How To Register as Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) In Austria

How To Register as Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) In Austria

To become an EORI Operator, an person applying is required to fill out an on-line application. The following link gives more details regarding the process of submitting the application: More Details

This link gives contact details that could be useful : Contact Info

Office Locations and Contacts

Office locations are able to be contacted to register and obtaining identifications: office locations


Requirements for Registration for Identification card

  • Uniquely identify economic operators and others who interact with customs authorities.
  • It is mandatory to mention this throughout all communication (applications in the customs process appeals, declarations of customs, etc.).) between the operator of the business or other individuals as well as the customs authorities (including in member states that are not members of the EU).
  • Also used for exchanging information with customs officials and other authorities.

Who is required to sign up:All economic operators who are involved in activities (including inactively) within the context of their business which are subject to customs law (e.g. as an exporter, importer declaration holder, authorisation holder, or declarant in customs procedures, or similar) and who have a domicile or registered office in the customs area within the European Union (specifically the Austrian customs territory) Austria) have to register at Austrian customs administration Austrian customs administration in order to be given the EORI number. non-economic actors (e.g. private individuals) are also eligible to sign up. Every economic operator is assigned one EORI number which is then used by the business as well as, if appropriate branches of the business operator across Europe. European Union.

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