information You Need

If you want to register a trademark that is currently employed in commercial transactions you need to provide the date when you first began using your trademark as well as an example (real-use example) which shows how the trademark is actually used to describe the products or services.

Documentation is needed

Here’s a quick and easy procedure that you can follow to apply for a trademark registration.

External Links

  • United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO):



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