How To Register a Vehicle In Cape Verde

How To Register a Vehicle In Cape Verde

  • You have to register your vehicle within 30 days from the date you received the registration card for the vehicle.
  • All required documents must be submitted to the authority responsible for registration.
  • Make sure you pay the correct registration fee.

Documents that are required Register a Vehicle

For vehicles coming from Cape Verde:

  • Application form that is completed and found at Registry Office
  • Car Registration Card
  • Registration of title of ownership
  • The transferor’s statement (who sells, conveys, or gets rid of the car)
  • Document that certify the legality that blocks the recognition, acquisition, or division of the ownership for the car.

For vehicles imported:

  • Application form that is completed and accessible at Registry Office
  • Car Registration Card
  • Document that states that the vehicle has passed the licensing authority

Conventional mortgage

  • The application form is found at Registry Office
  • Car Registration Card
  • Ownership Certificate
  • A mortgage contract

Office Locations and Contacts

DGVSRCentral Services

  • Tel: (+238) 2613525/2615707
  • Fax: (+238) 2611124

St. Vincent

  • Tel: (+238) 2315179
  • Fax: (+238) 2325440


Conservatria Dos Registos Predial, Comercial E Automvel
Cha de Areia
Phone: (238)2614697

Conservatria dos Registos do Sal
Phone: (238) 2411760 / 2611760

Conservatria dos Registos Civil de So Vicente
Phone: (238) 2315105 / 2415313

What Are All The Eligibility

Following vehicles can be registered as follows:

  • Cars owned by a business with legal identity
  • Cars that are to be transferred or sold to a buyer, seller or representative.


The cost of registration differs for each situation according to the kind of vehicle to be registered as well as the method by which it was obtained.

Need to have the Document

  • Registration of vehicles is required from the government. Its goal is to prove ownership of vehicles and also to tax motorists or owners of vehicles.
  • Most vehicles carry an individual vehicle identification number however only registered vehicles have a registration plate for their vehicle and are accompanied by a registration certificate.
  • A motor vehicle is only allowed to be driven on roads that are public when it is registered and is displaying the plate number. The vehicle has to comply with the regulations, and also meet the safety standards of roads and be insured by a third party.

External Links

  • Cape Verde Government Web Portal:,188596&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL&p_dominio=25&p_menu=38&p_item=165&p_ent_det=1199#
  • Commonly asked questions:



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