How to Register as a Refined Sugar Importer with Trade Board Limited In Jamaica

Register as a Refined Sugar Importer with Trade Board Limited In Jamaica

  1. You must apply to the Trade Board Limited (TBL) in order to register as an importer of refined sugar. You can view the TBL Contact Details through this link .
  2. Download the registration form from TBL or ask for it at the TBL office.
  3. Attach the supporting documents to the application form.
  4. Pay the application fees at cashier in the TBL office to receive the payment receipt
  5. Send the completed application, along with a copy the payment receipt, to the TBL official at your service unit
  6. TBL officials will review the application and verify that it is correct. All supporting documents must be attached.
  7. After verification, the TBL will set an inspection date for your operation to assess it.
  8. The facility will be inspected by TBL inspectors who will then send their inspection report to TBL.
  9. Your application and inspection report will be reviewed by the board. If your application meets the requirements, registration will be granted.
  10. The approval will be communicated to you via your contact information and the registration certificate will then be issued to the address provided.

Required Documents For Register as a Refined Sugar Importer with Trade Board Limited

  • Register now
  • Complete declaration form
  • Application for Import Quantities
  • Completed Product Analysis Form
  • Production records
  • Certificate of incorporation
  • Tax Compliance Certificate (must have current)
  • Tax Registration Number (Card).
  • Where applicable, purchase orders from the manufacturer

Find Office Locations and Contact

The Trade Board LTDAddress at 10th Floor, Air Jamaica Building 72 Harbour Street Kingston
Tel: (876)-967-0507 Toll-Free (Jamaica Only):1-888-367-8247
Fax: (876)-948-541 or (876)-948-74686
Supporting Documents Email:
– Website
Contact details
Hours of Operation: Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM


  • Individuals and companies that import refined can apply


  • For details on fees, contact the appropriate authority


  • The certificate is valid for a year

Documents for Use

Requirements Information

  • Full Name of the Business/Individual
  • TRN Number
  • Address for Business Mailing
  • Address of the Production Facility
  • Contact details
  • General Manager/Managing Director/Other
  • Contact the person
  • Board of Directors
  • Employees
  • Manufactured Product
  • Name and address of the supplier
  • Equipment used
  • Size for factories
  • Refined sugar used in production
  • Declaration

You will need the document

  • This certificate shows that you are registered with TBL for refined sugar importation

External Links



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