How to Register for Copyright Protection In Jamaica

Register for Copyright Protection In Jamaica By Yourself

  1. You must submit an application to the Jamaica Intellectual Property Office in order to register for copyright protection in Jamaica. You can view the JIPO office address map and contact details by clicking this link: Link
  2. You can obtain the registration form for copyright registration from the JIPO office, or download it from their site through this link Link. Alternativly, you can also download the form directly from this link Link
  3. In the presence of a Justice of the Peace official, read and complete the application form. If the copyright owner is a minor, the declaration must be signed by either a parent or legal guardian.
  4. You will be charged the appropriate copyright fee. Pay this fee to the JIPO account. You will receive a receipt.
  5. Send the JIPO office a copy of your work along with the application form in an envelope sealed and self-addressed.
  6. JIPO will review your application and then register it for protection. It is required by the Jamaican Legal Deposits Act that anyone publishing any library matter in Jamaica (which can include any document, paper record or tape) must deposit copies of the publication at the National Library of Jamaica. The deposit provides a public record link between the publisher of the work and the publisher.
  7. JIPO will issue a certificate to you upon registration of your work. This can be used as evidence for your claim that the work was registered with JIPO at a specific date.


  • You don’t have to register a copyright. However, you can use the voluntary process to submit your content to JIPO. 

Required Documents For Register for Copyright Protection In Jamaica

  • Please complete the application form
  • Copy of work must be protected
  • Receipt of payment

Find Office Locations and Contacts

Jamaica Intellectual Property OfficeAddress 18 Trafalgar Road Kingston 10 Jamaica, West Indies
Tel: 876.946-1300, 946-0789, 946-9216
Fax: 876.927-6744
For copyrights:
Website: Link

National Library of Jamaica
Address: 12 East Street Kingston
Tel: (876)967-1526, (876)967-1526, (876)967-2494

Local Societies

Jamaica Music Society Ltd. (JAMMS).
Address: Building #2
7 Stanton Terrace
Kingston 6
Tel: 876 978 3275 / 876 322 4245

The Jamaica Association of Authors
Composers & Publishers – JACAP
21 Connolley Avenue
Kingston 4
Tel: 876 9486439, 876 9485937


  • To be eligible for copyright protection, you must first own the work. The Copyright Act can be used to protect all Jamaican citizens, nationals, habitual residents, and corporate bodies that have been established under Jamaican Law. Jamaican Law protects nationals, citizens, habitual residents, corporate bodies, as well as corporate bodies, established under laws of other countries (listed under Regulations under Act). These include the United States, Canada and countries of the European Union.


  • Copyright to choose GAD fee


  • Copyright in literary and dramatic, musical, or artistic works is valid for the life of the author, as well as fifty (50) years following the death.
  • Copyright is a right that lasts fifty years after the end of the broadcast or cable program in which they were broadcast.
  • Copyright in a typographical arrangement in a published edition lasts 25 years after the first publication.

Documents for Use

Application form:Link

Examples of documents

Link Example of how to fill out the application form


  • Copyright covers original literary, dramatic or musical works, sound recordings and films, broadcasts, cable programs, and typographical arrangements in published editions.
    • Literary works are works that are spoken or sung and written, other than musical or dramatic works. They include poetry, novels, sermons, computer programs, and plays.
    • Dances and mimes are examples of dramatic works.
    • Music refers to the melody of the work, lyrics are considered literary works.
    • Graphic works include paintings, drawings and charts as well as plans, engravings.
  • Registering for copyright protection under Copyright Act of Jamaica, or any copyright laws of member countries of Berne Convention for protection of Literary and Artistic Works is not required nor mandatory.
  • To obtain protection, it is not necessary to deposit work at JIPO.
  • Copyright does no protect titles or names. However, it may cover slogans, short phrases, ideas, concepts and processes. Methods and factual information could also be protected.

Requirements Information

  • Name of the work
  • Description of the work
  • Date and country where the work was done
  • If published, the country and the date of publication
  • Number of authors
  • Information about the Author/s
  • Next of Kin
  • Address details
  • Name/s of Copyright Owner/s
  • The right to continue for a certain amount of time
  • Deposited by
  • Declaration
  • Witness
  • Dates and signature

You will need the document

  • Copyright protection proves you are the rightful owner of the work. It is illegal to use it without your permission.

Information that might be of assistance

  • Copyright guide: Link

External Links

JIPO: Link



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