How to Register on The Jamaica Single Window For Trade (JSWIFT) As An Individual In Jamaica

Register on The Jamaica Single Window For Trade (JSWIFT) As An Individual In Jamaica By Online

  1. Register as an Individual to the JSWIFT System by visiting the Link website.
  2. To access the online registration page, click “Register” in the upper right corner of the information bar.
  3. Fill out all required fields and attach your valid government-issued ID.
  4. Complete the contact section, then click on “Add Contact” to save your phone number.
  5. Click on the checkbox next to “I have read the Terms and Conditions” to confirm that you agree.
  6. Follow the instructions to complete the test. Once the test is completed, check the box that says “I’m not an automated robot”. Click on “Submit” and you will be taken to the confirmation page where you can review your information.
  7. Check the information and click “Confirm Submission”.
  8. After confirming your submission, a pop-up notification will inform you that your application has been submitted successfully. You will also receive an email shortly thereafter
  9. The JSWIFT responsible authority will review your application and, if approved by them, you will receive an email with your JSWIFT username.
  10. Open the approval email from JSWIFT in your email account. To access the JSWIFT password-creation page, read the email and click the “Create Password” hyperlink.
  11. Enter the desired password, confirm it, and then click “Create”. If the password matches well, you’ll receive a popup notification informing that your password was sent successfully. Click on the “OK” button to proceed to the sign-in page
  12. To log in to your JSWIFT account, enter your username and password

Required Documents For Register on The Jamaica Single Window For Trade (JSWIFT) As An Individual

  • Tax Registration Number (TRN).
  • Valid government identification document

Find Office Locations and Contacts

Jamaica Single Window For Trade (JSWIFT).Telephone (876) 750-3050, (876) 750-3096-7


  • Jamaican residents and citizens with a valid government ID and tax registration number


  • The application is free

Processing Time

  • The application is processed in one day


To view the ID issued by Government,

  • When uploading the document, make sure your photo and details are clearly visible
  • Check that the information entered by the Government ID corresponds to the photo ID.
  • If you have an expired voter’s identification, please enter the expiry dates as the month and day of expiration. The expiration year should be the current year.

Requirements Information

  • Name
  • TRN
  • Date of birth
  • Email address
  • Government ID details
  • Contact information
  • Address

You will need the document

  • This registration is used to apply for JSWIFT-regulated services such as permits or licenses

Information that might be of assistance

  • Registration guideline:Link

External Links



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