How to Renew Aircraft Maintenance Engineer License In Uganda

Renew Aircraft Maintenance Engineer License In Uganda By Online

  1. The holder or a holder of an Aviation Maintenance Engineers Licence must apply for renewal for a minimum of two months in advance of the expiry date in the manner and form as prescribed by the Authority.
  2. The holder is required to perform similar work to that required to grant the licence, for a total of at least six consecutive months within the twenty-four months preceding the date of expiration of the licence.
  3. Anyone who does not renew their licence following the expiration date can do so within the next 12 months as long as he can prove that they were consistently engaged in work throughout the extended period.
  4. The person who does not submit a request for renewal during the prolonged time that is provided in regulation (3) or is unable to show that they have consistently engaged in actual job during that time must pass an examination prior to the time his license is renewed.
  5. A person who holds an air maintenance engineer’s license cannot be able to use the privileges granted by the license unless it is maintained as per the guidelines set by the Authority.

Required Documents For Renew Aircraft Maintenance Engineer License

  • A licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (LAME) who seeks an additional rating must meet the standards of the rules.
  • Candidates must have 18 years old.
  • The applicant must satisfy the experience, knowledge and competencies required for the grade sought.
  • The applicant must show the ability to write, read, and speak and understand the English language.
  • The applicant must be able to pass all the examinations required for the grade sought within 12 months prior to the date on which they file the renewal form.

Office Locations and Contacts

Civil Aviation AuthorityAirport Road Entebbe International Airport
P.O. Box 5536 Entebbe, Uganda
+256 312/414 352000
Email Address:
Web site: link


A maintenance engineer for aircraft Licence is renewed when the holder exhibits an amount that is appropriate to the privileges that are renewed, the skills judgment and ability to provide a secure efficient, timely and orderly control within the six months prior to the date of renewal application.


License for the maintenance engineer of aircraft charges for the grant of a license , renewal, or the addition of the rating must be:

  • License or renewal after exam 30,000+/-
  • The rating is included of 10,000+
  • Additional exam 10,000or more
  • Renewal of licenses without examination 10,000or more


Validity: 2 years

Document Samples

Application Form

Processing Time

Processing time for 1 day

Requirements Information

  • Full names
  • Physical and postal addresses
  • Place and date of birth
  • Nationality
  • Gender
  • Identification of Approved Training Organization where you were instructed
  • Specifics of the Licence that is currently in force (Place and Date of Issue, Type of Licence Number and Expiry Date )
  • Have you yet been examined and received a medical certificate according to regulations of the Civil Aviation Regulations
  • Are you able to write, read, or speak and comprehend the English language according to the English requirements for proficiency in the English language of the Civil Aviation Regulations.
  • If you’ve satisfied all requirements required for the issue of this licence
  • Declaration
  • Signing of the Applicant
  • Date of application

Information that could be helpful

Someone who has an current or legitimate Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence (AMEL) issued by a different contracting state may apply for and be granted an official certificate of validity and the correct rating, if the applicant

  • has a licence that is not subject to an order of suspension or revocation by the country that issued the license;
  • has a licence that doesn’t include an endorsement which states that the applicant does not meet all the requirements of ICAO to be granted the licence;
  • is not currently an authorization granted by the Authority is not currently licensed by the Authority;
  • The ability to speak, read or write and comprehend the English language according to the requirements for proficiency in English language set forth in the 3rd Schedule.

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